MP-156: reviews and review

There is an age-old debate over the venting and inertial systems of weapons automation. Each of them has pros, cons, its admirers, condemnators. The first Russian inertial hunting rifle - MP-156. Characteristics, owner reviews will be discussed in this article.

mr 156 reviews

The purpose of this article is to highlight the pros and cons of the new product from the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, touching upon the general theme of fundamental differences, refuting some established myths. A clear understanding of this significant point will help to better understand the design features of the MP-156, reviews of professionals and ordinary owners.

Gas vent

The barrel of the gun is equipped with an opening through which part of the powder gases is discharged, safely entering the working chamber. It contains a piston. The effect of gas pressure solves two problems at once: the piston moves back, opening the shutter. Immediately triggers the mechanism of ejecting shells, cocking the mainspring.

The pros include three main points that significantly affect the choice:

  • reliable work with different ammunition;
  • good interaction with any body kit;
  • You can adjust the automation under the cartridge without bothering with the replacement of various parts of the mechanism.

Cons are also available. The gun turns out to be heavier, bulky (large forend). But most of the problems can be caused by untimely cleaning, which even leads to a complete failure in the work.

mr 156 owner reviews

Inertial mechanism

In this system, the shutter itself, under the influence of powder gases, goes back. Its shank abuts against the end of the spring. In this case, the spent sleeve is discarded, cocking the percussion mechanism. A return spring feeds the bolt forward. With this movement, a new cartridge is captured from the store, being sent to the chamber. The bore is locked.

Reviews about the MR-156 - the domestic product of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant - there are various. This happens due to the advantages and disadvantages of the inertial mechanism. Advantages are weight, compactness. It fits well in the hand. A small number of parts, ease of maintenance ensure that the likelihood of breakage or loss of small parts during cleaning is minimized. Instead of a piston, a load is installed that compresses the spring when fired. The mechanism is designed for all types of hunting cartridges with a shell weight of 32 grams. Recharging is fast.

But despite the positive qualities, there are also negative reviews of the owners of the MP-156. What are mostly complained about:

  • equip devices (mounted accessories) can be extremely limited;
  • the possibility of failure in operation at low temperatures, especially if inappropriate, thickened grease is used.

shotgun mr 156 reviews


The MP-156 self-loading inertial hunting rifle was designed on the basis of the MP-155 gas exhaust predecessor. The back of the nut butt is made of hard rubber. There is a classic swivel. Butt can be replaced with plastic from 155, but this procedure can not be repeated with the forearm. Therefore, it remains to wait for the release of the original plastic kit from the manufacturer.

New is well forgotten old

What else is there to say about the MP-156? The first reviews and sensations with a cursory glance - a high degree of identity with the previous gas outlet model. Trigger mechanism, triangular fuse button, interceptor, shutter delay reset button - everything remains in place. It's a good news. Consequently, the mechanics of the movements remain the same. You do not need to relearn, adapt.

Separate praise in the reviews of the MP-156 was awarded the bar on the trunk and forend. The bar is evenly soldered and well soldered. This important detail was treated in good faith. The forend has become more elegant due to the absence of loads, like the gas exhaust model MP-155. Handguard nut rifled, comfortable. Replaceable muzzle constrictions are embedded evenly.

inertia mr 156 reviews

How is a complete disassembly of the gun

Disassembly is classic. The first necessary operation is to unscrew the fore-end nut. Then the forend is removed. By pressing the shutter foot, moving parts are moved 5-7 cm down, which allows you to remove the barrel. To remove the shutter foot, hold the load. The final step is to remove the load along with the rods, bolt, return spring. All. Complete disassembly completed.

Such ease of use captivates, leaves a positive impression and is noted in the favorable reviews about the MP-156. Next, you need to do a small comparative analysis and see how the 156 model differs from 155.

reviews about shotgun mr 156

Design features and differences

As mentioned above, instead of a piston, the model in question uses a load that compresses the spring when fired. It consists of two parts, the rear of which is movable. The spring used to cock the shutter is made of thinner wire - this is an interesting feature to consider.

There is a widespread belief that the "inertia" uses the principle of free shutter. In fact this is not true. If there were no inertial body and spring, then recharging simply would not occur.

Myths associated with various weapons automation systems

The shot at the “gas outlet” is softer, more comfortable. Many lovers attribute this to the loss of energy due to the removal of part of the powder gases. But the loss is so insignificant (1-3%) that it can not have a strong impact. The answer lies in the greater mass of guns of this type.

The second most popular opinion is the “gas outlet” is more reliable. It is enough to look at the fact that the armed forces of all countries prefer this particular system. It is unpretentious to the quality of the cartridge, has a small return, a number of other advantages. The only reason for the preference for use is the universal ability to interact with devices. Inertia is more capricious in this regard. Hang night sight or underbarrel flashlight will not work. The answer lies again in the mass of the weapon itself. Because any inertia system of weapons-grade automation perceives any change in weight very painfully. Reviews about the MP-156 rifle full of comments on various forums about this.

Mr 156 to 12x76 reviews

What is important to remember when operating

Craftsmen who want to customize themselves, adjust the gun for themselves, this is not recommended. This is especially true of the cargo, performing the role of an inert body. This part is factory adjusted and adjusted in a specific position. Then sits on the sealant. She cannot unwind by herself. Intervention from the outside is fraught with a change in free play, on which the principle of recharging is based.

Sometimes you can find very interesting reviews of the owners of the gun MP-156. The following situation is described: when shooting ammunition is used with the recommended hitch, but for some reason there is a delay. Everything is very simple here. It is necessary to pay attention to grip when working with this weapon. It must be easily thrown up and easy to hold, without a hard stop on the shoulder. Concentrating on the goal, do not interfere with his work. Further, the brainchild of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant will do everything on its own, without upsetting the result.

Filling a gun with a powerful grip will certainly provoke a delay in firing. In addition, it is necessary to note the fact (and this is confirmed by reviews of the MP-156): its recoil is softer than that of 155.

shotgun mr 156 owner reviews

Interaction with various ammunition

After the inspector at the factory examined the product, not finding any flaws, it is sent to the shooting gallery to the arrows. This is the moment of truth - the final acceptance. You need to pass a series of tests for final approval and getting into the retail network.

The first test is a series of five consecutive shots. Used ammunition "Magnum" 12 Ă— 76. The condition for passing the test is no delay. If at least one fact of its presence was revealed in the process, the product is rejected, heading back to the assembly shop for troubleshooting. On forums and various Youtube channels, reviews about MP-156 (to 12 Ă— 76) positively confirm good work with this type of ammunition.

The next stage of the factory test for “professional suitability” is the use of a 12 × 70 cartridge with a shot of 32 g. The same series of 5 shots. In a word, a high culture of production is present at all levels. But hunters are most interested in questions: how will the new acquisition behave in the field and what will happen if we change the weight of the ammunition, reducing or increasing it?

Russian weapons have always been famous and famous for the degree of reliability. The main thing here is respect for him. There were recorded cases of hunting when the famous "Italians" had a refusal to work due to the banal hit of a needle. This is not the case. The gun is designed taking into account the specifics of the terrain, mentality and a number of other factors. Therefore, for comfortable work, it is important to study the weapon well, having trained in the dash.

There will be no significant problems regarding the change in linkage, even if it is less than stated. For example: 24 or 28 g. It is important that the “break-in” occurs with the recommended cartridges.


About inertia MP-156 reviews can be found mostly positive. They praise the unpretentiousness, quality factor and "omnivorous" novelties of Russian engineering. There are questions about the appropriateness of its creation. The answer lies on the surface. The creation of the first Russian inertial hunting rifle was caused by the need to provide the domestic market with its own, in no way inferior counterpart. The moment for this was also chosen very suitable. The predecessor MP-155 has already "had childhood diseases," being a high-quality product that has managed to fall in love with many. It is no coincidence that the degree of unification of the novelty of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant is 90%.

Fierce disputes and disputes over the advantages and disadvantages of various weapons automation systems continue. Most importantly, gun lovers always have the opportunity to make their own choices.

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