A self-made boxing pear will serve for a long time

In the modern world there is nothing that cannot be bought in a store. But there are lovers who want and can do the necessary thing with their own hands. It does not matter whether it is a greenhouse in the country or some kind of sports equipment. This article will be about boxing punching bag.

I think that a self- made boxing punching bag will be no worse than that purchased in a store.

The material for this sports equipment can be old leather things, for example, a jacket, raincoat, coat, boots. In short, everything you have.

The skin is a fairly durable material, it does not get dirty, and if this happens, it is easy to clean. When striking it, the hands remain unharmed, that is, abrasions do not appear.

In addition to this material, a do-it-yourself punching bag can be made of thick fabric, tarpaulin or other similar materials. But we will focus on a leather pear.

First of all, you need to prepare the material with a length of about 1500 mm and a width of one meter, of course, you can do more, this is at your discretion. Fold it in half and stitch the vertical seams. There should be two or three. We also sew stitches two or three times. Next, around the circumference, flash the bottom. It must be semicircular. Then we prepare two more bags in the same way, but each subsequent bag should be 0.5-1 cm smaller than the previous one, since the bags will be inserted one into one. This is done for durability and to prevent dust. For insurance, the seams can be glued.

The next question: how to fill a punching bag, what to choose a filler? Here, how your fantasy will work. You can use small, non-sharp stones, pebbles, chopped rubber tires as filler. But, as experts advise, pebbles are best suited. Fill the pear so that there is no empty space. To do this, use sand. Since it is loose, coupled with pebbles will give a good result. The pear will turn out to be strong, heavy and solid. To seal the entire mass, sharply lower the bag several times and hit it on the floor.

A fastening ring is sewn into the upper part of the pear, which subsequently, with the help of carabiners, will be fixed to the cable or chain.

Now you need to think about the mount for the punching bag, it must be reliable.

If you want to hang a pear in an apartment, then it must be smaller than the sizes mentioned above, which means the fastening will not be so difficult to manufacture.

You can make a plate using welding, weld a ring to it, and make four holes for attaching to the ceiling.

A made punching bag with your own hands should not spoil the interior of your home, so it is advisable to hang it in a special place. The most optimal solution is to install this sports equipment in the garage. Here you can hang your needlework, similar in parameters to a professional boxing punching bag. Attach to the ceiling as follows. A hole is drilled in a slab of sufficient diameter so that a 25mm diameter pipe can be inserted into it. Typically, floor slabs are hollow, so inserting a pipe is not difficult. Then, after installing the pipe, we run a chain through it, which we attach to the pear. This is the most reliable fastening: a self-made boxing pear will serve for a long time until the leather cover bursts.

There is another option for making pears for a small room. This is a punching bag in the form of a real pear, mounted on a rack. Leather material is also taken, bags are sewn, inserted one into one and filled with pebbles and sand.

A chrome pipe is selected, attached to the pear at one end. The other end of the pipe must be secured in a powerful base. What is this option good for? The pear can be carried from place to place.

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