Pierce Morgan is a scandalous editor and showman. short biography

Pierce Morgan is a sensational name in the history of British journalism and television. During this period, he already moved to work in the United States of America. The famous journalist is now the chief editor of the national American newspaper, he is also the author of eight books and a television presenter.

short biography

Pierce Morgan was born in 1965. His father died when Pierce was still a baby. Mother married a second time, and the boy decided to take the name of his stepfather. Since childhood, the hero of our article was fond of journalism, so I decided to get an education at Harlow College. After graduation, Morgan immediately went to work. He started as a reporter for South London News. There he did not work long, as he was soon noticed by The Sun.

It was in this company that Pierce gained his first truly large position. For a long time, he led the show business section and was its editor. 1994 became a significant year for the young man, as Rupert Murdoch drew attention to him. He identified Morgan as editor of the News of the World newspaper. Over the past half century, Pierce has become the youngest of the editors. As early as 28 years old, one might say, he was at the head of a national newspaper.

Morgan Pier

Success and fame

Glory came to Morgan quite quickly, although the path of the famous TV presenter to her turned out to be somewhat scandalous. He gained his popularity thanks to the pressure and the categorical denial of any rights to hide the secrets of his personal life, in any case with regard to the stars of show business. He argued his point of view with the fact that celebrities must understand from the very beginning of their career that fame, like a medal, has two sides.

In the end, Pierce Morgan still decided to resign from his post in News of the World, although against the will of Rupert Murdoch. He joined the Daily Mirror publishing house.

pier morgan and jeremy clarkson

Personal life

In 1991, he proposed Marion Schellae. Their marriage lasted for 17 years. During this period, Morgan became the father of three children. In 2008, the couple decided to divorce. Pierce is currently painted and lives with journalist Celia Walden. She is the daughter of former conservative and member of the American Parliament, George Walden. A great couple have proven themselves Celia Walden and Pierce Morgan. The personal life of the TV presenter does not sparkle with saturation, in comparison with other famous personalities.

Pier morgan personal life

In 2002, the publishing house Daily Mirror decided to make some changes to its publishing style. They began to print less cheap gossip and imaginary sensations from the show business universe. But, despite this move, circulations still continued to plummet. Due to one unpleasant situation, Pierce Morgan was fired from the newspaper in 2004. He approved the publication of photographs depicting the mockery of Lancashire Royal Regiment soldiers on prisoners of war from Iraq. Subsequently, these pictures were declared a fiction, and the newspaper management apologized.

Conflict with Jeremy Clarkson

But this is not the only sensational story of a journalist with incriminating photographs. Another conflict involving Pierce Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson broke out for the same reason. The incident occurred in 2004 at the British Press Awards ceremony. Then Morgan published defamatory photos of the ex-host of the Top Gear program, Mr. Clarkson, with a lady who was not his legal wife. Because of this incident, Pierce and Jeremy did not communicate for ten years. But recently, they reconciled, "digging an ax of war" over a beer in a pub.

Top gear

In 2006, Pierce Morgan decided to create a newspaper called First News, which is aimed at a children's audience of 7-14 years. Morgan assured that such a publication is the first in Britain, but this is not so. Newspapers of this kind were already published in the country in the early 2000s. Pierce is the editor of the publication today. He is a talented leader with extensive experience in print media.

Morgan is a celebrity and on television. He takes part in programs, acts as a judge on the show, and also takes the post of presenter. Pierce joined the jury of Britain's Got Talent television program, and was also a judge on the American version of the show. His oratory talent is highly appreciated by the owners of the channels. Starting in January 2011, Pierce leads the program on the popular CNN channel. She replaced the usual evening release with Larry King and became the new television broadcast for the British.

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