How to make money on your own poems? Verses to order

Many beginning authors are concerned about the question of how to make money on verses of their own composition. And this is not surprising. Each work should be well paid, otherwise a person simply will not have motivation for further work. Creativity in this regard is far from an exception. Most poets primarily want to receive recognition from the public, however, a cash fee is also a good bonus.

The relevance of selling poetry

Many people will say that not everyone will like poetry, like any other kind of art. You can agree with such a statement by a maximum of half. In the world you can find many talented authors who are able to hook their creativity even the most picky critic. Their works are designed to penetrate into the very depths of the human soul and leave their mark there.

Should such works be paid for at their true worth? Of course. The most talented authors are able to earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on their poems. However, novice writers also will not be left without a fee. Despite the fact that the works of an inexperienced poet are very different from professional prose, they are still ready to buy them at a fair price.

The main ways to make money

Thinking about how much you can earn on poetry on the Internet? The answer to this question will depend not only on the level of skill of the writer, but also on the method of earnings that he chose. For beginning authors in this field, four categories can be distinguished that are most popular:

Girl holds money.
  • publication of collections;
  • writing to order;
  • selling poems;
  • concerts.

The author’s fee will directly depend on how correctly the method of earning was chosen. Not every novice writer will be able to agree with the editors so that his poems can be published in large quantities, but some poets simply love to write custom poetry.

Sale of finished products

If you decide to make money on the verses of your own composition, then you should know that the simplest and most profitable way of making money for a beginning poet is to sell finished works. Although a similar method of earning does not disdain experienced authors. To sell poetry, it is enough to register on one of the copywriting exchanges ( or, and then put the finished work up for sale. If the price of the finished product is acceptable, then sooner or later there will be a buyer who will pay for it.

Writer with a tube.

However, it should be noted that the main disadvantage of selling poetry is the instability of earnings. In some cases, you will have to wait for a purchase for several weeks, or even months. Although this nuance is not considered a problem for those who have a large number of written works in stock. While you wait - you can write many more interesting works.

Verses to order

Some budding poets begin to earn in this way. For its implementation, you will also have to register on the copywriting exchange, and then wait for one of the customers to post an announcement about the desire to purchase a poem written according to certain rules and on a certain topic.

Girl writes a poem.

Writing verses to order is a much more stable source of income than selling ready-made works. However, due to the great competition, it will be quite difficult for novice authors to get a good offer. Therefore, you will have to create a portfolio in advance to stand out among the hundreds of inept poets who write base verses.

Collection Edition

To make money writing poetry does not necessarily become a copywriter. After all, you can follow in the footsteps of famous poets who publish collections of their works in paper form. Books can be sold to readers directly or through an intermediary in the form of publishers and stores. In the first case, you will need to invest a certain amount of money to print the main batch, and in the second - to impress the editorial board.

A stack of books.

Of course, in order for the publishing house to become interested in the novice writer, one will have to make a huge impression on the professionals. To do this, you must at least create a group in a social network where your works will be posted from time to time. In addition, such a community will also help determine whether the author’s works will be sold if he decides to work without intermediaries.


Some poets prefer to make money on poems, arranging a kind of concert tours in major cities of Russia. Such events are somewhat similar to the activities of musicians who come to one city - arrange a concert, and then go to another. However, it is worthwhile to understand that even a famous poet will not gather as many people in the hall as a rock band. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance for the fact that the profit from the sale of tickets will be small.

A man reads poetry.

However, some novice authors use a rather interesting trick that allows them to gain public attention. They invite you to attend a poetry reading concert for free, where poetry will be sold in print. In some cases, there are so many people that not everyone has enough autographed books. Free tickets fully pay off for the sale of printed works.

How to create a portfolio for a poet?

In order for the reader or customer to become interested in the work of the author, the poet must draw up a high-quality portfolio in which examples of his works will be shown. You can do this on any exchange for copywriting or on the website Both options are correct, so the choice depends on the individual preferences of the author. We will only say that on you are sure to get acquainted with a huge number of couch experts who know better than anyone else how the works are written correctly.

Folder for portfolio.

What should be indicated in the portfolio? A little information about yourself, as well as some examples of poems that will allow readers to evaluate the level of skill of the author. Do not worry about one of the people taking the work away and selling it on another exchange. All works in the portfolio are protected from copying. You can also post information about how much a product of your production, written to order, will cost. Such actions will significantly expand the circle of your customers.

Which poetry is most in demand?

To make money on poetry as much as possible, you need to know the varieties of works that are most in demand among buyers. Such information will allow you to write works that will be instantly bought up by people. As a rule, congratulations in prose are most in demand for the following categories of people:

Rose and white feather.
  • superiors;
  • partners;
  • loved ones;
  • women.

People are willing to pay authors large amounts in order to maintain a warm relationship with loved ones or gain the trust of a boss. The boss’s congratulations are considered to be the largest and most expensive orders, since the whole team usually takes off to buy such a poem. However, if the author is able to write really beautiful congratulations, then his work will be in demand for other holidays.

Approximate earnings for a novice author

To make it easier for the beginning poet to determine the source of income, we present to the reader an approximate list of profits for this or that activity. Of course, the numbers are rather arbitrary and in many respects depend on the skills of the poet. However, even they are able to give motivation to the authors in order to start making money on their work:

  • sale of a small poem (2 quatrains) - from 50 to 100 rubles;
  • the cost of ordering a small work - from 150 to 200 rubles;
  • net profit for the sale of a published collection - about 250 rubles.

As for concerts, it will be extremely difficult to calculate even approximate revenue, since it all depends on the number of people who came to the concert. In some cases, it reaches 20 thousand rubles, and in others it only pays for organizational expenses. Earning a poet in this way can be very difficult. Therefore, try to compare your capabilities, skills and desires, so as not to end up with anything.

As you can see, in order to earn money on poetry in the 21st century, it will be enough to make a few clicks of the mouse and a couple of keystrokes on the keyboard. However, each author must understand that most readers intuitively understand the quality of the written work. If the poet will neglect his work, then he is unlikely to be able to get a big profit and recognition from readers. At the same time, even a novice author, who is distinguished by great talent, will not have much difficulty in providing himself and his family with stable income.

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