I can not lose weight after childbirth: what to do? Reasons, effective ways, tips

Pregnancy and childbirth are a great happiness for every woman. Alas, this process is associated not only with joy, but also with excitement, anxiety about one's own health and the baby. Almost all women after childbirth - whether it is a natural process or a cesarean section, have problems with the figure. Fat deposits appear on the stomach and hips, which are very difficult to drive away. Dietitians often turn to women complaining that they can not lose weight after childbirth. What to do to such newly made mothers? The article gives advice and lists the probable reasons for the inability to lose weight.

Causes of excess weight after childbirth

It's no secret that immediately after childbirth the shape of the female body leaves much to be desired. The abdomen looks stretched and wrinkled, the hips are recovering, the arms and armpit area also look unimportant. A woman thinks: "I canโ€™t lose weight after giving birth, what should I do?" First of all, you should wait a few months - as a rule, the hormonal background is restored, the woman is reviewing her diet, and sleepless nights and chores with the baby contribute to weight loss. But for some women, even after a few years, they canโ€™t lose weight after giving birth. What to do in this case?

To get started, familiarize yourself with the list of the most common reasons why excess weight does not go away after childbirth:

  1. The hormonal surge associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and feeding may not go away on its own. This is expressed in irritability, severe hair loss (alopecia), significant weight gain or, conversely, excessive, unhealthy weight loss.
  2. If there is no physical activity whatsoever, if a woman does not monitor her diet, then she will not be able to lose weight. The lack of muscle tissue, an excess of adipose tissue is quite natural for both giving birth and non-giving birth to women who are not used to caring for their bodies.
  3. The lack of proper sleep leads to a state of chronic stress, as a result of which brain biochemistry may be impaired. The lack of neurotransmitters: endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine - makes life unbearable. As a result, a woman may begin to seize up stress - of course, in such circumstances, losing weight will not work.
  4. A metabolic disorder is another common factor due to which there is a complaint that I can not lose weight after childbirth. What to do in this case? It is very difficult, almost impossible to independently restore the balance of thyroid hormones. Therefore, you should visit the endocrinologist, pass the necessary tests. Hypothyroidism and other thyroid pathologies can be diagnosed. Based on the diagnosis, it is worth taking the prescribed drugs.
recovered after pregnancy

Hormonal imbalance in the postpartum period

After childbirth, the balance of estrogen, prolactin, testosterone may be disturbed (this hormone is considered to be male, but it is also found in the female body in an insignificant amount). Such an imbalance can lead to a woman gaining weight or very much lost weight after childbirth. What to do in this case?

If there is a suspicion of the development of hormonal imbalance, then you can not hesitate - you should visit a doctor as soon as possible, take tests and be treated. Endocrinologists often hear complaints from young mothers: "I can not lose weight after childbirth, what to do, what hormones to pass?" First you need to take tests for thyroid stimulating hormone, also check the level of free testosterone and the main female sex hormones. If deviations are found, then soft preparations are usually prescribed, in some cases even oral contraceptives can have a therapeutic effect.

how to lose weight at home after childbirth

Lack of physical activity after childbirth

Of course, with a baby in her arms or during feeding, physical activity can become an unbearable burden for a young mother. But itโ€™s important to understand: without physical education and dietary restrictions, it is impossible to restore the former harmony. Therefore, gradually, as the child grows up, it is necessary to include physical education in the schedule of the day.

Itโ€™s not at all necessary to spend money on subscriptions to gyms and fitness clubs. Quite enough exercise at home, but they must be selected correctly. Now you can find many courses from world-famous trainers. It:

  • "Burn Fat, Accelerate Metabolism" by D. Michaels;
  • "Insanity" by S. Ti;
  • "How to achieve perfection?" from S. Crawford.

The exercise complexes listed above are selected in such a way as to bring the body into shape in a short time. The main thing is not to miss workouts and strictly follow your goal. You need to do at least twice a week, at least an hour.

physical education after childbirth

Postpartum Depression and Overweight

The possibility of developing postpartum depression should not be overlooked. How to lose weight at home after childbirth, if there is no strength whatsoever, if the child sucks out all the energy? This problem is familiar to almost any young mother. You have to ask for help from your husband or parents: to bear the burden and try to be a "super mom" - the road to nowhere. No one will blame a woman for asking for help.

If postpartum depression has taken a serious form, and the woman does not have the strength and motivation for anything in her life, then she should consult a psychotherapist. Complaints about the fact that I canโ€™t lose weight after giving birth, what to do, specialists in this profile have to hear quite often. Do not be afraid to take antidepressants, this group of drugs will quickly come into shape - there will be more vitality, a love of life and a desire to change, to be a beautiful wife and a loving mother.

Some antidepressants are specifically designed for people with bulimia and overweight problems. So taking this kind of medication will not only improve your mood, but also help you lose weight by removing food addiction. New generation antidepressants have practically no side effects and do not cause psychological or drug dependence.

postpartum depression and overweight

Fast weight loss after childbirth: reviews of doctors

"I can not lose weight after childbirth, what should I do?" - With such complaints, young mothers often come to see endocrinologists and nutritionists. Experts often recommend not to rush and wait a few months in order to observe the dynamics of gaining excess weight. In addition, doctors always advise taking tests for hormones (both the thyroid and the genital).

Doctors are well aware that both a sharp weight gain and a sharp weight loss are bad. Therefore, most specialists of any profile are extremely negative about strict diets. In addition, mono-diets deplete the body, and a young mother needs strength.

how to quickly lose weight after childbirth

Postpartum physical activity

While the woman is feeding, proceed to physical activity should be very careful. Excessive exercise can lead to a decrease in expressed milk. If the feeding is over, then you can safely proceed to the implementation of strength or static exercises at home.

If a cesarean section was performed, then in the first year after childbirth, you must as carefully as possible begin to load the abdominal muscles. They were dissected during the operation, so there is a chance of scarring on the tissue where the suture was made.

I can not lose weight after childbirth

Diet: lose weight without harm to health

Of course, you can not ignore proper nutrition. If you do not change your diet in such a way as to spend more calories than a person consumes, then you will not be able to lose weight.

After childbirth, the following categories of foods and drinks should be completely excluded from your diet:

  • confectionery;
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • factory-made sweets - chocolate, etc .;
  • fast food;
  • dishes in the preparation of which frying was used;
  • bakery products from white flour.
nutrition during pregnancy

The importance of water for normal weight

Do not lose sight of the importance of what a woman drinks. Many extra calories can be obtained with sugary drinks, soda, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, packaged juices. Before drinking this or that drink, it is necessary to look at the package on how many calories are in it. If this number does not fit into the daily calorie intake, then you should refuse to drink.

If a woman is used to sweet coffee and tea, there is a way out - you just need to replace sugar with a sweetener.

All nutritionists recommend drinking as much clean water as possible. This amount should be calculated as follows: at least 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight.

She lost a lot of weight after giving birth: what to do?

There is a category of women who do not recover after childbirth, but lose weight. And so much that they lose the charm of pleasant feminine forms. About 8% of women complain that they lost a lot of weight after giving birth. What to do in this case?

The tips are similar to those given to women who have recovered. The cause of excessive thinness is usually hyperthyroidism. This diagnosis is given to those people in whom the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of hormones. As a result, the metabolism is not slowed down, but rather too fast. This pathology is successfully corrected with the help of tablets. If you start the disease and do not reveal it on time, the development of more serious forms is possible, as a result, the removal of the entire gland may be required completely. Excessive thinness is the same reason to consult an endocrinologist, as is overweight.

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