Statuses about envy: is it really so bad?

There are many feelings and emotions that people sometimes can not control. Most often these are negative experiences that destroy the person himself and negatively affect his relationship with people. Among these is envy. Envy statuses can help you sort out your feelings. And those who are envious - to understand how to relate to such a phenomenon.

Statuses about the envy of friends

  • "A lot of friendships ruined envy."
  • "Worse than the silent envy of a friend, there can be envy and flattery in the eyes."
  • "Envy of enemies is an occasion to be proud of oneself. Envy of friends is an occasion to doubt friendship."
  • "If the girls envy each other, this is competition, not friendship."
  • "Friends are tested not by grief, but by success. It is much easier to sympathize than to rejoice for another."
  • "Envious friends are the most hypocritical people."
  • To be friends with envious people is like living on a powder keg.
  • "More often than not, a girl is jealous not because her friend is prettier, but because her boyfriend thinks so."

envy statuses

Status about envy of people and gossip

  • "Envious people are always in a bad mood. After all, they are upset not only by their failures, but also by the successes of others."
  • "To envy is like trying to get into someone else's shoes. He sits well on another person, but shakes you."
  • "They usually envy the result. But no one envy the ways to achieve this result."
  • "Envy tends to exaggerate. She is merciless in her judgments."
  • "Gossip about other people's lives is prone to only those who have their own uninteresting."
  • "I really want the gossips to communicate exclusively with each other."
  • "The person who is being talked about behind him should feel like a star. Because they remember him!"
  • "If someone elseโ€™s gossip hurts me, then someone elseโ€™s opinion is dearer to me than my own."
  • "Honest man disgusted to listen to gossip."
  • "Envious people live in constant tension."

Statuses for those envied

An envied person may also experience discomfort. Communication with the person who manifests this becomes less trusting. How to relate to the fact that you are jealous? Envy statuses will help.

  • "Envy is a sign that we are more successful."
  • โ€œI always regret those who envy me. They humiliate themselves with this.โ€
  • "I love it when they envy me. That means I'm happier than them."
  • "How to explain to envious people that someone else's success should be an incentive for them to change something in their life?"
  • "I envy you as flattery."
  • "What can make us more popular than someone else's envy?"
  • โ€œBetter to be jealous than sorry.โ€
  • "They say about a beautiful girl that she is spoiled. They say of envy."

statuses about the envy of friends

Funny statuses

In order for envy to be less destructive for a person, one, like all negative manifestations of character, can be treated with humor. Funny statuses about envy will help in this.

  • "I say hello to my envious people! I'm doing fine, I will continue to sponsor your hatred."
  • "All envious people should remember - the rich were the first to be on the Titanic."
  • "Thanks to your envy, my page traffic is growing every day. Thank you!"
  • "Another's wife is always prettier and better cooks."
  • "Do you want to keep up the conversation and stay friends? Tell us about the bad. Otherwise, envy will not turn out."
  • "She deleted the page on the social network. At first everyone asked what happened, then they were surprised and finally became envious."
  • "They say you need to buy three things at once: one for yourself, the second for the husband, and the third - for the envy of friends."

status about envy of people and gossip

Statuses about envy are able to remind us that negative emotions are inherent in each of us. Everyone once feels that way. And this does not always mean that we are bad people. It is much more important to realize why this is happening. Perhaps the point is one's own self-doubt, eradicating which, it will be easier to get rid of envy of other people and enjoy your own life to the full.

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