Elena Malysheva's salt-free diet - how effective is it? Answers to the most popular questions

Every woman dreams of having a slender figure, a thin waist, beautiful legs. The struggle for the destruction of extra pounds sometimes goes not to life, but to death. Now you do not need to go to such extremes. Elena Malysheva’s salt-free diet provides an opportunity to lose weight with pleasure, without tormenting yourself with excessive physical exertion and without exhausting hunger strikes.

What is the essence of the diet of Elena Malysheva

Salt-free diet of Elena Malysheva

Many existing diets require the use of certain foods with their exact dosage. Elena Malysheva’s salt-free diet does not go to such extremes and offers the principle of alternating proteins and carbohydrates in the menu, that is, one day you need to eat protein food, and the other - rich in carbohydrates. Products can be different, but you need to completely refuse salt, fats, alcohol and sweets. The amount of food required for each person is calculated individually and depends on how many calories he spends daily. Elena Malysheva recommends eating multiple times (3 times plus snacks) throughout the day. Breakfast is required, and dinner should end before seven in the evening. As a result of these simple actions, they lose 5 kg in ten calendar days.

What's wrong with our salt

Diet Malysheva salt-free

Why it is necessary to exclude fats, alcohol and sweets from the diet is more or less clear. This is what many other diets require. But why give up salt? It turns out that excess salt is harmful to both healthy and sick. The sodium present in it traps water in the human body. As a result, the load on the heart and kidneys increases, pressure jumps, edema and excess weight appear. Elena Malysheva's salt-free diet is not something completely new. Such a diet has long been attributed to doctors suffering from enuresis, obesity, kidney disease, as well as cores and hypertension. Salt stimulates appetite very actively. By changing the taste of products, it contributes to the fact that a person eats more than he needs. By excluding it from the diet, you can improve the health of those who are already sick. And those who have not had time will receive excellent prevention in order to maintain health in the future.

Recipe with oatmeal from Malysheva

This recipe is not strict, that is, products can be selected to your liking.

Salt-free diet, reviews of doctors

  • Breakfast . Oatmeal on water without sugar and butter. You can just pour oatmeal in boiling water, and to create a pleasant taste, add chopped fruits, such as a green apple, to the porridge. It is even better to use germinated wheat grains instead of flakes. They are washed, crushed and boiled in water or poured with boiling water and insisted. With breakfast cereal, non-fat yogurt with no additives or yogurt is recommended.
  • The second breakfast . Any fruit will do, ban only bananas, figs, grapes and dates.
  • Lunch It can be varied, depending on the taste preferences of each person. One option is boiled chicken meat, boiled egg, greens, green tea or sugar-free fruit broth. Malysheva's diet is salt-free, so all foods should be consumed without salt.
  • An afternoon snack . Fruit salad or just a couple of fruits.
  • Dinner One, maximum two boiled eggs is allowed. You can serve chopped vegetables, greens. From liquids - kefir with a fat content of not more than 1% or green tea without sugar.

Sample menu of protein and carbohydrate days

Protein-carbohydrate diets for weight loss are offered by many nutritionists. Usually they consist of four days. Elena Malysheva has a ten-day salt-free diet. The recipes for alternating days are as follows:

  • Protein day . Boil medium-sized chicken and skin in unsalted water. To do this, the broth is brought to a boil and drained. Pure water is added and the carcass is cooked until tender. The resulting "dish" needs to be stretched for your whole day. Boiled eggs and green tea or still water are allowed. Fluids for this day should enter the body 2 liters, not less.
  • Carbohydrate day . White cabbage (about half a kilogram), beets, raw carrots, chop, mix all this well, add lemon juice, you can greens. There is such a salad throughout the day. Liquids are also required to drink 2 liters or a little more. Different sources of the carbohydrate day menu may include other vegetables, for example, tomatoes, spinach, onions, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, various varieties of cabbage, as well as cereals and legumes.

Salt-free diet recipes

Why alternate proteins and carbohydrates

Elena Malysheva's salt-free diet advises alternating protein and carbohydrate-containing foods every other day. At the same time, the body metabolism is significantly activated, which means that more calories are spent. Rather, they begin to be used not for storing hated fat reserves, but for performing various physical actions. During the period of protein days, the body spends its glycogen reserves and seeks to replenish them due to stored fat. Some will think that you need to completely switch to protein food so that the entire fat reserve is "gone". However, it is not. The body, left without carbohydrates, is in a stressful state and begins not to spend fats, but rather, accumulate them on a rainy day, so to speak, and use muscle tissue for life. Thus, good turns into harm.

For the body to adapt to new conditions, carbohydrate days are needed.

What is a Chinese salt-free diet

Chinese salt-free diet

This diet, like all others like it, is based on the exclusion of salt from the diet. It is designed for 2 weeks, and with a good reaction of the body, it can be extended to 4 weeks. In contrast to the Malysheva diet, in which breakfast is required, the Chinese offers in the morning to drink one small cup of natural unsweetened coffee. It is assumed that this is enough to awaken the body and mobilize its forces to perform all tasks. For lunch, you need to cook baked fish or boiled veal. To make these foods tastier, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice or soy sauce. Lunch also includes a variety of vegetable salads. They can even be seasoned with olive oil. Greeks like to add lemon juice to such a salad. So it’s tastier. Dinner should again consist of baked fish or boiled beef. Of liquids, except morning coffee, mineral water, fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt, and tomato juice are recommended. Coming out of the Chinese diet, coffee should be replaced with green tea, and beef with chicken.

How to lose weight so as not to gain weight again

Diets have one annoying minus, which reduces to zero all their advantages. As soon as the person finishes their observance, the former weight is gained again. In order for Elena Malysheva’s one and a half week diet or absolutely any salt-free diet for 14 days to give a stable result, it’s necessary to follow some rules after the end.

  1. 14-day salt-free diet

    Limit the consumption of pickles, marinades, smoked meats.
  2. Exclude cakes, pastries, buns and other confectionery from the diet. Use coarse bread.
  3. Animal fats (lard, margarine, lard and others) are replaced with vegetable fats. The recommended daily rate of butter is 10 grams.
  4. Dinner no later than seven in the evening.
  5. Take food at least five times throughout the day, but in small portions.
  6. Get up from the table until full satiation.

Is there any harm from salt-free diets

Unlimited salt intake is harmful. Nobody argues with this. But is salt-free diet useful for everyone? Reviews of doctors on this issue are mixed. So, in experimental mice with a lack of salt, cancerous tumors develop. In humans, a lack of salt causes dizziness, weakness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. It is estimated that the human body for the normal functioning of all systems every day requires at least 15 grams of salt. For those who sweat actively, this rate is much higher. There are cases of salt riots when people were not given salt. Of course, some of it is contained in each product. In order for the norm to come out, you can slightly add the food that is already cooked. It’s even better to replace our familiar table salt with a more healthy sea salt, rich in minerals and trace elements.

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