Facebook Promotion: Examples and Business Opportunities

One of the promising options for developing your own business is the promotion of a public page on a social network. In our country, there are several popular resources of this type, but Facebook looks particularly interesting, since it is an international network that allows you to attract interested audiences from different countries. True, success awaits only those who can properly promote their page. Consider the main advantages of using social networks for business.

Prospects for All

According to many experienced marketers, promotion on Facebook is one of the most promising areas for finding an audience interested in the services of a certain business. This social network, popular all over the planet, as many say, is changing the methodology of promoting entrepreneurship, adjusting the way business is conducted, and in the future this influence will become even more significant. Facebook gives you the opportunity to interact with users who want to purchase a product and service, which means that an entrepreneur can count on quality feedback. Western enterprises were the first to use this network to improve their market position, but recently many domestic companies are also considering ways to benefit from the system.

Although the social network is relatively young, promotion on Facebook is not surprising: it is obvious to everyone that this gives good prospects. That was not always the case. Originally, the network was created only for students at Harvard; The pilot launch took place in early 2004. By the middle of this year, the first proposal was received to buy the development from the author - the buyers wanted to give $ 10 million for the project, but received a hard rejection. Two years later, new buyers valued the site at a billion dollars, but their version did not interest the owner.

page promotion

Facebook: a unique project

Promotion on Facebook attracts many, and this affects the company's budget. There are no shares of the social network in free sale, therefore it is impossible to assess the exact level of capitalization, but today it varies about 35 billion, and only on advertisers the system receives more than a billion per year. It’s really beneficial for a social network to try to promote their pages, so the project is so loyal to business. The benefit is mutual: enterprises developing in this way attract more customers and improve the quality of their service, which means they can count on big profits. Since with a well-thought-out campaign, both sides remain in the black, there are only more willing to try such a promotion.

To understand the prospects of promotion on Facebook, you need to navigate the attendance of this project. There are special resources designed to estimate the number of active users. They are considered to be those who visit their page once a month or more often. There are now about a million of those members of the social network who have marked the Russian Federation as their place of residence, and this number is constantly increasing.

Pros and cons

When planning to promote your business through social networks, you need to understand the difference between different projects. In our country, the most popular resource is the Vkontakte system, but you cannot call it absolutely similar to Facebook. On average, older and more successful people use a foreign resource. Most users are people aged 18-44. On the basis of such studies, many conclude that Facebook is the most successful option for the development of entrepreneurship. This system is positive for advertisers and includes numerous tools that simplify the work with advertising.

Website promotion through Facebook attracts with the quality of the audience, among which you can promote your product. Mostly the social network is used by travelers, entrepreneurs, journalists, as well as people who have foreign friends and partners. Accordingly, any enterprise for which such a clientele can be considered a target, benefits from promoting its own small internal project.

Pages that can be created on a social network are provided for interacting with customers and partners. They are similar to the personal pages of ordinary users. Everyone can become a fan by clicking the corresponding button, but no confirmation of entry is required. Perhaps this is the only significant difference from personal internal pages, important for the average user.

social media store promotion

Why is this needed?

Creating, promoting a page allows you to get a small unique resource of the enterprise, sufficient for contact with the audience. Here you can reflect all the important information about the work of the company. Short messages are issued in statuses, long - in notes. If desired, you can enable the forum. If you have your own application, you can bind it to the profile. Having become fans of the enterprise page, the user will see its updates in the news feed. Many use this opportunity to inform those interested about upcoming events. Each new message, once in the news feed of signed people, becomes part of the information stream in which users of the social network live, while there is no feeling of foreignness.

Creating and promoting an enterprise profile helps you get away from email updates and SMS messages. At the same time, the communication format is more pleasant, contacts become frequent, the feeling of obsession is leaving. This is especially important for the media: such resources constantly publish previews of new materials, thereby attracting traffic to your personal website. The best results are obtained by those enterprises whose owners were able to launch a reliable and effective promotion program.

Subtleties of the question

When planning the promotion of pages on social networks, you need to navigate the basic selection algorithms with the system of the very best: if you manage to get into their list, audience coverage will increase significantly. The first rule is to remember the time a new post appeared. This is important in terms of traffic regarding this message, but not only: any user has two feeds, one of which shows new messages, and the other - popular. Even if the post was published relatively long ago, but received the support of the audience, it will remain among the popular ones, which means that many will be able to see it. There is a complex internal algorithm for calculating the inclusion of a message in the number of popular ones - sometimes there appear those to which there are no comments and user responses at all. The dynamics of the page, the volume of interactions of a particular participant and the profile promoted by the entrepreneur are taken into account.

The main advantage of this approach is the ability to demonstrate to users not only the already popular, but also what is potentially interesting to a particular person. If a company constantly writes content on its page that does not attract the attention of users, there is no chance of becoming one of the most popular. They are also practically absent from those who unsuccessfully choose the time of posting - for example, late at night, when most participants are sleeping. By morning, this message will be pushed into the background by new ones, which means that a member of the social network simply will not see it. It must be remembered that by default the user sees exactly the popular news, and to switch to the latest updates mode, you need to press a special key.

creation promotion

Submission of advertising: subtleties

When developing a project for promoting a page on a social network, you need to remember the different possibilities and tools that the selected resource provides. For example, stopping at Facebook, the user can begin the promotion of the page created inside this project. An alternative is to create your own website, where traffic from the advertisement will be redirected. This seems preferable to many, but experts say that the first path is more promising. When a user leaves the site, he can remember the address, which means he will return later - but this may not happen. It is likely that a person will come back to the site only after a new advertisement is displayed, which means paying for his click. But if he likes the internal page, the businessman can then contact the potential customer directly, without additional costs.

In order for the promotion of pages in social networks to be profitable and justified, you need to use all the tools available here. Facebook allows you to limit the audience by which the ad will be displayed. You can adjust the parameters by age category, habitat or work in a certain company.

On examples

Not so long ago, on the expanses of the World Wide Web, one could see the story of an experienced journalist, telling how you can use the capabilities of social networks to improve the quality of your own life. The main topic of the message was job search. The professional himself checked: if you do promotion in social networks, with minimal financial investment, you can get an excellent high-paying job. The plan is pretty simple:

  1. Create your own page.
  2. Provide links to examples of work.
  3. Give a link to the resume.
  4. Run an ad campaign named yourself.

The main success factor is the latter. It is necessary to correctly determine the target audience. An announcement should be seen only by people employed in the publication in which the person wants to work.

social network promotion plan

Comfort and perspective

When planning store promotion in social networks, you need to remember two important aspects: the quality of the audience and the capabilities of the advertiser. A distinctive feature of the system is the constant expansion of the ability to customize advertising campaigns. The procedures for submitting ads are fairly simple, and the interface is often complemented by new features. There is an internal system that tracks the actions of advertisers. It is regularly improved, therefore, any unethical and incorrect methods of promotion are quickly determined and suppressed. You can not be afraid of "dirty games."

No matter how much one would like to put into practice a unified, universal, guaranteed successful promotion strategy in the social network, this simply does not exist. Facebook provides numerous opportunities, and it is up to a specific user to decide which one to choose based on his goals and preferences. You just need to remember that readers here are much more demanding on the quality of content than in many domestic social networks. It is believed that such an audience appreciates its time, so it draws attention only to concise, curious notes that are useful in practice. To draw attention to such information, you need to illustrate it with images and videos appropriate to the topic.

The key to success

In order for Facebook page creation and promotion to be beneficial, you need to analyze in advance what the target audience is. The number of subscribers for a business page is not limited by anything, but a simple cheating of users will not give the desired result. You need to understand what the core of the clientele is - at the expense of these people communication will be organized. Active promotion recommended.

Initially, you can send links individually to users and groups, inviting those who wish to join the new page. But the purchase of participants or cheating fake hit the rating. In many ways, the future of the project depends on those users who came first. If you manage to form an interested group of people, the demand for content will be large, which means that the system will immediately record the return and increase traffic by publishing new entries among the popular ones, even if they have not become one. If there is no return, the internal filter will turn on, the content of the new page will automatically be rated as useless, no one will just see it. A novice entrepreneur should set himself the goal of a thousand regular contacts - when this level is reached, the position of the page will significantly strengthen.

As you can learn from the training programs, promotion in social networks largely begins at the expense of friends of the creator of a new business. It is necessary to take advantage of the already developed base of fans, subscribers of your personal page. It will not be superfluous to use paid advertising, as well as enter into a link exchange program with other groups that are relevant in topic, but do not compete with a promising entrepreneur. On other resources, you can publish links, advertising banners that lead to a new project. All messages must be viral.

social networks business promotion

Key Rules

In order for the promotion of services in social networks to be effective, you need to write messages correctly. Important aspects:

  • Attractive headline.
  • The regularity of publications.
  • Unlike competing entries.
  • Conciseness.
  • Availability of illustrations, information graphics.

Some people prefer to use hashtags, but this does not provide an obvious advantage. Some studies have even proven that such messages are less effective than those written without hashtags.

For publications to be regular, a plan, schedule should be developed. The ability to compete with other pages is based on preliminary research. To increase the productivity of an advertising campaign, you can supplement it with a thematic group. All members of the community can write individual messages, which is one of the key advantages of the strategy. On the other hand, a group that does not have a page will not give financial success to the owner, since users who are not registered on the network simply will not be able to see it, and most of the Facebook participants who are not in the group will also not be able to get acquainted with content.

Meet by clothes

For business promotion in social networks to be successful, you need to immediately set yourself the basic rule: the design of a virtual workspace is extremely important to attract the attention of a potential client. According to experts, the design of the work page is the first step of promotion, which largely determines the success of the program launch. Design pursues several goals at once. Thanks to him, the brand can become recognizable. If an avatar of a company profile, page design is sustained in the colors of the enterprise, characteristic logos are used, the project immediately looks solid, solid, branded. This presentation gives uniqueness.

Equally important is the presentation in terms of presentation of useful information. If a new site is launched, the company changes the address, all this data is written on the cover so that users can immediately notice useful data. However, proper design helps increase conversion. On the cover you can publish photos of new products, and in the description give a link to the new items in the assortment. You need to understand: users will only appreciate the design if quality pictures are used. Pixel and blurry only repel the reader. There are special services that simplify the adjustment of the image to the specified parameters.

Facebook promotion

Where is this street, where is this house

If the address of registration and registration is important for a person or an enterprise, then for a virtual representative office, the capacious, short, memorable name indicated in the address bar becomes a key aspect. In the plan of promotion in the social network, you must definitely include the step of selecting a successful address.

The main percentage of subscribers goes to the page either through an advertisement or through the site, however, the selection of a concise and memorable address is important. If the combination of characters that comes to mind is already used by someone, you can choose another. The main thing is the presence of an obvious logical connection with the name of the enterprise and the scope of work.

Nothing to hide

When planning the promotion of goods in social networks, you need to prepare for the presentation of all the positions offered to the client. According to experts, the colorful descriptions are not the only thing that attracts a potential customer. It is important for people to have access to complete information that gives a detailed picture of the enterprise and the product it offers. , , . . , , , , . , , , .

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For page promotion to be effective, you need to conduct it systematically. It’s best to set up a schedule for yourself, and do not overload the resource, so as not to turn it into a news conveyor. According to statistical studies, the greatest engagement is recorded if the brand publishes one or two posts daily, but if there are three or more entries per day, the indicator decreases.

To control your success, you need to use statistics visualization tools. Inside the social network there are quite a few mechanisms for collecting useful information, which are reflected in specialized blocks. Such parameters allow you to optimize the workflow. Based on the results, you can find out what type of content attracts the user the most. The administrator sees which record causes the maximum response. If there is a significant difference in engagement, you can find out what caused it.

When developing a plan for promoting a personal page or business, you need to analyze a block of statistics for time limits. Knowing at what moments the maximum target audience is online, you can choose a schedule for the publication of materials.

Based on the analysis of statistics, you can determine what the target audience of the enterprise is. Often the initial view is inaccurate, data analysis helps to isolate other segments that were previously hidden from the eyes of analysts. From statistical graphs it will become clear what are the sex and age parameters of the most active users - this will be useful in the future for the development of the case.

social media page promotion

Presentation nuances

For the promotion of your personal page to be effective, you need to be responsible for the design of the content. Statistical observations show: the best response is recorded, illustrated with original photographs. Psychologists note: about 70% of the total population of our planet are visuals. Therefore, the colorful design of each new news allows you to attract the attention of the audience. It is important to mark all images with their own unique characters. Of course, you do not need to put your name on the whole image, just a small logo is enough. This will make the image branded, eliminate theft, and form an associative series among readers.

It is equally important to form an advertising campaign that will allow you to present the brand in the best possible light. In addition to the internal capabilities of a social network, additional communication channels should be used. It is recommended to attract your friends and acquaintances, and unfamiliar ones can be interested by contacting them personally. You should review your email settings, find a signature column in them, and add a link to your Facebook profile to the classic polite phrases. If a businessman uses e-mail distribution to promote the site, it is recommended that each letter include a link to a page on a social network. It will not be superfluous to have a widget on the company's website.

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