Why are sound devices not installed? How to install a sound device on Windows 7?

Probably, for most users, presenting a computer whose configuration is devoid of multimedia advantages will prove to be an almost impossible test of imagination. Because the first thing that comes to mind is the senselessness of using such a technique. However, many of the owners of a modern computing device do not notice how huge and unimaginably rich is the creative potential embedded in this machine. However, the often occurring problem of ā€œsound devices not installedā€ still makes the user think that without audio support the PC is a very boring device.

Let's not keep silent about the problem: for beginners, an unexpected ā€œboycottā€ of the system often becomes a kind of test, from which not every newcomer manages to emerge victorious. But you, dear reader, are lucky! In just a few minutes you can correct the situation. Simple, but effective methods of restoring sound on a computer will help you detect and neutralize the unfavorable cause of electronic silence coming from anywhere. With your permission, we proceed to the study of the material.

Sound devices not installed

Audio controller - a device in which sound is born

As you understand from the foregoing, the article is dedicated to those users who donā€™t know where to start, when the system ambiguously reports that sound devices are not installed. Therefore, let us examine in more detail the subject of our discussion.

Depending on the modification of the computer, the audio subsystem implemented in it may be a discrete or integrated type of sound card. The most common is the latter type of device under consideration, the functionality of which is ensured by the coordinated operation of two basic elements: the host of the controller, which is part of the south bridge chipset, and a small microcircuit separately known on the motherboard, known as the audio codec.

Nevertheless, in both cases, the troubleshooting process such as ā€œsound devices are not installedā€ is almost identical, apart from some nuances that you will also become aware of from the material in this article.

Install a sound device on a computer

Why the computer is silent: the main reasons and methods for their detection

As practice shows, in most cases, problems with sound occur through the fault of the user. The main factor is the same carelessness, as well as the inherent reluctance of many people to get acquainted with the technical documentation of a PC. Often, the user forgets to turn on the speakers or incorrectly uses the audio connectors. It is difficult not to notice the crossed out speaker icon in the system tray, however, many bother to ignore it. The likelihood of mechanical damage to one of the connecting cords is often also discounted during the search for sound problems. As a result of such banal omissions and an incorrectly assessed situation, the user begins to reinstall the audio drivers, edit the registry, in general, experiment. As a rule, such rash actions lead to a previously voiced problem. Therefore, to resolve the question: "Why are not sound devices installed?" - you need to approach, so to speak, comprehensively and systematically, so as not to lose precious time and energy in the fight against "windmills". However, let's move on.

What to do if the sound is lost on the computer : navigate the system

There are two types of malfunction: hardware and software. However, the second is often the ā€œculpritā€ of silence. Therefore, in order to verify the opposite, the first thing to do is to check the system settings of the sound device:

  • Click the "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel" menu.
  • Next, go to the "Device Manager" section.
  • Pay attention to the item ā€œSound, video and ...ā€. If you see any ā€œattributes of attentionā€ in it, then most likely the problems are caused by the inoperability of the installed driver.
  • When the user does not observe any deviations in the mentioned section, it is likely that the ā€œsilent errorā€ is hiding in one of the system settings.

Why sound devices are not installed

Forced retreat

Of course, the service message: ā€œSound devices not installedā€ requires immediate intervention from the user. Basically, the absence or inoperability of a critical driver is resolved by installing the current version of the corresponding software. However, we will not be silent about the fact that the implementation of the instructions may cause some complications that will become a kind of obstacle to achieve the expected result. A little later, we will certainly consider such a multifaceted issue regarding the correct operation of the involved audio driver. Let's go back to the previous discussion.

Checking the involved Windows Audio service settings

As a result of using third-party software, as well as in the case when the OS is ā€œinfectedā€ with malicious machine code, the system audio settings can be changed. As a result, it is unlikely that you will be able to safely install the sound device: Windows 7 will still be "dumb" (however, like any other version of the "Microsoft" system), if the operating parameters of the OS multimedia service are deactivated.

  • Use the hot key combination Win + R.
  • In the Run box, type services.msc.
  • After the "Services" panel opens, from the list presented, select the "Tools for building endpoints Audio" item.
  • After you double-click on the serviceā€™s service window, pay attention to the ā€œStartup Typeā€ checkbox: the value ā€œAutomaticallyā€ should be displayed there.
  • After the changes, activate the "Run" button.

If the above steps did not give a positive result, then proceed with the following instructions.

Install Windows 7 Sound Device

BIOS solution

Sometimes, in order to install an audio device on a computer, you need to use some parameters in the basic input / output system. Depending on the manufacturer, as well as the BIOS version of the firmware, the sections in which the audio component is configured may vary (both by name and location in the BSVV environment). Therefore, it is necessary to study in more detail the computer's operating certificate. However, you can always navigate the generally applicable words Audio, Sound or Controller. Nevertheless, only with absolute certainty that you are in a particular section, specify the Enabled parameter or Auto.

How to install a sound device

Windows 7 or the subsequent eighth version of the OS, when installing any driver, checks if the current user has administrator rights. As you understand, the subsequent driver implementation process is possible only if the above instructions are followed. Let's move on to the practical part of our material.

  • First of all, the old, broken sound driver needs to be removed. And with the subsequent use of a special utility (for example, CCleaner), the functionality of which has the ability to fix registry errors and uninstall residual entries in the Windows system log.
  • Only after a reboot can you correctly install the sound device on your computer using the stable version of the multimedia driver.

Install a sound device on a laptop

Details about virus threat and effective registry repair method

As you know, malicious software can completely disable the operating system. In our case, it may well happen that a virus left unattended can damage some system files, which, one way or another, will affect the full functioning of the OS.

  • Scan your computer for malicious code. It is worth noting that sometimes a traditional antivirus program is powerless in such situations. Therefore, after the standard scanning process, resort to third-party "disinfecting" utilities, for example Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Warning: quite often a common difficulty of many when a computer writes: ā€œSound devices are not installedā€ is a devastating result of malicious code that has been introduced into the OS. Subsequent user actions aimed at reinstalling damaged software are blocked by a virus program. Therefore, the above recommendation should not be neglected.

Recording, sound devices not installed

  • After you clean the system of "digital parasites", press the key combination Win + R.
  • In the Run window of the service window, type cmd.
  • When the command editor opens, enter the following value: sfc / scannow.
  • Depending on the configuration of your PC and the degree of damage to system files, the recovery process can take up to 20 minutes. Be patient and never interrupt a running operation.

If you find software inconsistencies, you must restart the PC. If the utility failed to fix some problem areas of the OS, then you should resort to the process of restoring them. Select the previously created checkpoint and activate emergency rollback of the system.

Other audio troubles, or what else prevents the user from installing a sound device

On a laptop is not only comfortable to work with. Often a portable device is used as a multimedia center, especially when the laptop owner considers himself an incorrigible music lover. At the same time, intensive use in the mode when the speakers are operating at full power, sooner or later will lead to the inevitable inevitability - "they worked out their own." Therefore, sometimes the problem of lost sound is resolved purely technically - by replacing a stereo pair. This, in general, is an expensive pleasure. Seeing some generalization in portable configurations, it is worth noting that most modern laptops (including desktop modifications) are equipped with an audio scheme of Audio HD-standard, which implies the use of a special audio controller.

Why can't I record?

ā€œSound devices not installedā€ in this case is not a problem. The solution lies in the correct connection of the recording device and in the system settings!

No sound devices installed: microphone

  • Check if a microphone is inserted into that jack.
  • Open the Start menu.
  • Go to the "Control Panel".
  • Enter the Sound section.
  • Now click on the ā€œRecordā€ tab.
  • If there is a microphone in the list of active devices, pay attention to the indicator next to it. When playing sounds, you must visually observe how the graphic equalizer ā€œcomes to lifeā€.
  • Otherwise, you must make sure that the device is technically sound.
  • If the microphone is not in the above list, then right-click once in the work area of ā€‹ā€‹the service window. From the context list, select "Show Unconnected ...".
  • Then click the manipulator button on the found element and activate the "Use by default" item.

To summarize

Of course, much did not fit into the framework of the article, but you, dear reader, still managed to get acquainted with the main reasons for the often occurring situations when sound devices are not installed, the microphone does not work. Nevertheless, we hope that the above recommendations will help you get out of the ā€œsoundā€ difficulty of the winner. Remember: when none of the software methods for restoring audio performance helps, this is a hardware malfunction. Therefore, be prudent, seek the help of specialists. Happiness to you and quality recordings!

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