Recently in the market of optics Bioclear (lenses) began to appear more and more often. This product is not very popular so far, but the demand for it is growing. Though not as fast as the manufacturer would like. Let's try to understand what this optics is. Should I buy it? Or is it better to use more well-known brands?
Wearing time
Bioclear - lenses that attract customers with their diversity. And now we are talking about the duration of wearing optics. A wide range of options helps the buyer choose what he needs.
For example, Bioclear one-day contact lenses have been very popular recently. They are especially suitable for travelers. No need to think about how to store optics - the day was taken and thrown away.
Customers also emphasize that there are also weekly, monthly, 3-month, semi-annual and annual options. All of these Bioclear contact lenses are designed to be worn during the day. If you try, you can find the "night" options. Before going to bed, they put on, removed in the morning. True, it is difficult to acquire this kind of optics. She is not in such high demand.
Perfect correction
The next point for which Bioclear (lenses) receive very good reviews from consumers is the proposed range of diopters for vision correction. It is quite wide. The main problem of this kind of optics is the limitation in the "plus" and "minus" vision. This means that in some cases wearing lenses is generally prohibited.
But not with Bioclear. The lenses of this production, according to customers, offer a huge selection of diopters for vision correction. Here, in truth, those who have minus vision are more fortunate. Such people can purchase Bioclear optics up to -10 diopters inclusive. Perhaps, few people can boast of such capabilities at the moment. For those who suffer with positive vision, Bioclear contact lenses offer correction up to +6 diopters. And this fact pleases many.
Even with sensitivity
Most optics are selected based on the individual characteristics of each person. And therefore, sometimes some lens companies are simply not suitable for consumers. What can be said about Bioclear in this regard? The lenses of this company, according to most consumers, are universal. That is, they will suit everyone. Find the right diopter, buy and wear.
The main problem when wearing lenses is excessive eye sensitivity. But those who have already taken advantage of Bioclear, note that this is an ideal option for everything. It is especially recommended to wear this kind of optics for people with increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the eye. After all, you will not have any irritation, allergies, or discomfort.
In addition, Bioclear (lenses) are thin. Just 0.07 millimeters. All this contributes to the fact that you will not feel the optics in front of your eyes. Few people can boast of such a feature. For most consumers, this item plays an important role. It is very inconvenient when the eyes clearly feel the lenses on the mucous membrane!
Bioclear also receives very positive customer reviews for the fact that this product is available to everyone. That is, according to consumers, there is no problem finding optics.
True, it is best to purchase this product exclusively on the Internet. In optics stores, doctors and salespeople do not particularly mention Bioclear. And there are reasons for that. But on the World Wide Web you can find any lenses of our current manufacturer, choose diopters for yourself, according to vision, as well as order and receive home delivery.
However, Biokliar is not as accessible as, for example, ClearBlue. You should not hope that you will find this optics in a lens selling machine in a shopping center or on the street. Bioclear is bought mainly on the Internet or in optics stores directly. But this does not stop buyers from enjoying the purchase.
About the cost of optics "Biokliar" only positive opinions are left. Indeed, this manufacturer is recognized as one of the cheapest brands, which positively affects the demand among the population. And precisely because of its low price, Bioclear (lenses) are not so often consulted by doctors. As already mentioned, they prefer to remain silent about them.
To make it clear what is at stake, we introduce a little specificity. Bioclear one-day lenses for a month will cost you about 900 rubles. For the same price you can purchase 6 pairs of one-month optics from Biokliar. In fact, a pretty good offer. Lenses for 3 months cost about 600 rubles, and for a year - about 800. Compare the proposed figures with the cost of similar optics from competitors. For example, “AkVuview”. According to consumers, a set of one-day lenses for them will cost 1,500 rubles per month, and 2,500 for 3 months. The difference is visible to the naked eye.
As you can see, Bioclear optics are really worthy of attention. If you are in doubt whether the lens is suitable for you, it is recommended to purchase a monthly optics and wear it daily all day. In the absence of allergies and a negative reaction of the eyes, you can not worry and use "Biokliar" constantly.