Barley on the eye. Symptoms and treatment

Currently, many people have inflammation of the sebaceous or lacrimal gland and eyelash, and immunity is also reduced. All this leads to the appearance of a disease such as barley on the eye.

barley on the eye symptoms


This disease has several features. It begins with the appearance of redness, soreness, swelling of the eyelid and itching. After a couple of days, a tubercle appears, which has a yellowish color, it is the head of barley. On the third or fourth day, it will spontaneously open, and all the pus contained inside will come out. Soreness and redness will immediately decrease, and edema of the eyelid will subside. Usually, a full recovery is observed after a week, but if you do not have barley in your eye for a longer time, then you should consult a doctor.


cure for barley in the eye

If you pay attention to barley in time, then it will be enough just to lubricate the affected area 4-5 times a day with ordinary greens or alcohol, with a strength of at least 70 degrees. If there is an inflammatory infiltrate, then dry heat is necessary. It can be a boiled egg, cereal, salt or sand. But making compresses and lotions is not recommended, in order to avoid the spread of infection. Also, a special medicine for barley on the eye can be purchased at the pharmacy. This may be the drug "Albucid" or erythromycin ointment. When breaking through barley, do not perform any thermal procedures, because this way you will only increase the area of ​​infection. This disease is often accompanied by conjunctivitis. For its treatment, doctors often prescribe antibiotics that need to be instilled into the eyes. You should not do this yourself, especially if you are not one hundred percent sure of your abilities. It is strictly not allowed to squeeze barley on the eye. The symptoms of this disease are almost impossible to confuse with any other, but if you have never encountered this problem, it is better to consult a doctor.


With independent opening of barley, an infection spreads through the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid. This can lead to complications, for example, the occurrence of diseases such as phlegmon orbits, meibomite, sepsis or even meningitis. In some people, barley often appears on the eye. The symptoms accompanying him do not allow a normal life. In such cases, you should contact a specialist. A general examination of the body by a therapist and immunologist will become necessary, especially when the infection occurs in two eyes at the same time.

does not pass barley on the eye


Very great inconvenience gives people barley in the eye. Symptoms of it are manifested when non-compliance with the simplest rules of hygiene, for example, when using someone else's cosmetics or towels. In addition, all the girls need to carefully wash off the makeup at the end of the day. The usual hit of dirt on the mucous membrane can also provoke the appearance of barley, so you can not touch your eyes with unwashed hands. It also often occurs with colds, when the body is weakened and lacks vitamins. It is better not to start the treatment of barley , and if it grows, you need to see a doctor.

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