Consciousness and self-awareness are terms widely used in many sciences, in particular, in psychology, philosophy, sociology. Their meaning is rather vague and depends on each specific case. Let's try to formulate what these terms mean. Consciousness is the quality of every intelligent person, which can be understood as isolation, contrasting oneself with the outside world. That is, a person isolates and separates himself from all surrounding reality. Consciousness is a person’s own self. This includes sensory sensations, and thinking, and emotions.
Consciousness and self-awareness are two parts of one whole, when it comes to modern man. Let's look deep into history. Previously, primitive people had only consciousness, and it developed in stages. Initially, a person began to feel himself only on a physical level. An understanding came of the boundaries of one's own body and the environment. Then the man began to explore the world. His consciousness was gradually filled with new information and, thereby, developed. Following this, a person learned to reason, that is, to find differences, similarities, and distinctive features of the subjects he studied.
Consciousness, self-awareness and personality as phenomena appeared a bit later. It is worth noting that these qualities have developed and improved over the centuries. Self-awareness is the relationship of the "I" to the "I". It is easiest to consider this formulation in more detail using a historical example. Consciousness and self-identity of a person, as mentioned earlier, did not appear immediately. Initially, the rule of the ego by man, that is, the instincts of reproduction, self-preservation, the struggle for females, and so on. Self-awareness, which is a kind of commander, judge and critic in one person, helped to rise above them.
The emergence of this quality was facilitated, no matter how surprising it may sound, by the emergence of a hierarchy within human communities. Each group was dominated by a leader who gave directions, criticized and praised. The obeying people had no choice but to follow orders. So they rose above their instincts. They did not what the Ego tells them, but what the leader and the whole group of people need. This is a clear demonstration of how self-consciousness works not within a person, but in the outside world. Later, the individual began to have his own personal, internal “commander,” which allowed him to rise above fleeting desires, instincts, and other factors that impede development.
Consciousness and self-awareness of modern man also does not appear immediately, but in stages. A small child gradually begins to become aware of itself. Parents, educators and teachers of the baby play the role of commanders. With their help, the child develops self-awareness, which replaces external overlords with internal ones.
Do all modern people have this important quality? Unfortunately, not at all. Residents of undeveloped countries and certain groups of citizens from developed countries still live at the call of their Ego. However, without self-awareness it is impossible to set and achieve your goals, find a common language with people around you, and achieve success. This quality helps to make your life the way a person wants to see it. No doubt all successful, great, and prosperous people were self-aware. Without this quality, the development of intelligence is also impossible.
Thus, consciousness and self-awareness are the most important components of a modern personality. These qualities help to gain complete freedom, which, otherwise, would be limited by the desires of the Ego. Self-awareness is, in its own way, the antipode of animality and a necessary element for achieving the “maturity” of all mankind.