How to make a card in Word: step-by-step instructions

Holidays do not happen very often in our life, so a self-made postcard will be a good addition to the main gift. Moreover, you don’t have to draw it manually, for this you can use the well-known Word program. In this article we will tell you how to make a card in Word. The entire instruction will be divided into stages, completing which at the end you can achieve the desired result.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a card in Word

Word is a multifunctional word processor with which you can easily make a holiday card. In this article, we will consider a method involving the use of templates. This will not only facilitate and accelerate its creation, but also allow you to choose the most beautiful design from the huge number of proposed. So, we proceed directly to the instructions on how to make a postcard in the Word.

Step 1: Create a Document

The first thing, of course, is to create a new document. The easiest way to do this is by opening the program itself, rather than creating a separate document on the hard drive. Now it will be described in detail:

  1. Click on the "Start" button.
  2. Open all applications installed on your computer. For example, in Windows 7, you need to click on the "All Programs" button.
  3. In the list of applications, find the MS Word program and click on it.
  4. The application will start. In it, first of all, click on the "File" button located in the upper left corner.
  5. In the menu that appears, go to the "Create" section.

On this, so to speak, it is possible to complete the creation of a new document, although this is not entirely true. The next step in the instructions on how to create a postcard in Word is to select the appropriate template.

Step 2: Choosing a Template

As stated, now we will choose the appropriate template, but first you need to sort the unnecessary, not suitable for the topic.

  1. To make the search easier, enter the word "postcard" in the search box, and then press Enter.
  2. You will see a list of postcard templates. Notice also the categories in the right pane of the window. There you can choose the theme of the postcard.
  3. All that remains for you to do is to choose the option you like and click on its picture.
  4. A preview of the postcard will appear. If you are sure that it suits you, click the "Create" button.
  5. Now you need to wait until the file is downloaded from the Internet and opens in a new document.
choose a template

So, you already know how to choose a template, but this is not the whole instruction how to make a card in Word. It still needs to be formatted by entering the desired text and, possibly, correcting some elements.

Step 3: formatting the postcard

Before you is a full-fledged postcard, but something is missing in it. Of course, a congratulatory text! Templates often already have any wishes, but there is no name for the person to whom the card is addressed, no individual greetings. And most importantly - it is not written who this postcard is from.

step-by-step instruction

To enter all the necessary information, you need to double-click on the area where you want to enter it, and type text from the keyboard.

Step 4: Save and Print

how to make a card in Word and insert text

So, we are done with the card, so now we can safely say that you know how to make a card in Word. But there is one more thing - it needs to be saved and printed:

  1. Click on the "File" button.
  2. Go to the "Save As" section.
  3. Indicate the name and place where you want to save it.
  4. After that, go to the "Printing" section and print the card on the printer.

If you do not have this device, then you can reset the saved file to a USB flash drive and print it on another computer.


Now you know how to make a card in Word and insert text in it, which means that you have learned everything. Now it will not be difficult for you to please relatives and friends with beautiful postcards of your own production.

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