Lavatera: growing from seeds at home, photo

Beautiful and decorative plants surround us, there are more of them than you can imagine, and some of them generally remain unknown. Among this number, flowers that do not need special conditions for growing, which are well established in any microclimate.

Do you want to grow beautiful and amazing flowers in your area? Today's article is devoted to breeding amazing and at the same time one of the most unpretentious flowers belonging to the Malvov family, but at the same time called the wild rose - lavatera.

Wild rose is distinguished by its decorative properties and exotic appearance, it blooms for a long time and does not need special care. This is a real find for the florist. See how it looks in the photo of the lavater. Growing from seeds: when to plant and what conditions to create for the plant? This and not only is described in detail in the article below.

Lavatera growing from seeds when to plant

Interesting facts about colors

Florists and gardeners are of the opinion that Lavater is a plant for the lazy. But this, of course, is a joke. This flower is as decorative as unpretentious. Even a novice gardener is able to grow lavatera from seeds and as a result get a bush strewn with large bright spots of flowers.

This plant experienced its peak of popularity in the late 90s, but today, after 20 years, landscape fashion takes this plant back, returning it to its former popularity. They are increasingly decorated with gardens, parks, alleys, flower beds, flowerpots.

We will talk about growing lavatera from seeds, about when to plant a flower in open ground or sowing seeds in containers. In addition, we will familiarize ourselves with the species variety of flowers to find out which of the varieties can be grown in your flower bed.

Lavatera: a description of the species and botanical features of the flower

Under natural conditions, this representative of the fauna grows in Australia, the Mediterranean, and East Asia. Gardeners began to cultivate plants in our region relatively recently - presumably 15-20 years ago. In Russia, this flower was called the "wild rose."

Lavatera, as already mentioned, belongs to the genus of tree-like, shrubby, herbaceous plants of the family Malvaceae. The species diversity is small: in total there are twenty-five species of wild roses in the region, most of which are characterized by medicinal properties.

This plant has attracted the attention of breeders for a long time, and by now many species of flower have been bred. There are grains of perennial and annual plants on the market for the cultivation of flower lavenders from seeds.

Plant Features

The characteristic features of a wild rose include the following:

  • tree-like or herbaceous plant, tall, growing up to 50-155 cm up;
  • well-developed root system, in some varieties extending more than 50 cm inland;
  • dense crown formed by powerful branches and shoots;
  • large lobed leaf plates, covered with hairs over the entire surface; on the liana are arranged alternately;
  • large inflorescences reaching 12.5 cm in diameter;
  • depending on the variety, the structure of the flowers is different and may resemble in shape: bell, gramophone, hibiscus;
  • petals articulate into whole inflorescences, and sometimes remain divided;
  • flowers are: white, pink, raspberry, purple, yellow, purple, salmon;
  • on vines there are single, spike-like, racemose inflorescences;
  • flowering time is about 5 months: from the beginning of summer to mid-autumn;
  • the plant is drought tolerant and develops well in open areas, abundantly lit by the sun;
  • strong lianas lavatera are not afraid of strong gusts of wind;
  • growing lavatera from seeds does not require special soil selection, since the flower perfectly survives on any soil composition, but blooms more luxuriantly on loose and fertile soil;
  • wild rose - unpretentious, rarely affected by pests and diseases.

Important! Wild rose flowers look great on a table in a vase, as they are well suited for cutting, and can stand in water for more than 10 days without losing their freshness.

Lavatera garden rose seed cultivation photo

Species variety of flowers

At home, gardeners successfully cultivate several types of lavatera, better than others adapted to the temperate climate of central Russia and notable for their unpretentious care.

The most popular varieties suitable for growing from seeds are the Lavater in our region:

  1. A wild rose is three months old or annual, growing up to 125 cm in height. Of the most popular cultivated varieties, Silver Cap, Mont Blanc, Ruby Queen, Beauty, Novella are distinguished.
  2. Dog rose, or Thuringian lavater - a tree-like perennial flower growing up to 200 cm up. Of the favorite varieties, flower growers note: Lailac Lady, Ai Catcher, Burgundy Vine.
  3. A two-year tree-like lavater, characterized by straight slender stems, up to 200 cm long. The most popular varieties are: Rosea, Candy Floss.
  4. Seaside wild rose, growing only in the southern regions of the country and reaching up to 250 cm. This species is characterized by two-color inflorescences.
  5. Growing seeds from home at home Cretan Lavatera is available only in areas with a subtropical climate, as it is a heat-loving flower variety. The bushes reach a height of up to 180 cm with small but plentiful inflorescences (up to 35 mm in diameter).

Important! Today, any of the listed types of lavaters are easy to find on the market. All seeds are freely available, and any grower of your choice for cultivation on your site can purchase a grower.

Lavatera growing from seeds photo

What are the available ways to grow Lavater

A wild rose is grown only from seeds, while they are sown on open ground or used for planting seedlings. Favorable climatic conditions that have formed in our region contribute to the germination of last year’s seed that has been sown in the next season, so a spring in the spring may appear where it did not grow before.

Sowing in soil

This method of planting is permissible only in the southernmost regions of the country, where it is warmest. And then, compliance with certain standards in the cultivation of lavatera from seeds is required. When to plant flowers? First of all, wait for stable temperature and real spring heat, which contributes to the rapid germination and emergence of seedlings. As a rule, such a moment does not come before the second half of May.

Next, pick a suitable plot of flowerbed, lawn or garden where you plan to plant a flower garden. It is better if it is a well-lit area.

The flowerbed is pre-marked, making small grooves for planting seeds, up to 10 mm deep. Grains are laid evenly, observing the interval, sprinkled with dry earth mixed with humus. After this, plantings are watered with warm water, and if necessary, covered with a film.

Plant Care Rules

Growing lavatera from seeds in a home environment also includes some plant care measures to ensure the viability of the wild rose. A number of measures related to flower care include:

  1. Loosening the soil. Carry out the procedure carefully, proceeding to the first stage after removing the film from the crops.
  2. Hilling sprouts.
  3. Watering with a solution of mineral fertilizers.
  4. Preparation of supports for tall varieties of pegs in the form of pegs.
Lavatera growing from seeds at home

Seedlings propagation

Large flower holdings are engaged in reproduction of seeds for seedlings, which are exactly in this form that sell to the laureter, or garden rose. Growing from seeds in cold regions is the only chance to grow flowers at home.

In this case, the first thing to decide on the timing of landing. With the recommended planting in the second half of May, sowing seeds for seedlings begin in March.

When planning to grow several varieties of maneuvers, for each of them prepare a separate box or container. Some plants can be planted in individual cups and grow them like that.

Soil mixture for planting seeds is best purchased at the store.

How to plant seeds

When preparing containers for planting material, lay the drainage layer on the bottom of the tank, and sow in small grooves.

Lavatera grains are pecked after 14-17 days, after which the film cover is removed from the surface of the box. Before germination of the sprouts, the formation of condensate is monitored, neutralizing it, and soil moisture.

Since the flowers do not tolerate transplanting, the dive procedure is not carried out when growing seedlings from seed. The photo below depicts young flowers of lavatera, gaining strength.

Lavatera growing from seeds when to plant a photo

Sometimes gardeners thin out plantings, getting rid of weak and diseased plants.

Stage of planting seedlings on open ground

Different varieties of plants are planted in different patterns. So, for tree-like varieties, more space is allocated and cultivated with a large interval, since their root system grows to 1 meter in a circle.

For annual plants, planting with an interval of up to 25 cm is suitable. This is enough for lush flowering and normal cultivation of lavatera from seeds. "When to plant flowers in open ground?" - beginner gardeners are interested.

Flowers are transferred to a permanent place of growth as soon as the threat of spring frost passes, and the soil warms up enough. In the southern regions, this time falls at the end of April - beginning of May.

Lavatera garden rose seed cultivation

Grown sprouts are carefully transferred into the ground, carefully removing young flowers from the planting containers. Given that the root system of the lavatera is extremely sensitive, use special compost cups.

Plants are buried in the soil so that the distance from the soil to the upper leaves does not exceed 5 cm. After replanting the flowers, do not forget to pour them with warm, settled water and leave until they take root.

How to care for flowers: some rules

The wild rose is unpretentious, but, like any plant cultivated by man, it needs at least minimal care. In the summer season, the flower needs the following:

  1. Watering. Especially in the dry season. For each tree bush, allocate two buckets of water and water the plants at least once every two weeks. Annual flowers need less moisture, but regular moisture every 5-6 days.
  2. Organization of supports, arches, trellises. Spreading bushes should be tied up, otherwise the plants will lose their decorative appearance.
  3. Loosening of the soil near the near-trunk area. Do not forget about accuracy, since the root system of this representative of the flora is superficial.
  4. Cleaning the plant, which implies the removal of faded inflorescences, as they can leave burns on the leaves and inhibit the formation and development of new buds.
  5. Fertilizers. The first top dressing is introduced after 2-3 weeks from the moment of planting at a constant place of growth. For this, nitrophosk and urea dissolved in water in equal proportions are used. Re-fertilizer is applied during budding using potassium or sodium sulfate.
  6. Look at what the lavater or garden rose looks like in the photo. Growing from seeds also includes preventive measures related to the disinfection of plants. Although the flower is rarely ill, it still needs prevention. Processing with Bordeaux fluid will not hinder, but in the case when parasites are noticed, spraying with Aktara or Akarin.
Lavatera growing from seeds at home

For winter, annual varieties of lavatera are uprooted. Perennial plants - bend to the ground and, fixing, cover with fir spruce branches, dry grass or non-woven material.

Having familiarized with the botanical characteristics and features of growing these flowers, we can say with confidence that this plant definitely deserves the attention of flower growers and landscape designers.

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