Why in a dream to babysit children? Dream Interpretation: meaning, interpretation

If you happen to babysit children in your night dreams, the dream book most often considers this a good sign. But a more accurate interpretation of such a vision may depend on how you felt in a dream: joy or anxiety, tenderness or discontent. Therefore, it is better to seek advice from well-known interpreters.

dream book to babysit someone else's child

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

At the American psychologist Gustav Miller, we will find explanations for several situations with a small child that the sleeping person could see:

  • If a woman had a chance to cradle several babies at once in a dream - in reality she will be deceived by a person who enjoys her unlimited trust.
  • I dreamed that the child was naughty, and you are trying to calm him down - in the near future fate is preparing a test for you, but you should not allow yourself to be unsettled.
  • In this dream book, to babysit someone else's child means the following - the sleeping person can be appointed to a responsible position, in which, he will gain the respect of others.
  • Did you see a very tiny baby? On the way to the realization of your tasks, you will encounter many obstacles. Thanks to hard work, patience and perseverance, all difficulties can be overcome.
  • They rocked a crying baby in a dream - this means that the problems you encountered are completely solvable.
  • Did someone else in your night dreams dream of babysitting children? The dream book promises to receive good news.
what is the dream of nursing a child

Interpretation according to different dream books

Other dream books have also given attention to dreams in which someone has babied children.

Miss Hasse believes that such a dream promises the sleeper to achieve the desired well-being through hard work. If in the night dreams he had a chance to nurse a baby boy, the dream book clarifies that material well-being will improve. If it was a girl - the dreamer is waiting for interesting events, vivid emotions, new hobbies.

According to Rommel's dream book, if in the night visions you have babysit children, in reality you are overwhelmed by debts and worries.

According to the Esoteric dream book, to babysit children means the following: the plans that the sleeper is carrying, he is unlikely to be able to translate into reality.

The Wandererโ€™s dream interpretation explains this dream as follows: a person is overcome by a state of vague anxiety. He feels the approach of troubles, but does not understand what can serve as their cause.

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova promises a sleeping man who was messing with a baby in a dream that he will have new minor worries either at work or at home.

From Longoโ€™s dream book we can learn that a person who in his nightly dreams nurtured children will have to take part in resolving a difficult situation.

dream book to babysit baby boy

Why dream of babysitting a woman

The significance of such dreams for the fairer sex may depend on what the baby's behavior was.

  • If the dreamer just held the child in her arms - soon she would have to shoulder many additional worries.
  • In a dream, the child was troubled and inconvenient - a woman needs to take care of her health, since such a vision can be a sign of deterioration in well-being.
  • The young lady nursed her child in a dream - in reality awaiting pleasant news.
  • I dreamed of a hysterically crying baby - such a vision could be a harbinger of family disagreements.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a dream with a small child, he can predict the gender of the unborn child. A boy will be born if in her vision of the baby the man was holding in his arms, and the girl if the woman was holding the baby.
dream book to babysit baby girl

Why dream of babysitting a man

The interpretation of such a dream may depend on what kind of child he saw in his nightly dreams.

  • The man saw in his dream only one child - in reality it is very important for him to achieve success in the business that he planned.
  • If he had a chance to babysit children in his nightly dreams, the dream book speaks of him as a person who has grandiose plans.
  • I dreamed that the baby was naughty, and you indulge him in order to calm him down - you will achieve success at work if you make the maximum effort. But this is provided that the child managed to cope. If he continues to be mischievous, it is better to postpone the implementation of his planned endeavors for a while.
  • If one of the acquaintances asked a representative of the stronger sex in a dream to sit with someone else's child - in reality this person will give the sleeping man some orders.
  • A man had to nurse a baby girl in his nightly dreams? The dream interpretation considers it a harbinger of meeting friends or receiving good news from relatives.

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