The best processor stress test program

After assembling the computer, he needs a check on the stability of the components. The latter is measured by various stress tests that organize special programs. They help to check all the elements of the PC, including the processor, for resistance to stress.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of applications of this kind. But not all programs for the stress test of the processor adequately cope with the tasks. Experienced users have long found interesting options for themselves, while novices experience serious difficulties.

We will consider the most popular and best products of this segment, which allow you to easily carry out a stress test of the processor. And to do this as painlessly as possible for computer components, as well as for the user. So let's get started.


This is perhaps the best processor stress test program that can be found on the Web. Reviews about it are very positive both from professionals and from beginners. The utility allows you to fully diagnose all computer components, including the processor.


During testing, the user is provided with a detailed schedule, where all critical components are indicated: core temperature, voltage, frequency and other parameters. Upon completion, the program for the stress test of the processor creates a log where all the data received during the procedure is displayed.

The only negative, which in no way relates to the quality components of the utility, is a paid distribution license. The key is very expensive, but the developer has provided a trial period, where within a month you can do a stress test of the processor as many times as you like and absolutely free.

PassMark BurnInTest

This is a whole complex for the diagnosis of almost everything and everything. In terms of its capabilities, the program is in no way inferior to the popular Aida. Here you can not only run a stress test to the processor, but also check the video card, RAM, sound chip and other computer components. The program is distributed under a paid license.

PassMark BurnInTest

Also pleased and the visual component. The utility offers a wide selection of graphs, curves, charts and other graphic elements for the indicativeness of stress tests. The program interface consists mainly of large icons, when clicked on, a particular diagnostic action is launched.

You won’t be able to learn the utility in haste due to the variety of tools and menu items, especially if you do not speak English. There is no official Russian-language localization, but on the Web you can search for amateur options on thematic forums.


The utility, in its capabilities and effectiveness, is somewhat similar to Aida, with the only difference being that it is distributed under a free license. Judging by the reviews of advanced users, this is an excellent program for stress testing the processor and video card.

OCCT stress test

For diagnostics, you can use several existing presets or set your own individual parameters. During the procedure, a graph appears showing the critical characteristics of the processor. At the end, the program will provide detailed logs and indicate errors, if any.

The utility interface can not be called complicated or confusing. Judging by the reviews, beginners after half an hour freely navigate the menu without any problems. To a large extent, Russian-language localization and an intelligent help system contributed to this. The only thing users sometimes complain about is the incorrect display of the temperature of some Reisen processors. But the developer promised to solve this problem in the near future.


The utility is “sharpened” for equipment from Intel. Actually, it was developed by the forces of this company. Software offers one of the best stress tests for Intel processors. The developer claims that the utility quite adequately diagnoses AMD equipment, but for the latter it is still worth using other solutions.

IntelBurn Test

The user can select the duration of the diagnosis and the level of load: basic, medium, high and maximum. Upon completion, the program for the stress test of the processor will display detailed logs and separately indicate errors, if any.

The utility interface is very simple, and any beginner will understand it, even despite the lack of Russian-language localization. It is also worth noting that the application has a very impressive help system, covering all aspects of this process. This program for the stress test of the processor is distributed free of charge.


The utility uses in its presets a set of diagnostic instructions from Intel - LinPack. To start testing, it is enough to determine the amount of memory that you want to allocate to the program, and press the Start key.

utility linx

The utility interface is extremely simple, and there is nothing to deal with there. Even the exclusively English version of the product does not interfere with its development. The only drawback that meticulous users are not happy with is the lack of a core temperature indicator. So some will have to use additional software. The utility is distributed free of charge.


This software allows you to diagnose not only the processor, but also the video card with RAM, as well as hard drives. Users especially liked the detailed visualization of the stress test in the form of graphs to choose from.

Heavy load

Of the minuses, one can note the absence of some important parameters - frequencies and temperatures. The program received a nice and intuitive interface. In the upper part there are quick access icons with which you can easily run diagnostics.

The utility, alas, did not receive Russian-language localization, but it’s very simple even for beginners to figure out what's what. Software is distributed under a free license.


This is the most ascetic utility from our entire list. After starting the program, a small window appears where you need to select the subject of diagnosis - the processor and the video card. After clicking on the Start button, the utility will launch a stress test according to its presets.

power MAX

If during diagnostics any problems or malfunctions were detected, the program will issue a corresponding notification. No graphs, logs and other functionality - I clicked on the button and wait for the result. The product is distributed free of charge.


Another utterly simple utility aimed at diagnosing the processor and video card. Although the menu is in English, there are no problems with mastering it. At the top of the interface, you must select one of several presets, and then run a stress test.

Stress my pc

There are no graphs here, but intensity bars are used as a visual indicator. The product is distributed free of charge.

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