Slimming rope: how to jump? Exercise complex

Everyone knows that without sports it is very difficult to lose weight. Especially for those who have a metabolic disorder. Not everyone has the opportunity to regularly engage in fitness, swimming, jogging and other types of physical activity that help to lose weight. In this case, the good old skipping rope comes to the rescue. After all, this simple subject, which can always be at hand, is capable of very much. In the sports world, rope jumping is called skiping. In this article, we will consider what a rope for weight loss is, how to jump on this projectile, why it is so good.

Slimming rope: how to jump

The use of the rope

A lot can be said about the positive effects of the rope on the body. We will consider the issue in terms of weight loss. How many kilograms can you lose by jumping rope?

It is proved that from the point of view of calorie consumption, exercises with this simple shell are not inferior to intense running or swimming with a crawl. A 15-minute medium-intensity rope session allows you to burn 30 percent more calories than doing the same yoga, aerobics, dancing and other similar activities. Therefore, those who want to simply and quickly lose weight choose jumping rope. Calories in this way are burned no worse than in the gym with power loads. For an hour of training, you can spend about 600 kcal.

Another advantage of the rope is that classes do not require much time and space. The shell itself easily fits in your pocket. It can be taken to rest for daily maintenance of shape and even to work to invigorate the body after a long sitting activity.

Rope jumping


Unfortunately, skinning has some contraindications. It is not suitable for people suffering from joint pain, as well as for those who have undergone surgery in the patella or cartilage. Such people are better off choosing swimming.

Intense skipping rope is also contraindicated for those who suffer from migraines and problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as intracranial pressure.

And for those whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms, it is recommended to first lose weight by other methods (at least 10 kg), and then proceed to skinning. The thing is that due to excess weight, the body receives an excessive load.

This type of physical education, like running, is strictly prohibited if two hours have not passed after eating.

Shell selection

Any skipping rope is suitable for effective training, there would be a desire. But it is better if it meets the following requirements:

  1. Length. It depends on the growth of the athlete. Probably everyone knows how to choose this option, but we will remind you. Having folded the rope in half and lowering it so that it slightly touches the floor, you need to see at what level the handles will be. They should be approximately at chest level.
  2. Diameter and weight. The jump rope can be of different diameters, which depends on the modification and the material from which it is made. A 7-10 mm shell would do. It is important that it is not very heavy (the easier the jump rope, the more difficult and effective the training will be).
  3. Convenient handles. This parameter is not as important as the length, but for those who plan to engage in long-term training, it is worth considering. The handles should lie comfortably in the palms and not slip out when they sweat.

Lose weight with a rope

By the way, the sports rope, which is used in gymnastics, has no handles at all. Instead, knots are knitted or small extensions are made.

That's all, now you know what requirements a slimming rope must meet.

How to jump: training

Usually, everyone is faced with this issue at school, when you need to pass the appropriate standard. For those who could not learn at school or simply forgot how to do this, recall. To make learning easy and fast, we will divide it into three stages:

  1. The first thing you need to learn to jump without a jump rope. It is important to develop the ability to tear off on the socks from the floor for just a couple of centimeters. At the same time, it is necessary to observe a fast pace - about 100 jumps per minute.
  2. The second stage - you need to learn how to rotate brushes synchronously with jumping. First just practice your hand movements. To do this, both hands are taken in one hand. It is necessary to rotate so that the jump rope quite a bit hits the floor. Now you can combine this exercise with jumping, but you still do not need to take the shell in both hands. Learn to hit the rope on the floor at the exact moment when your legs come off it.
  3. It remains only to combine all the acquired skills and begin full jumps. Now your weight loss rope can be your integral daily assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

Jump rope with a counter

How to jump: nuances

The key to success in skinning is the right technique. Those who did not work it out initially, as a result, will not be able to jump for a long time and achieve the desired result.

So, taking the rope by the handles, you need to bend your arms at the elbows, which are pressed against the body. From this basic position should begin any lesson with a projectile. Movement should be carried out by rotation of the hands, not hands. Hands and shoulders should be motionless, then they will not get tired, and you can pick up a good pace.

After a jump, you need to land on the pads of the feet, and not on their entire area. Thus, throughout the whole set, only socks touch the ground. It is important that the back remains straight while jumping.

At first, you do not have to rush to achieve a high pace. At first, move in a rhythm that allows you not to stray. Getting used to the projectile, you will not notice how you gradually gain speed and soon begin to jump like a professional.

How to lose weight with a jump rope? Exercise complex

Start jumping for weight loss is with small loads. The first days - two lessons a day for five minutes. The following days - two classes of seven minutes and so on. After a couple of weeks, you can reach the 15-minute approaches, and then completely increase the duration of the training to 30 minutes.

Jumping on a rope lost weight

For those who want to lose weight fast, rope training should be even more intense. You need to start immediately with 15-minute approaches and increase their duration to 40 minutes in a week. But in this case, it is worth listening to your body so that it does not overwork. Do not forget that health is above all! During the approach, at first it is possible and necessary to take breaks of 30-60 seconds.

Additional exercises

To effectively lose weight and turn monotonous jumps into a more exciting activity, you can diversify them. The table below considers an integrated training option using the 30-minute approach as an example. If you take 15 minutes, just cut each step in half, if in 10, three times, and so on.

Lead time, minutesJumping option
3Alternately left and right
fourWith imitation of running
3Forward-backward-right-left on two legs
2With the reverse movement of the rope
oneWith crossing
5Slow pace

If there is no way to perform jumps with imitation of running due to lack of space, you can replace them with a version with a change of legs. And as an alternative to jumping on the sides, only forward and backward movements can come forward.

The last 5 minutes are needed in order to reduce the intensity of the load and not make an abrupt stop. After completing the complex, you need to rest for at least 5 minutes.

Do not rush to conquer this program, as it is quite complex and requires some experience. But if you practice your skills, she will surely submit to you.

When you manage to lose weight with a skipping rope, you can reduce the training time to 10-15 minutes. Such a charge will always help to be in good shape and cheerful mood. It is especially useful to continue to ride on a rope for those with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

Jump rope with a counter

The creators of the first jump ropes would be very surprised if they knew that modern shells can count the calories and grams of fat burned during training, as well as the duration of the approach and the number of jumps. The question of the accuracy of such counters remains open, however, as the reviews say, their readings are close to reality, especially if the shell is made by a reliable manufacturer. A jump rope with a counter is suitable for those who are bored with just jumping and want to visually observe their achievements.

Jumping rope, calories


So, you and I have figured out what a skipping rope is for, how to jump on it, how to pick it up and what else you should pay attention to.

This type of physical education is an excellent cardio workout, develops legs, helps burn fats intensively. That is why it is very popular with professional athletes, including boxers. Muhammad Ali was a great lover and popularizer of the rope . At his demonstration performances, he jumped 15 3-minute sets, between which he rested for just a minute. At the same time, the boxer kept a very high pace - 220 jumps per minute. Jumping on a skipping rope, not one famous person lost weight, and you can easily do the same.

Sports rope

The main point in any training session is to control your condition, and in our case this is especially important, since jumping rope is a serious burden for the body. They give a shake to the whole body and cause it a certain stress. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach them meaningfully and carefully.

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