How to buy an apartment: basic recommendations

In the lives of many people, buying a home is the biggest deal. How to buy an apartment and not regret later on the spent forces and wasted finances?

Memo on how to buy an apartment

At the initial stage, you need to decide who specifically will be involved in the design and purchase of the apartment. You can turn to the services of professional realtors or start an independent search for housing. In any case, you must be extremely careful about this issue.

How to buy an apartment - the first rule

It is not recommended to give private announcements about buying an apartment in newspapers and on the Internet. Seek help from sellers or from officially registered real estate firms. Otherwise, it is easy enough to become a victim of pure extortion. By giving such an announcement, you automatically advertise the presence of a considerable amount of money.

How to buy an apartment - the second rule

When an apartment is found that meets certain requirements, it is necessary to check the availability and validity of the passport of the seller. If the seller (agency representative or private person) works by general power of attorney, it is advisable to personally meet with the owner of the property for sale. You need to make sure that this person is alive, and check his passport. It is important to find out if he gave anyone a general power of attorney to sell his own apartment. He could give it completely for other purposes that are not related to the alienation of his home.

How to buy an apartment - the third rule

The next step is to verify that the owner (seller) of the apartment is not an alcoholic, is not registered with a neuropsychiatric dispensary and with a narcologist. Without fail, require certificates confirming this fact.

Also, contact the local inspector to find out the following data: whether the owner was treated for drug addiction, alcoholism and whether he is undergoing such treatment at the moment. In these cases, even if the price of the apartment is acceptable, do not purchase it.

How to buy an apartment - the fourth rule

It is necessary to check who (in addition to the owner) is registered in this apartment. This can be found out from the extract of the house book or checked in the REU yourself. If children under the age of eighteen are registered in this apartment, ask the seller for a certificate authorizing the sale of the property if there are minors registered in it. If the apartment is privatized and the children are the owners, then without this certificate the notary will simply not draw up an agreement on the purchase of the apartment.

How to buy an apartment - the fifth rule

Having solved the issue with the registration of children, it is necessary to check all the persons who are registered in the apartment. They can be adults (ex-husband or wife) who have the right to own this apartment. Be sure to decide on their discharge with the seller, because their whereabouts may not be known. It’s possible that they don’t want to leave the apartment after the sale by its owner.

How to buy an apartment - the sixth rule

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the right to sell an apartment and receive money for it should be noted in the general power of attorney. Only in this case it is possible to transfer money for an apartment to a person working by proxy. But even with this condition, it is necessary to take a receipt from the seller confirming receipt of money.

Seventh rule and last

Keep in mind that after signing an apartment purchase agreement, this document is subject to registration. Only when this condition is met, the apartment becomes the property of the buyer.

An important issue is the moment of transfer of funds. When transferring money to the buyer, it is recommended to take a receipt from the seller.

Conclusions: how to make an apartment purchase

All certificates provided by the seller must be checked by inquiries to the authorities that issued these documents. Turning to lawyers to complete and accompany a real estate purchase transaction will significantly reduce possible risks.

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