Laser level: how to use? Laser level for home. Instruction manual

Minor repairs or construction is difficult to imagine without devices and tools that greatly facilitate the work. People learned how to make the first levels 200 years ago. Of course, they were primitive. But nowadays, a high - precision laser level has been invented . How to use this device to get accurate information? We will try to explore all the nuances that will help you with the construction.

laser level how to use

Prepare the tool

Before using the device, carefully read the instructions, because the work of each level has its own subtleties. Make sure that the device is assembled, that the batteries or rechargeable battery are installed and have sufficient charge. Try turning it on with the button on the case, turning the beam direction away from you. If the laser appears and creates a projection, you can proceed to subsequent manipulations with the tool.

Set the level

Depending on the type of work you want to do, there are several options for how you can set the laser level. How to use and how to position the device correctly? You will have to experiment to achieve the correct and accurate projection. Models can be mounted on a tripod, on the floor, on the ceiling, on the wall. Note that if you intend to use the level on the street, be sure to read the instructions and make sure that your device is protected from external influences: moisture, frost, sunlight. The declared range in which the level will work fine is also important.

bosch laser level

For example, the Bosch laser level has a housing that is perfectly protected from overheating and freezing on the street. Modern levels are equipped with automatic calibration, that is, the device will show if you unevenly installed it. But experts recommend additionally checking the installation. For such a procedure, the simplest level (for example, bubble level) is suitable. This is necessary to make sure that your instrument is properly aligned, otherwise you will not be able to achieve high accuracy.

We configure the device

Each instrument model is accompanied by clear setup instructions, but the general principles for working with the level are similar for the entire line of laser devices. If you have a prismatic tool, you can select a beam projected onto the surface: horizontal, vertical, both at once. And also select the function to turn off and on the laser points or plumb points (if any). In some rotary-type devices, you can select the function of rotating the laser beam or the desired alignment angle.

When using the level, decide what kind of work you will perform, and based on this, turn on the necessary mode. The laser level for a home can, for example, be used to check the verticality of a doorway. In this case, turn on only the corresponding axis, and turn off all others. This will provide you with the highest accuracy and will save on energy consumption, that is, your device will work offline much longer.

laser level for home

Detector: how to work with it

If you need to carry out work to check the horizontal position of the floor and establish the accuracy of the formwork, you can not do without a laser beam detector. For example, the Bosch laser level is equipped with this small instrument. It allows you to detect the rays invisible to the naked eye, which projects the level. This function is especially convenient if the device is installed at a great distance from the object. Usually, a special pulse mode is set for the detector function in the level. Before starting work, check that it is turned on.

laser level Price

Right on target

Almost all devices are equipped with a special accessory. It resembles a target (a plastic plate on which a marking is applied). This is a very convenient device that helps to make the most accurate marks even at a distance of 100 meters. Imagine that you are "aiming" a beam at the desired plane, for sure this is only within the reach of a sniper. But everyone can β€œhit” a target on a plate. Some models are equipped with an optical sight, which makes your work even easier.

Caution Laser!

If you use some tools improperly, there is a risk of harm to your health. These include the laser level. How to use this device correctly? Before starting work, be sure to wear special safety glasses that are included with the level. When the laser gets into the eyes, the retina is destroyed, and a burn is possible. Observe safety precautions.

360 laser level

Let's move on to practice

To understand how to apply the laser level 360 or any other analogue of the level, we give an example of the most frequent work during construction and repair:

  • Alignment of the walls. To make sure that the floor, walls, ceiling are even, it is enough to direct the laser beam along the surface. For such work, additional control marks will need to be placed in several places on the floor. Look carefully at how rough the surface is at each control point, and you will immediately understand how much material you will need to align the defects.
  • Tile masonry. For such work, choose a device that has the ability to project horizontal laser lines horizontally and vertically. The resulting crosshair of the rays is sent to the center of the future butt joints of the tiles. Guided by them, it is very easy to lay the tiles perfectly evenly. The Ada laser level is equipped with such a useful feature , in addition, it is distinguished by its affordable price, compared to analogues.
  • Wallpapering. It would seem that this is a simple matter, but working with a level is much more convenient. For example, a laser beam that is cast onto a wall will become an accurate reference point in order to align the sheets when pasting. But with the help of a vertical projection, you can accurately glue the border.
  • Furniture installation. Even if your apartment has even walls, which is rare, your interior may be corrupted by crookedly hanging cabinets and shelves. For example, a level that can build circular projections will immediately provide a complete picture of how to correctly and evenly hang all accessories. A horizontal projection will help with fastening curtains for curtains. The level significantly saves your time, no complicated calculations are necessary.
  • Redevelopment. With the laser level, such work has become much easier. Indeed, in order to determine the exact and even location of walls and partitions, you need to position the level so that the beam that it projects onto the floor, ceiling, walls becomes a mark for the future wall.

ada laser level

How to "build" inclined planes

If you want to dream up and create a truly unique interior design, you will definitely need a laser level level. The modern device is equipped with a function to turn off automatic alignment. That is, you yourself can project any line. It is enough to put the device at the right angle on a tripod or suspend it and you can plan future geometric solutions in the interior.

Level Measurement

So, you have a laser level. How to use this device to conduct accurate measurements at home? Of course, the device itself is not designed to measure the height of the ceiling or the distance between the planes. But with proper use, you can accurately carry out such calculations. For example, you want to accurately measure the height of the ceiling to a centimeter if your walls are not strictly vertical. Project a plumb line using a level and use a ruler to measure the distance from a point on the ceiling and floor. To carry out such work, your instrument must have a laser plummet function.

How much is the device

In fact, the price range for this device is quite large. The amount depends on both the built-in functions and the manufacturer. If you intend to use the appliance at home, you will not need a sophisticated industrial tool. Enough will be the level, which creates a projection from 5 to 20 meters, capable of building them in two planes: horizontal and vertical. It is important that the tool is self-leveling and has the function to turn off calibration. Laser level, the price of which is from 1200 rubles. up to 7,000 rubles., Cope with all of the above tasks.

laser level

When choosing a level, pay attention to product certification. If he does not have documents confirming his quality and safety, it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

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