Details on how to find people by photo

Today we’ll talk about how to find people by photo. Of course, a standard procedure for finding a person has been developed. However, there are cases when there is very little data about him and the only clue is the picture. Then you should use all available means.


how to find people by photo
The question of how to find people from photographs is especially relevant if, after meeting a certain person, you are too keen on communication and forget to ask his name, address, and other data. In any case, in this situation, you can find a way out. Modern information technologies will help us achieve the desired result.


If you want to find a person from a photograph with the involvement of the media, you can contact the most famous program for finding missing people - “Wait for me”. The project has an official resource on the Internet, where you should contact. You can also write a letter to the project address through traditional mail. In the request, we describe in detail when, where and how the acquaintance with the person who needs to be found happened. We indicate the maximum amount of accurate information. We also attach a photo of the person to be sought.

Social networks

find a person by photo
Next, we will talk about how to find a person "VK" on the photo. First of all, the section “My News” can help us. Here you can meet a suitable person in the photo with mutual friends. However, there are special resources that will help solve the problem. For example, to find a friend from a photograph allows the Tofinder project. All that is required of us is to upload a picture or point to a link to it. As a result, the project will indicate a VK account, which contains a similar photo.

"Google Pictures"

find vk person by photo
Most often, in order to solve the problem of how to find people from a photograph, in addition to the picture itself, additional information about the person is needed. However, even if there is no other information, the problem can be solved. This can be done using the "Search by image." This is what Google’s special service is called. It works as follows. We upload a photo to the resource, and he looks for similar images among sites indexed by the search engine. As a result, we can get a photo of the person we are interested in, along with links to resources on the pages of which they meet. Thus, there is a possibility of establishing additional information about our friend. Having received previously unknown data about a person, you can use them for a more detailed search through social networks.

Let's take a closer look at how the image service works. We go to the site. Click on the image of the camera. A popup will appear. In it, select the item "Download file". Add our image to the search. Waiting for the results. With this search method, success largely depends on lighting, the angle of shooting, and the quality of the photo. We emphasize that the results with this method can be achieved only if the pictures of the person you are looking for are published on the Internet. By the way, you can add a photo with just one mouse. Just drag the picture with the cursor to the search form, and the system will instantly respond. If the photo of your missing friend is already uploaded to the Internet, and you know the link to it, copy it. Return to the image search service. Paste the link. Run a search. This approach allows you to significantly save time.

Specialized Project

find by photo
Special sites can help solve the problem of how to find people from photographs. Most of them do not have enough functions and the necessary funding. However, further we will discuss in detail the capabilities of the project, which is called “Search for People by Photos”. To begin with, anyone can use the site, and absolutely free of charge. Since 2010, a special archive has been created in the project. It contains photographs of people whom loved ones are looking for, specially sharing the picture. The archive is continuously updated. The project administration appeals to all visitors with a request to familiarize themselves with the list of people being searched. Also, anyone can share any information about the images in the archives of the missing. If you look at the photo, you might find someone you know there. In addition, if necessary, you can contact the person who posted the picture of the missing person on the site and exchange information. Anyone can add a photo to the site’s archive by making an appropriate request.

If, thanks to this project, it is possible to establish one or another detail about the wanted person - education, city of residence, age, last name or first name, you can again turn to the services of large social networks. Then indicate new details in the search form, and perhaps this time you are lucky.

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