The profession of HTML coder can be a good starting point for those who want to engage in web development. The road to frontend and backend developers is open from here, and if you try, you can master such a popular and highly paid profession as fullstack web developer.
All masters once started with something. Where to start learning layouts? You can do it yourself, on books and materials on the Internet. You can find video tutorials. But the easiest and fastest (albeit not the cheapest) way is to contact the KhTML Academy. The resource is universally considered one of the best for those who want to "go to IT."
Advantages over other learning methods
- Focusing exclusively on effective technology. Courses are constantly updated. This means that you will learn the actual layout methods. For example, not so long ago, when training began to use flexbox, a technology that is now supported by all browsers, except for outdated ones. Why is it important? Because at the interview you will be asked if you are able to use the latest technologies, and they greatly facilitate the work.
- Uniform correlation of theory and practice. All HTML Academy courses are designed to teach students to typeset. There will be no long and boring explanations. The teaching staff demonstrates the technology with examples so that you can use them immediately. Pupils will have to independently make up the layout of a full site.
- A mentor helps you. A teacher is provided for anyone who enters HTML Academy courses. His task is to clarify difficult points, to help overcome obstacles. The mentor will help to reveal the secrets of mastery, which can hardly be found elsewhere.
Why "KhTML-Academy" may not suit you?
There are limitations. Firstly, the process is rather complicated. Not everyone can reach the end and defend the final project. Do not lose heart. Listen to lectures, read attached materials, seek help from a mentor, and you will succeed.
Secondly, tuition here is paid. The cost is relatively low compared to other IT courses, but you still have to pay a certain amount.
Thirdly, it will take time to study at the KhTML Academy. Lectures last 2 hours (sometimes more) and take place 2 times a week. Practical tasks can take many hours. If you do not have free time, the task can be quite difficult.
What is taught at the "Academy"?
As of the summer of 2017, the following online courses are available.
- "Basic HTML and CSS." For those who are just starting their way into professional layout. Here you will gain knowledge of the basics of HTML and CSS (including HTML5 and CSS3), learn basic JavaScript, get acquainted with recommendations for quality layout, and learn how to interact with GitHub.
- "Advanced HTML and CSS." Particular attention is paid to working with GitHub. The BEM methodology is being studied. Explains the work with LESS, SASS and PostCSS, as well as automation of the use of preprocessors. The adaptive layout is considered in detail .
- "Basic JavaScript." For beginner front-end developers. Algorithms and data types, methods of working with graphics, features of object-oriented programming, AJAX, modules are considered.
- Advanced JavaScript. An improved version of previous courses. In the process, students will create a full-fledged web application, learn about the EcmaScript 2015 specification and other difficult points.
- "Basic PHP." The latest course for anyone interested in backend. The questions of the interaction of PHP and HTML are examined, modern SUDS, OOP are studied.
The difference between “courses” and “intensives”
A visitor to the site of “KhTML-Academy” may notice that he is offered a choice between “courses” and “intensives”. What is the difference?
- Courses are a simplified option that does not imply a teacher. It is useful for those who want to consider the basics of HTML and CSS. There are 2 options for passing: free and by subscription. Free courses are for beginners. Paid (inexpensive) - for those who want to "go deep" into the process. Alas, this is not enough for layout.
- Intensive - full lessons, with lectures, teachers and practice. Worth the money. There is no free option.
After completing the intensive, you can go through it again, for free, but without a teacher. The option of re-passing with the teacher is also available, but you will have to pay a small amount for this. If you have failed the first time, try again. Many students successfully completed intensively on the second attempt.
How is the educational process
Classes are divided into 2 parts, theoretical and practical. Training services are provided via the Internet, you do not need to go anywhere. Just follow the special link and see the online broadcast, on which the teacher shows the required techniques live. Didn’t have time to broadcast? It doesn’t matter, usually the next day it is laid out in records. Let us consider in more detail all parts of the classes.
- Theoretical. You (along with other students) watch a lecture broadcast and listen to the teacher. There is a chat where you can ask questions to the lecturer.
- Practical Also subdivided into 2 parts. In one, you are invited to take several courses on the topic of the lesson (for the duration of the intensive course, students get free access to premium courses). In the second, you yourself work with layouts and typeset the site. Before the beginning of the intensive, you can choose a layout (there are several of them, each with its own level of difficulty). If you have questions, contact the teacher.
What will happen in the finale
The last 2 weeks are the most stressful. You need to complete work on your personal project and send it to the mentor for verification. After checking it, the layout is sent for testing to three random tutors. As a result, you are awarded points. If there are more than a certain number of them - congratulations, you have successfully completed the training! If less - well, try again.
HTML Academy results are not only deep knowledge in layout / programming, but also a certificate of completion. First you will receive an electronic copy, then, if you wish, a paper copy that will be sent to the specified address. Certificate delivery is free.
Will a certificate be useful when looking for a job? Unlikely. However, other things being equal, the employer may prefer an employee with a certificate to the applicant without such a document.
Reviews about “KhTML Academy”
The resource is one of the most sought-after in Russia among those who wish to learn layout and programming. Students generally respond positively to the Academy. And rightly so, it’s hard to find flaws in the system. The teaching staff is friendly, mentors willingly make contact. Tasks are designed in such a way that their complexity increases gradually.
Remember that courses are best done in order of complexity. You can sign up for Advanced HTML and CSS bypassing Basic, but it’s better not to do that — there will be too much confusion. This rule also applies to JavaScript. A beginner has nothing to do at the "advanced" intensity - most likely, he will just waste money.
Feedback on HTML Academy online courses is also very positive, but remember that they are only suitable for basic knowledge. You are unlikely to be able to make up a more or less complex layout, guided solely by the knowledge gained in the courses.
The Academy is an excellent option for those who want to learn the required specialty as quickly as possible. However, get ready that it will take a lot of time, effort and money to complete all the courses. Prices are relatively low compared to other IT courses.