Jun-tzu ("Noble husband") in the teachings of Confucius

Every enlightened contemporary knows the name of the famous Chinese Confucius. And not in vain. The teachings of the ancient thinker were used by many eastern countries to build a state ideology. His thoughts greatly influenced the lives of many people. His books are on a par with Buddhism in China.

Confucius is not just an ancient thinker and philosopher of China, but also a pioneer in drawing up the concept of a harmonious and moral society. According to his concepts, a person should strive for harmony with himself and the world around him. More than 20 centuries have passed since his death, and philosophical reasoning and aphorisms have not lost their significance. Especially important are his reflections on the ideal personality, which he calls a "noble husband."

wise Confucius

The main milestones of the life of the great sage Confucius

The real name of the Chinese philosopher Kun Qiu, in literature is found Kun Fu-Tzu or Zi (teacher). Confucius was lucky to be born in a family belonging to the dynasty of Emperor Zhou Chen-wang. His father, who was a commander, was presented with the Principality of Song and a high title. Then the family became poor and moved to the north of China. There was born from a young concubine of father Confucius.

His birth is spoken of as a miracle. Allegedly, a seventeen-year-old concubine gave birth to him on a high hill, under a mulberry tree. After birth, the baby was immediately washed in spring water. After that, the source has dried. Father died when the boy was one and a half years old. A young mother and her son lived very poorly together. She tried to instill a sense of dignity in the boy. He showed industriousness, studied well, mastered the knowledge necessary for children from aristocratic families. At the age of 20, he began to serve at the court of a wealthy Ji family.

Over time, the Zhou empire became flawed: the people became impoverished, civil wars were waged. When the mother of Confucius died, he had, according to tradition, to take a three-year resignation in order to observe mourning. During these years, he studied ancient books, on the basis of which he created philosophical reflections teaching to create a harmonious society.

At age 44, the sage became the ruler of the residence of the principality of Lu, then he worked in the judiciary. He wanted all people to know their responsibilities. The philosopher did not like the policy of the state, he resigned and began to preach his doctrine. He returned to his native places, acquired students and published several books.

China Confucius Times

The concept of Confucianism

In the 3rd century AD, the Chinese turned to the teachings of Confucius. Confucianism became the head of Chinese morality, the way of thinking of this people. The appearance of China's civilization was formed precisely thanks to this philosophy. She calls for a society with complete harmony. Each member of this world is destined for its place and role. The basis of harmony between bosses and subordinates was loyalty. Confucius called for the formation of five main qualities, without which it is impossible to talk about the righteousness of man. It is about respect, justice, ritual, wisdom, decency.

Confucius in those days created a scheme for achieving the goal. Following it, you can become a successful person. There are many schools of thought in China, around 100. Confucianism refers to the human mind. Today, in the city of Qufu, where the house of the philosopher used to be, a temple was built. This area is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Personal life and the last days of the Chinese genius

When Confucius was 19 years old, he married a girl of a noble family. In marriage, they had a son and a daughter. At 66, the thinker became a widower. He devoted more and more time to his followers. In 479 BC e. he is gone.

In memory of the philosopher, a Beijing temple was opened in 1302. This is a huge complex with an area of ​​20,000 m 2 . Here, on 189 stone steles, the names of 13 books of Confucius are carved.

teachings of Confucius

Popularization of Chinese teachings in Europe

In the 17th century, fashion for oriental culture came to Europe. They started talking about Confucius. Confucianism is widespread. Europeans began to support the judgment that humankind’s path is humble. The rational doctrine of a genius refers to the mind of man.

Often, not only in China, celebrations are held in honor of Confucius. 1984 was marked by the International Festival of Confucian Culture. In China, a prize named after him was established in the field of education.

Monument to Confucius

The concept of "noble husband" in Confucianism

Today you can freely purchase Confucius books: Conversations and Judgments, The Great Teaching, Confucius on Love, Confucius on Business. In the collection "Lunyu. Sayings" there are a lot of quotations of Confucius about a noble husband. By this concept is meant an ideal person. A person should strive for excellence, a model. What did Confucius teach in his book? He idealizes a real person in the human plane. By "noble husband" he means an attitude towards the aristocratic estate and human perfection. The philosopher believes that this requires hard spiritual work. Not only privileged individuals can become human perfection.

• A noble husband blames himself; a small man blames others.

• A decent husband always thinks of virtue; commoner thinks about convenience.

• A worthy husband meets the anger and mercy of the highest with equal dignity.

• A generous husband thinks for granted. A low person thinks about what is beneficial.

• A noble husband thinks of a righteous path and does not think of food. He can work in the field, and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching, and accept generous rewards. But the noble husband worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

• A valiant husband thinks about the complex. A low person thinks about what is beneficial.

• A noble husband lives in harmony with everyone, and a low man seeks his own kind.

The great sage believed that the poor and rich should be educated equally. The most important thing in this business should be morality.

• A noble person does not exalt anyone for his speech, but does not reject speech because of the one who speaks them.

• A noble husband does not seek to have his fill and live richly. He hurries in business, but hesitates in speeches.

• Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself.

• The noble husband is committed to teaching.

Quotes Confucius

Quotes about Jun Tzu

“Noble husband” in Chinese sounds like “Jun Tzu”. Confucius believed that throughout his life a person should show his best qualities. Along with public administration, he set ethics. It greatly affects the state of affairs in society.

• A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it.

• A noble man is like a bell: if you don’t hit him, he will not ring.

• A worthy citizen helps people see what is good in themselves and does not teach people to see what is bad in themselves. A low man does the opposite.

• A noble husband helps people see what is good in them, and does not teach people to see what is bad in them. A low man does the opposite.

The educated person was to become the pillar of the state. Such men are an example to others. They help people discover the best qualities in themselves. A true person is never rebellious; he is calm.

• The noble in his life should beware of three things: in his youth, when the vitality is plentiful, beware of the passion for women; at maturity, when the vitality is powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when the vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.

• The noble meets the wrath and grace of the highest with equal dignity.

• The noble thinks for granted. A low person thinks about what is beneficial.

• The noble knows about his superiority, but avoids rivalry. He gets along with everyone, but does not conspire with anyone.

A worthy husband seeks justice, not profit. For such a person, according to Confucius, debt is paramount. The philosopher rejects stubbornness, but justifies directness and firmness.

The great Confucius believed that the Sky can endow a person with perfect qualities: mercy, restraint, modesty, love for people, altruism. The philosopher calls on a true husband to study ancient books, to borrow the experience of ancestors. Also, the thinker did not see the construction of an ideal society without humility and sincerity to the authorities, the ruler. The main principle of Xiao was filial piety, the son’s love for his father.

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