In night dreams, cunnilingus interprets the dreambook in different ways. First of all, the meaning of sleep depends on who exactly the vision dreamed of. If a man sees a dream, then its meaning will be different from the exact same dream that visited a woman.
The content of the vision as a whole is also important. That is, the important thing is whether you had to feel or do cunnilingus. The interpretation of the dream is also based on the interpretation of who was a dream partner. The real life situation in which the person is also matters. The age of the dreamer is also important.
What does male sleep mean?
The meaning of male sleep is ambiguous, every dream book states. Cunnilingus - a beloved kind of sexual caress for a man in reality or, on the contrary, disgusting? Is this occupation forbidden due to any hypocritical or conservative beliefs? Does this weasel cause interest in men?
The answers to all these questions are the meaning of the dream. An important role is played by the age of a person. For example, a teenager’s dream most likely has no meaning except that it reflects hidden fantasies. A dream that has visited an old person is very likely a product of the subconscious, reflecting longing for a departed youth.
If a dream is seen by a successful, self-fulfilling man in his profession and safe in his personal life, then such a moment as a role played in a dream is extremely important for interpretation. That is - did the man obey the woman, or, conversely, led the partner? If in a dream a person was passive, then this indicates a satiety with the functions of a leader in real life. Accordingly, if a man controlled the situation, then the vision indicates a lack of power and a readiness for greater responsibility.
It is also important who was in the role of partner. If you dreamed of your own spouse or girlfriend, then the issue of power and responsibility should be considered within the family microclimate. If the partner was a colleague from work or a subordinate, then the dream tells about service moments. In that case, if a woman dreamed completely abstract, we are talking about an internal psychological sense of self.
By itself, cunnilingus does not have much significance in men's sleep. Instead, you can dream of any other type of sex. The subconscious mind sends provocative images in night dreams only with the aim of drawing a person's attention to something. It is for this reason that men often see dreams of cunnilingus, in whose life this phenomenon does not have a place by virtue of upbringing and beliefs. Although they would not mind.
If the act is seen by a person who is physically disgusted by cunnilingus, the dream book considers this dream a warning. That is, a dream suggests that you will have to perform an unpleasant action, contrary to internal beliefs, and also unprecedented. But where exactly and which one can be understood on the basis of details. From the position and personality of the partner.
What does female sleep mean?
As a rule, a female dream with an intimate plot reflects a lack of romance and sex in real life, a longing for fabulous love and tiredness from everyday life. However, this is far from always the case. To understand sleep, little things, details and features of both the daydream itself and the woman’s life situation are important.
For example, if in a dream a man attacks and forcibly carries out cunnilingus, the dream book interprets this as sudden adversity or chores that turn out to be pleasant. Of course, it is also important who was a partner in a dream. Erotic dreams that do not lie in the field of psychology are extremely simple and have no hidden symbolism. That is, if a woman is attacked by a spouse in a dream with the aim of making cunnilingus, then family chores will come. If the man is abstract - misfortunes must be expected from the side. If the partner is young, the chores will be profitable. Elderly or old partner - warning about expenses.
The dream book attaches a completely different meaning to cunnilingus when a woman has to dream. If the vision was visited by a non-latent lesbian who hides desires and does not recognize her own nature, such a dream promises only bad. As a rule, the vision warns the dreamer that her tongue will lead to unnatural, unhealthy consequences, contrary to her own ideas and norms of behavior.
What does such a dream mean in general?
Cunnilingus has no meaning in dreams. Such visions are interpreted only taking into account all the details and their relationship with the person, his life circumstances.
In general, erotic dreams are considered to be a sign of dissatisfaction in life. It is not only about the sexual side, but also about all other aspects. Erotica dreams when a person is ready for something, but does not know himself what it will be.
What do frequent dreams mean?
Frequent dreams with a plot dedicated to oral sex are similar to recurring nightmares. That is, these visions directly indicate the presence of unresolved internal issues that are ignored and driven into the far corner of consciousness. For example, if the hero of the vision is the spouse, a dream can indicate a longing in marriage, the need to do something and refresh the relationship.
Understanding of what the subconscious is persistently trying to communicate does not lie in cunnilingus itself, but in the rest of the details of sleep. It is not worth ignoring such a dream, because the brain chose a bright and provocative image not by chance. The subconscious mind is trying a series of such visions to show something to a person. And, what exactly, only the dreamer himself can understand, because intimate dreams always affect the most hidden aspects of life.