Automatic coffee machines: brand selection, description, reviews

Household appliances that allow you to make coffee in an ordinary kitchen without special equipment have long been on the market. Today, the top of this vast segment is represented by special machines that work with coffee beans and capsule mode. Similar models are in the lines of the largest manufacturers of kitchen appliances, so every lover of a fragrant drink will be able to choose a decent option for their needs. It is also worth noting that the automatic coffee machine for the home in a modern design has a wide option, therefore, in addition to standard functions, it is worth initially counting on the additional capabilities of the device. True, such models are much more expensive.

What makes a quality coffee machine different?

automatic coffee machines

One of the key features of a good coffee brewing machine is functionality. Only in rare cases, models of dubious quality receive such a technology as a “quick steam” system that allows you to fill a cup of coffee in a minimum amount of time. The presence of an additional boiler, in turn, makes it possible to simultaneously make two different drinks. In particular, an automatic coffee machine for the home in this design is capable of preparing espresso and macchiato, cappuccino and latte, as well as combine other options. Among coffee lovers there are many fans of original recipes. It is for this group of consumers that it is worth recommending devices with a software module that remembers recipes.

Another sign of a quality model is the presence of a brewing system. So, due to the presence of ceramic millstones in the design of the device, the burnt taste of the drink is eliminated. But only cereal automatic coffee machines and some models of espresso combines have such a device. And now it’s worth considering coffee machines from different manufacturers.

Philips Model Reviews

automatic coffee machine for home

Even the belonging of the coffee machine to home models does not mean that the device does not require the preparation of additional space - this is not an overall installation for the office, but also not a coffee mill the size of a mug. Philips Saeco Series models are loved by consumers, including for their variety of form factors. For example, in the manufacturer’s lineup you can find both compact XSmall devices and multifunctional modifications like the HD8751 series, which provides the possibility of foaming milk. Also, Saeco automatic coffee machines evoke positive impressions thanks to the thought-out traditional system of preparing a drink from grains. This technological solution not only provides high aromatic and taste qualities, but is also cheaper compared to the operation of capsule models.

Delonghi Model Reviews

automatic coffee machines delonghi

Although the Delonghi brand is difficult to attribute to specialized manufacturers of coffee machines, it is making serious progress in this direction, which is also confirmed by users of these products. In particular, the owners of such devices note the high productivity and speed of preparation of the drink. The most advanced machines make latte or espresso in just one minute. In addition, Delonghi automatic coffee machines are on the market with elite-class capsule models. These are modifications of Lattissima Plus4 and Caffitaly, reviews of which emphasize the convenience of using the devices with the ability to preserve cooking parameters, as well as decent taste characteristics of the resulting drink.

Bosch Model Reviews

automatic saeco coffee machines

German Bosch developers also rely on the technological development of coffee machines, which ensures their success in the market. Among the latest developments that users praised, it is worth highlighting the Aroma Whirl brewing system. The action of this technology involves several stages, during which there is wetting, circulation of granules, extraction of extractive substances and all this under the dynamic cooking process. As a result, Bosch automatic coffee machines with such a system prepare delicious coffee, which is appreciated even by discerning drink lovers. But this does not mean at all that the devices are designed for use only by professionals and home connoisseurs of the intricacies of making coffee. According to the owners of such machines themselves, control is implemented using a convenient interface through elementary button manipulations.

Jura Model Reviews

philips automatic coffee machine

Jura devices can be attributed to the highest group of the segment. Under this brand comes an automatic coffee machine, reviews of which note its sophisticated design, reliable assembly and ergonomic advantages. In addition, Jura models have the ability to memorize individual cooking parameters.

Among the most popular devices of this manufacturer, it is worth noting the Impressa series, whose representatives are provided with the function of preparing several types of coffee and hot chocolate. Noteworthy is the version of Ena, with which users prepare decaffeinated drinks. At the same time, Jura automatic coffee machines are also easy to operate. Owners, for example, praise the self-cleaning function, which eliminates the hassle of maintaining the apparatus.

How to choose the best model?

A quick review of coffee machine manufacturers may seem like their suggestions are pretty much the same. But this is not so, since each brand seeks to surprise the consumer with its unique advantages - for example, Bosch is focused on the introduction of new technologies, Jura models are highly reliable and have wide functionality, and if you need universal equipment, you should turn to the Philips brand. An automatic coffee machine must also cope with performance requirements. High cooking speed, according to users, is a priority for Delonghi.

automatic coffee machine reviews


Making delicious coffee has long ceased to be a privilege of specialized establishments. Any housewife can cope with this task in just a few minutes. Easy-to-use automatic coffee machines allow you to easily cook very complex recipes for different drinks, not counting hot chocolate. But ergonomics, rather, is important for inexperienced users, and sophisticated coffee lovers pay attention to the subtleties of the cooking process and the functional capabilities of the technique. And in this regard, the developers of the machines are also actively advancing, releasing models with more advanced technical filling, which makes it possible to make coffee with unique taste properties.

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