Places of deprivation of liberty - overview, features, principles and rules

Places of deprivation of liberty are specialized institutions. They contain prisoners for serving sentences by court order. Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation discloses the procedure for appointing correctional institutions depending on the gravity of the crime, sex and age of the offender. The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, approved in 1997, regulates actions in places of deprivation of liberty. Since then, the legislative provisions have undergone numerous changes and additions under the influence of Law No. 5373-1, which describes the basics of the functionality of PS, as well as Federal Law No. 76. This legal The act approves the implementation of measures to control activities in such institutions.

Women's Prison

Where do convicts serve their sentences?

The places of deprivation of liberty where the criminals live differ in their regime and purpose. Institutions are divided according to the strictness of the content of convicts. A citizen can only be recognized as a criminal by a court and sent to:

  • to a correctional or educational colony;
  • jail;
  • medical correctional institution;
  • pre-trial detention center.

The places of deprivation of liberty are divided, they are kept separately:

  • men
  • women;
  • minors.

Distribute persons to institutions on the basis of a court decision in accordance with legislative norms.

Public inspection

What principles is the system based on?

Citizens deprived of their liberty for various unlawful acts are serving sentences in institutions that, regardless of their type, are subject to certain principles:

  • territorial;
  • separate content by categories of conviction;
  • punished persons are in the same penitentiary until the deadline;
  • conditions can be changed based on the behavior of the prisoner.

Principles must comply with:

  • physical and psychological integrity for convicts;
  • free participation in one’s destiny - the ability to appeal;
  • conditions in which you can survive;
  • medical assistance.

The convicted person should be given free access to the officials who guard him, have power over him.

Negotiations with a lawyer

Influence of factors

The criteria for the gravity of the crime have a major impact on determining the place of deprivation of liberty. The court decides where the convict is first to be, what actions to take regarding transferring him to a more strict regime of detention or alleviating difficult conditions.

A person who has committed an unlawful act may be sent to a settlement colony:

  • by negligence;
  • first intentional.

The court takes into account the circumstances in which the misconduct, personality, degree of guilt. When a judge decides to serve a sentence in penal colonies with a general regime of detention, he gives motivation for such a determination.

Who is kept separate from society?

Depending on the distribution in places of deprivation of liberty, the review shows the following picture:

  • persons convicted of acts committed through negligence, or transferred for good behavior from strict regime institutions, shall be placed in a penal colony;
  • both general men and women are sent to correctional institutions with a general regime for grave and especially grave crimes if they have broken the law for the first time;
  • according to strict regime, both re-convicted persons and the first time are serving a term if a crime of serious severity has been committed;
  • a special regime is provided for persons dangerous to society who are serving their sentences for life.

People who have violated the law with serious unlawful acts and sentenced to a term of more than 5 years go to jail.

Pregnant convicts

Where are patients corrected?

In prisons, the concept of correctional and at the same time medical institutions was introduced relatively recently, since 1997. Regulates the distribution and rules for the maintenance of prisoners of the PECs of the Russian Federation by article 74. The following persons are placed in the LIU:

  • suffering from drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • patients with open tuberculosis.

Convicts are there in accordance with special rules and regime:

  • comply with the schedule of treatment;
  • work depending on medical indications;
  • limited on long dates.

Malicious violators of the routine are placed in isolators:

  • penalties;
  • disciplinary;
  • transferred to cameras.

At the same time, they continue to treat, provide two-hour walks and provide food for medical reasons. HIV-infected people are fed according to the menu, which is identical to what should be given to cancer patients; they are not involved in work. Prisoners with infectious diseases are kept separate from others, and visits are prohibited. Wherever a criminal sentenced to a term is located, he is not affected by human rights. He has the right to file a complaint about every prejudice from the guards or violence from his cellmates.

Places of imprisonment

How is control carried out?

Monitoring of places of deprivation of liberty is carried out by advisory councils, public organizations that collect data, monitor the detention of prisoners in accordance with international standards in accordance with the standards. Effective mechanisms include control by:

  • internal oversight services;
  • judges and prosecutors;
  • organizations independent of the authorities;
  • MEDIA.

Such supervision allows you to get a general idea of ​​the places of deprivation of liberty of the Moscow region and other territories of the Russian Federation, to determine the need for practical and legal measures. The purpose of any punishment is to correct a person’s behavior, to make him leave the walls of a correctional institution as a full-fledged citizen, not dangerous to society.

Social adaptation of persons released from prison

Adaptation should be understood as ways of adapting to the new environment after places not so distant from public life according to the rules of the changed routine. Social adaptation depends on the following parameters:

  • release from the walls of detention by a court decision;
  • cancellation of sentences due to termination of proceedings;
  • probation;
  • commutation to a milder sentence;
  • amnesty;
  • severe illness, disability.
Check in camp

Former criminals must go through psychological and practical preparation for new living conditions:

  • restore previous positive social roles;
  • master new requirements in accordance with the changed circumstances;
  • make useful contacts;
  • eliminate obstacles;
  • successfully rehabilitate in society.

Without moral, psychological, organizational preparation of persons released, it is possible to re-carry out criminal acts. Eligible structures should take precedence over groups of former friends, the first to influence their future activities.

What factors need to be overcome?

So that the former offender does not continue the criminal path, he needs control and help from his relatives in the first, most dangerous year of freedom. The degree of complexity of adaptation depends on the personality of the former convict and his qualities:

  • worldview;
  • temperament;
  • intelligence;
  • morality;
  • legal awareness;
  • ethics;
  • morality;
  • education;
  • specialty;
  • labor skills.

The second criterion is the conditions in which a person released from prison falls:

  • availability of accommodation;
  • registration;
  • family relationships;
  • official employment;
  • how the work team of the new employee with a special biography accepted;
  • work of district police officers at the place of residence, what tactics are used by supervisory authorities.
Women in prison

The first months after release are the most difficult for citizens. During this period, you have to register and each time answer the question: found a job or not. Not all employers seek to recruit a similar category of employees. Effective adaptation in other life circumstances is possible provided:

  • devices for study or work;
  • favorable meeting in the family;
  • restoration of communication with society;
  • strengthening morality.

Lawyers recommend the creation of special centers that would professionally deal with former criminals. It is important to exclude concern for the future of such people from the competence of punitive bodies and to entrust control to institutions interested in a positive result. To increase the number of jobs for the contingent, so that there is no temptation to raise means of subsistence in an easier and more usual, but illegal way.

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