It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without greenery, indoor flowers, giving the interior coziness and freshness. They allow us to feel the unique beauty, to be closer to nature and, having relaxed, to relieve nervous tension.
Flowers in the interior of the apartment (photos are presented below), especially blooming ones, improve mood and set you up for positive. In order to use them in creating the interior, one should take into account the peculiarities of the situation and conditions for the safe growth of plants.
general information
In the process of creating an apartment design, you must remember that a large number of colors can destroy the integrity and harmony of the interior. A few plants are enough to transform the room.
Indoor flowers in the apartment (see photo below) can be located both in groups or individually. It all depends on the size of the premises and the preferences of the owners. Typically, flowers are placed on window sills or between columns.
When buying flowers, you should remember about their natural features, as some people prefer shade and a lot of moisture, while others like sunlight and rare watering. If the appropriate conditions are not observed, the plants may die. Also, flowers need constant patient care.
When arranging plants in a room, special attention should be paid to flowers that love the shadow in the apartment (see photo below) and, conversely, light. You also need to pay attention to the angle of incidence on the flower of light. When placing living plants near a well-lit wall, they can create a unique pattern of shadows. For example, this arrangement option looks elegant and elegant: either plants should repeat the color of furniture or wallpaper, or, conversely, be as contrasting as possible.
Separate flowers should be visible from either side of the room. Large plants can be installed on the floor, and small ones on a special high stand in harmony with the interior.
Ficuses, philodendrons and other plants of this group feel comfortable and look in rooms with a small amount of furniture. Small cozy rooms are suitable for small plants, but with large leaves. And they look especially impressive against a calm pastel background.
What kind of flowers to keep in the apartment?
The most popular indoor flowers today are cacti, violets, begonias, etc. These are the most suitable plants to create a cozy and beautiful environment. However, you can show individuality, but in this case it is better to seek the help of experienced designers or study the relevant literature in more detail.
The main thing is to pay attention to the variety of shapes and sizes of flower arrangements. The choice of plants should directly depend on the layout and size of the premises.
Flower pots
Flowers in the apartment should be planted in appropriate pots for them, which also need to be given considerable attention. They are completely different in shape, size, and material (ceramic, plastic, glass, etc.). Plastic pots are best suited for a child’s room, and ceramic pots are suitable for the hallway and living room.
The most ideal option for flowers is well-burned clay pots. If the latter are not quite attractive, then they can be decorated in their own way, or inserted into another, more attractive, pot.
The benefits of flowers
Since ancient times, people have known that many plants have healing ability. Therefore, sensing a connection with nature, man has long sought to transfer a piece of it to his home.
Even today, scientists have proved the beneficial effect on a person of many indoor plants decorating offices, apartments, schools, kindergartens and other institutions. Even the energy of the space of the room in which the living flower is located is changing. It can neutralize radiation, saturate the air with oxygen, absorb harmful substances, protect against depression and other diseases.
In a word, indoor flowers in an apartment are an excellent source of energy, giving a charge of vivacity. Photos and names of some of the most common are presented below.
Geranium (Pelargonium)
Amazingly useful and unpretentious flower. Since ancient times, its leaves have been used to treat runny nose, otitis media, headaches and muscle pain, ulcers on the body. Pelargonium has always been popular: court ladies decorated their hats with its flowers, and the juice of the plant was used to make healing balsams. Both in Russia and Europe, medieval geranium was used to protect against black magic and fight against evil spirits.
This beautiful unpretentious plant blooms with pink, white and red flowers. It simultaneously exudes the smells of almonds, mint, lemon, roses, lilacs and apples. Geranium is not only a decoration of the house, it freshens the air, eliminates dampness and germs, and even repels flies. The flower is perfect for the bedroom and kitchen. The only condition you should not put this plant near the bed.
Geranium has powerful energy. According to the horoscope, such flowers in the apartment contribute to success and strengthen the character.
Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia)
Violets are red, pink, purple, blue, etc. Red and pink are best grown in the kitchen. They give a feeling of calm, joy, help get rid of some bad habits, including overeating.
Blue violets, relieving apathy, depression and gloom, are useful for creative people. They help in revealing a person’s creative potential.
Violet colored flowers help cleanse the space from the energy of distrust, contribute to spiritual growth, the development of intuition and strengthen character. True, they should not be in workrooms and children's rooms.
In general, these flowers in the interior of the apartment (see photo above) look good in any room. Extremely unpretentious, but blooming almost the whole year, delicate senpolia affects the atmosphere in the house well. They have good soft energy, set in a positive way and help get rid of insomnia and stress.
As a rule, in the house where these flowers grow, harmony and love reign. As noted above, the effect on humans of violets is multifaceted. It depends on the shades of their flowers.
These flowers in the apartment (photo below) are pleasing to the eye with their surprisingly delicate buds that open even in winter. They come in a variety of colors - from snow-white to lilac and brown-red. This magnificent plant sometimes blooms so plentifully that even its leaves are not visible behind the flowers.
Azalea helps smooth out conflicts, reduce the level of aggression (even in animals), and relieve fatigue. To do this, it is worth at least a little sit next to this plant. It also relieves fatigue from the eyes, and even improves vision. Petals can be used in the treatment of barley.
Plants with dark red flowers repel domestic ants, moths, tree beetles, and other small insect pests.
These flowers in the apartment do an excellent job of air purification. This was proved by experiments conducted in the USA by NASA employees. A fast-growing, unpretentious plant is merciless to various harmful bacteria and fungi, as well as to toxic secretions. The flower is good for the kitchen (it purifies the air from 80% of harmful impurities).
In nature, chlorophytum grows in grass, on trees and on the ground. Indoors, it is used as an ampel plant, decorating shelves, flower stands and walls. It very effectively grows into beautiful lush bushes, and in the spring a large number of shoots appear on them with flowers, small as asterisks.
Other useful flowers
It is impossible to imagine flowers in an apartment without a decorative myrtle (flower of family happiness), which is not only very beautiful, but also an extremely useful plant for humans.
A rubbery ficus with glossy fleshy leaves is also good in the interior, not only purifying the air, but also saturating it with oxygen. This is one of the most common inhabitants of residential premises. Aloe tree (or agave) and indoor ficus are also welcome inhabitants of the houses.
In conclusion, briefly about poisonous plants
When purchasing a flower, many do not know about the harmful properties of some houseplants, and then they suddenly notice health problems that arise. If children or animals are in the house, you should carefully consider the choice of plants. Some, even very attractive, types of flowers contain poisonous juice or release harmful substances into the air.
These include indoor plants that are popular among many gardeners and are beautiful in appearance (beautiful leaves or flowers): dieffenbachia, oleander, euphorbia, croton, Sims azalea (namely Indian azalea), ivy, adenium, monstera, philodendron, dwarf steller, nightshade and many others . It turns out that they not only please with their beauty, but also sometimes carry danger.
If there are such flowers in the house, it is necessary to use protective equipment when caring for them and protect children and animals from contact with them.