Violet Zolushkin dream: description. How to care for violet varieties Zolushkin dream

This flower has many names. It is called a viola, moth, pansy or violet. To date, the genus viola has about 500 varieties! The most non-standard indoor violet is Zolushkin’s dream. It has a completely atypical pattern for the senpolia, it is distinguished by corrugated petals. How to care for this houseplant? What flowering options does violet of this variety have? Read about this and much more in this article!

Violet Zolushkin dream: photo and description

violet cinderella dream

A lush terry hat of delicate white corrugated flowers with a rich strawberry mesh on the top of the flower and voluminous ruffle - this is what the violet of this variety looks like. A greenish-brown fringe adorns her. It is worth noting that when dissolved, the color of the buds is boiling white. Only with time, the ruffles of the viola and edges become colored. Violet Zolushkin's dream blossoms with a bouquet. The size of one flower can reach four centimeters.

The foliage of viola Zolushkin’s dream looks very attractive. It is dark green with a red inside. The socket is sprawling, but at the same time smooth and compact. The leaves are large, wavy.

Violet features

This result of selection work has won the hearts of flower growers due to its excellent appearance and ease of care. Reviews about this plant are extremely positive.

cinderella dream violet photo

There are several basic flowering options for Cinderella sleep:

  • white flowers are found in which strawberry ruffles and a net are found only on the upper petals;
  • there are violets with white flowers, the net on which is located only on the upper petals, and ruffles are located throughout the flower;
  • the brightest color variant of the violet Zolushkin's dream is a snow-white flower with a juicy ruffle and a net on all the petals.

Blooming violets

Indoor senpolia blooms early, blooms very often. In this case, the flowers stay on the plant from one and a half to two weeks! After flowering, the petals fall, but at the same time, on one violet Zolushkin’s dream, there are enough flower stalks to form a magnificent terry hat.

Home Violet Care

Too many novice flower growers believe that all violets, including domestic ones, are extremely capricious plants. But in fact, viols do not require special care. In order for the flower to grow lush and bright, you must follow certain rules.

violet zolushkin dream photo and description

Temperature and lighting

A pot with a violet of the Zolushkin dream variety should be placed in a lighted place, while direct sunlight should not fall on the plant! If you decide to grow the viola on the windowsill, make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass - otherwise the plant may get burned. You can provide additional lighting for flowers with fluorescent lights. It will be useful to be in the light about 16 hours a day.

It is very important to observe a certain temperature regime: in the summer, the thermometer should show about 23-25 ​​degrees of heat, and in winter - about 18. Do not forget that violets do not tolerate drafts, but oxygen is necessary for their development. Therefore, you need to ventilate the room, after removing the flower to another place.

Watering violets Zolushkin dream: photos and features

Violets die from excessive amounts of water . But you can’t leave them dry. Optimum watering regimen - twice a week. The flowering viola should be watered with extreme caution - water should not get into the inflorescences. By the way, so that the plant does not hurt, it is not recommended to spray the violet during flowering.

violet varieties zolushkin dream

The best option for watering is wick! You will need a small piece of synthetic rope with a thickness of about two millimeters. The wick must be passed through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Then in the pot you need to lay the drainage (expanded clay or pebbles) and the soil for the plant and plant the viola. A flower pot is installed above the water tank, the second end of the wick is immersed in it. The plant will receive enough moisture and remain healthy.

Choosing soil and pot for viola

Soil for indoor violets differs little from garden viols. Like the "street brethren", senpolis at home love nutritious and loose soil. The ideal composition is sand (1 part), peat (3 parts) and chernozem (5 parts). For additional nutrition, sphagnum moss or some charcoal can be added to the soil.

The pot for violets Zolushkin’s dream should not be deep, it’s enough of a low capacity with a diameter of 7-10 cm. In a smaller pot, the plant will be crowded.

violet cinderella dream reviews

Feeding violets

In order for the plant to bloom magnificently, it needs top dressing. In winter, it is enough to feed the violet with organic fertilizer once. But in the spring and autumn it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers - at least once a month. In summer, fertilize the plant only if it needs it.


According to reviews, violet Zolushkin dream is easy to propagate. There are two main options. The first is vegetative propagation. Violet should be middle-aged. Cuttings in the second row need to be cut. Then you need to dilute a tablet of activated carbon in water. In this composition, you need to place the stalk - until the roots appear. Then the violet needs to be planted in the soil.

violet varieties zolushkin dream

There is another way - the cut stalk can be immediately planted in the ground, and then closed with plastic wrap, in which holes must first be made.

A great option is pinching. In order for the stepson to take root, there must be at least three leaves on it. It is necessary to separate the stepson from an adult plant using a scalpel or an awl. It is important not to injure the leaves. Stepchildren separated from violets are transplanted into a pot, greenhouse conditions are created for them - this will help the young plant to take root and adapt.

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