The events of recent years prove the correctness of the ancient Greek proverb: "If you want peace, get ready for war." By working out the worst-case scenarios, you can check the combat readiness of the troops, as well as give a signal to a potential enemy or unfriendly neighbor. A similar result was achieved by the Russian Federation after a series of military exercises.
The concerns of the United States of America and NATO are explained by the fact that combat readiness in Russia is aimed not at one of the worst-case scenarios, but at several: the Russian army is ready for war in any direction for the sake of peace in its country.
The combat readiness is the state of the Armed Forces, in which various army units and subunits are able to organize training and engage in battle with the enemy in an organized and short time. The task set by the military leadership is carried out by any means, even with the help of nuclear weapons. The troops in combat readiness (BG), having received the necessary weapons, military equipment and other materiel, are ready at any time to repulse the enemy attack and, following orders, use weapons of mass destruction.
The plan for bringing in BG
In order for the army to be put on alert, the headquarters is developing a plan. The commander of the military unit directs this work, and the senior commander confirms the result.
The BG plan provides for:
- the procedure and methods for alerting military personnel and officers for collection;
- their location is indicated;
- actions of duty and daily duty in a military unit;
- actions of the commandant service in areas of concentration of personnel and military equipment.
Bringing to combat readiness for each level begins with a signal that the duty officer of the military unit receives. Further, using the “Cord” system installed in each military unit, a telephone or a siren, the duty units are notified of the duty units and the commander. Having received the signal, the information is refined, and then with the help of a voice command: “Company, rise! Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety! ”- on-duty units inform the entire staff of the start of the operation. After this, the command is given: “A collection has been announced” - and the military personnel are sent to units.
Those who live outside the military unit receive a collection command from the messengers. It is the duty of the driver to arrive at the park. There the attendants give out keys to the boxes with cars. Drivers must prepare all the necessary equipment before the officers arrive.
The loading of army property is carried out by personnel according to the combat crew. Having prepared, under the supervision of the elders, all the necessary equipment to be sent to the place of deployment, the personnel are awaiting the arrival of officers and warrant officers who are responsible for transporting the property of the military unit. Those who did not enter the combat crew are sent to the collection point.
Degree of alert
Depending on the situation, BG can be:
- Permanent.
- Elevated.
- In a state of military danger.
- Complete.
Each degree has its own measures in which military personnel take part. Their clear awareness of their duties and the ability to quickly perform tasks testifies to the ability of units and groups of forces to organize in organized situations in critical situations for the country.
What is necessary for conducting BG?
Putting on alert is affected by:
- combat and field training of units, officers and staffs;
- organization and maintenance of the army in accordance with the requirements of the military charter;
- staffing of army units and units with necessary weapons, equipment.
The ideological education of personnel and their awareness of their duties is of great importance for achieving the necessary degree of combat readiness.
Standard BG
Constant combat readiness is the state of the Armed Forces, in which units and units are concentrated in a permanent deployment center and are engaged in daily activities: a strict daily routine is maintained, high discipline is maintained. Part is engaged in the scheduled maintenance of equipment and training. The classes are consistent with the schedule. The troops are ready at any moment to go to the highest degree of BG. To do this, dedicated units and units carry out round-the-clock duty. All activities occur as planned. For storage of material and technical means (ammunition, fuels and lubricants), special warehouses are provided. Machines have been prepared that, at any moment, if necessary, can transport them to the area of deployment of the unit or unit. The combat readiness of this degree (standard) provides for the creation of special reception centers for loading and transporting military personnel and officers to mobilization places.
Increased BG
Increased combat readiness - this is the state of the Armed Forces, in which units and subunits in a short period of time are ready to come out to repel a military danger and carry out combat missions.
With increased combat readiness, measures are envisaged:
- cancellation of vacations and dismissals in stock;
- strengthening the outfit;
- the implementation of round-the-clock duty;
- return to the location of some units;
- verification of all available weapons and equipment;
- ammunition training of military equipment;
- verification of alarms and other warning systems ;
- preparation of archives for delivery;
- officers and warrant officers are equipped with weapons and ammunition;
- officers are transferred to the barracks position.
After checking the BG of this degree, the readiness of the unit for possible changes in the regime is determined, the amount of material stocks, weapons and vehicles needed for this level is checked for the export of military personnel and officers to places of mobilization. Increased combat readiness is used primarily for educational purposes, since functioning in this mode of the country is expensive.
Third degree of readiness
In the military danger mode, combat readiness is such a state of the Armed Forces, in which all equipment is withdrawn to a reserve area, and the army units and subunits raised by alarm act for a short time to complete tasks. The functions of the army in the third degree of combat readiness (the official name of which is “military danger”) are former. The BG begins with an alert.
For this degree of combat readiness is characterized by:
- All military branches are withdrawn to a concentration point. Each unit or compound is located in two prepared areas at a distance of 30 km from a permanent location. One of the areas is considered secret and is not equipped with utilities.
- According to the laws of wartime, staffing is completed with cartridges, grenades, gas masks, anti-chemical bags and individual first-aid kits. All the necessary parts of any combat arms are received at concentration points. In the army of the Russian Federation, tank troops, after arriving at the place designated by the command, are refueled and equipped with ammunition. All the necessary types of units are also provided.
- The dismissal of persons whose life has expired is canceled.
- The work of accepting new recruits ceases.
Compared to the previous two levels of combat readiness, this degree is characterized by high financial costs.
Full combat readiness
In the fourth degree of the BG, army units and formations of the Armed Forces are in the highest state of alert. In this mode, measures are envisaged aimed at the transition from a peaceful situation to a military one. To accomplish the tasks set by the military leadership, a complete mobilization of personnel and officers is carried out.
With full combat readiness are provided:
- 24 hour duty.
- Implementation of combat coordination. This event consists in the fact that all parts and formations in which staff reductions were carried out are staffed again.
- Using encrypted encrypted or other secret communication, orders are given to military personnel and officers. Teams may also be given in writing with delivery on purpose. If orders are given orally, they must have subsequent written confirmation.
Putting into combat readiness depends on the situation. BG can be carried out sequentially or bypassing intermediate degrees. Full readiness may be declared in the event of a direct invasion. After the troops are put on high alert, a report is made by the commanders of units and formations to higher authorities.
When else is the fourth level of preparedness?
Full combat readiness in the absence of a direct invasion is carried out in order to verify a particular district. Also declared this degree of BG may indicate the beginning of hostilities. Checking full combat readiness is carried out in very rare cases. This is due to the fact that the state spends a lot of money to finance this level. A country’s full alert may be carried out to globally verify all units. In each country, according to safety rules, only a few units can constantly be in the fourth-level BG mode: border, anti-missile, anti-air and radio engineering. This is due to the fact that under current conditions a strike can be delivered at any moment. These troops are constantly focused on the desired positions. Like regular army units, these units are also engaged in combat training, but in case of danger the first ones begin to act. Especially in order to respond in time to aggression, the budget of many countries provides for the financing of individual army units. The rest in this regime, the state is not able to contain.
The effectiveness of checking the readiness of the Armed Forces to repel an attack is possible while maintaining secrecy. Traditionally, combat readiness in Russia is under the scrutiny of Western countries. According to European and American analysts, military exercises conducted by the Russian Federation always end with the appearance of Russian special forces.
The collapse of the Warsaw block and the advance of NATO forces to the east are seen by Russia as a potential threat, and therefore are the reason for the subsequent adequate military activity of the Russian Federation.