DLL error repair program: review of the best and reviews

Every literate user knows that after some time after the initial installation of any operating system of the Windows family, the computer starts to work with obvious signs of violations. And this is far from always due to the accumulation in the system of a huge amount of junk files or objects that were not deleted after completing work with some application or after uninstalling it. Quite often, failures can occur due to the absence or damage of special system components in the form of dynamic libraries of the DLL format. How to fix such failures? You can do this either on your own, or using specialized programs to fix DLL errors. Further, it is proposed to consider all options for action, however, the main emphasis will be placed on the software.

Why are there problems with dynamic DLLs?

To begin with, let's find out why such failures occur, because the system seems to have been installed correctly, and the user did not particularly interfere with its work.

Example DLL missing message

The absence or damage to DLLs is usually explained by the influence of various virus threats, however, the occurrence of such situations can often be associated with the incorrect installation of some additional platforms. In particular, a lot of problems are observed with improper installation or updating of DirectX components, because of which the games installed on the computer simply stop running. Also, this problem can be partially due to the fact that some types of software require the presence of additional MS Visual C ++ platforms, and it is often necessary to install completely different modifications. But the user sees that some version has an earlier year of release and thoughtlessly deletes it, believing that a newer version will work better. This is the deepest error. In no case can you delete different versions of Visual C ++ for different software. However, in the operating system itself there are enough DLL libraries, and they can be damaged, for example, due to the same unfinished updates, which is especially pronounced in the seventh and tenth modifications.

Basic troubleshooting methods

Despite the fact that preference will be given specifically to third-party software, you should decide on the main methods for troubleshooting this type of problem and find out what measures can be taken in general. Indeed, if the problem is, so to speak, local in nature, when the message indicates that one or more files are missing, it is not always advisable to use the same free programs to fix DLL errors. It is absolutely elementary that you can fix the problem yourself by downloading the necessary file from the Internet (though you will have to look for a trusted source) and then registering it in the system. However, as testimonials from users and specialists, in a global context, the situation is usually not corrected, since the problem may affect other important components. And their number can exceed tens and hundreds (even despite the fact that the operating system operates without visible disruptions).

Manual search for files and their registration in the system

Let us leave aside consideration of the main programs for fixing DLL errors in Windows 7 and higher, and we will dwell on the description of a manual technique, which in some cases may come in handy. At least there will be nothing wrong with the fact that users will have an idea about it (you never know when it may be needed).

Methods of registering DLL in Windows

The essence of this method is to turn to a specialized resource on the Internet, on which theoretically all the main DLLs for different versions of Windows can be assembled, download the file of the required bit size to your computer, place it in the desired location (usually these are System32 and SysWOW64 for systems with x86 and x64 bits, respectively), and then register the component on the system using either the Run console or a command line launched as administrator with the regsvr32 NAME.dll command, where NAME is n library file name.

Best DLL Error Repair Programs

As already mentioned, this method is quite inconvenient in the sense that it may be necessary to perform such actions for a large number of missing or damaged files, and problems may concern not only the dynamic libraries themselves, but also those related to uninstall other system components. That is why it is best to use automated programs to fix DLL errors. Among all that is offered on the Internet, four main and, according to experts, the best utilities can be especially noted:

  • Microsoft FixIt.
  • DLL Suite.
  • DLL Files Fixer.
  • Anvisoft PC Plus.

Microsoft FixIt

The first in the list is an application from Microsoft. Do not look at the fact that the main purpose of the application is to troubleshoot possible problems with the "Update Center", it can also be used as a program for fixing DLL errors in Windows 8 or in any other system modification. The utility is available in several variations. To choose the right tool for yourself, you need to go to the "Troubleshooting Center" section on the official Microsoft website, indicate the type of problem, and only then download the applet.

MS FixIt Utility

The program itself is almost completely automated, however, if fatal errors are found during the scanning of missing libraries, the application will give recommendations on the use of the most appropriate method to correct the situation.

Note: immediately note that this utility is free, and all the rest can be found in the form of programs for fixing DLL errors with keys that are freely available on the Runet, although this is unlawful (the programs themselves must be purchased officially). Nevertheless, they can and should be used. Even trial versions with limited functionality work no worse than full modifications.

DLL Suite

Before us is perhaps the most striking and powerful representative of the utilities of the described direction. This program for fixing DLL errors in Windows 10 (especially if you take into account the latest ninth version) is quite interesting. Unlike previous modifications, which were focused solely on identifying problems with dynamic libraries, the latest version is able to fix registry errors, and also eliminates problems with system files in the SYS and EXE formats.

DLL Suite 9

In it, you can use either automatic detection of problems with their subsequent correction, or even manual download of the necessary missing file. The application is available both as a stationary version and as a portable application. The only problem that users often complain about is that some antiviruses recognize the latest modification as undesirable software and immediately after installing even the official version of the product downloaded from the developer's site, they remove the executable file of the package (in particular, antivirus applets from ESET yourself that way).

Temporarily disable antivirus

To avoid such problems, during the installation of the application, the antivirus must be disabled, and immediately after installation, add the program to the antivirus exclusion list.

DLL Files Fixer

This program for fixing DLL errors cannot be called a program, since the application is an additional client designed to download missing libraries from the DLL-Files.com website.

DLL-Files Fixer

The principle of use is to enter the name of a missing or damaged system component in a special field, then download it to a computer and register it. True, registration will be done automatically. To avoid problems in the utility, a tool for creating backup copies is provided separately. In the premium version, you can use automatic scanning.

Anvisoft PC Plus

This application is a general program, however, it fixes problems with DLLs no worse than other tools. In a sense, this application can be attributed to the class of optimizers, since the main functionality is aimed specifically at improving system performance.

Anvisosft PC Plus Program

However, one of the priorities of the actions taken is to restore the integrity of the system, which is done precisely by searching for and recovering lost system files, including DLL components. Actually, like any other optimizer, this application provides automatic scanning, identification and correction of problems found.

What is the best program for fixing errors with DLL files?

Finally, only the question remained open, which method should be preferred by the user for eliminating possible malfunctions and failures that may occur in the system due to the absence or damage of DLL components. Despite some problems with antiviruses, it is still recommended to use the DLL Suite program, because among all the presented software, it looks the most powerful. If, for some reason, the ninth version is not installed, or if you cannot get it ignored by the antivirus, install the eighth modification. She is just fine. However, it will not work to fix registry errors, as well as EXE or SYS files. To do this, you can install its full analogue - the program DLL Care, which, however, is also paid.

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