Islamic Dream Book: Interpretation of Dreams by the Qur'an and Sunnah

Anyone dreams in one way or another. This is a mysterious and incredibly attractive process that fascinates many minds. People often puzzle over what exactly their dreams mean. Despite the fact that technology is developing rapidly, science still can not give a clear answer about the effect of sleep on human life. The secret remains the phenomenon itself, and the principles of its appearance.

Islamic dream book as an answer to many questions

Dreams fascinate, frighten, give hope and make you angry. All the most hidden fears and desires can be embodied in them. A person is able to visit fabulous places, drink and eat anything and even speak an unfamiliar language.

But what do the various situations, pictures and images appearing during sleep from the position of Islam mean? When a believer reads the Qur'an, it means that the Almighty speaks with him, but he can communicate with his faithful novice even through dreams. Muslims believe that a dream can be considered prophetic only among the faithful. They also believe that they will be able to escape during the day of judgment.

Types of dreams

Islamic Qur'anian dream books say that dreams can be useful revelations, through which the Almighty gives the joy of knowledge and helps a person. This is a righteous dream from Allah.

Different dreams

But if the dream is empty and does not make sense, then it is inspired by the shaitan and should not be considered as a source of important information. The shaitan confuses the thoughts of the faithful and tries to lead them away from the path of the Prophet and the Most High. Only interpretations from the Koran and Sunnah can be considered real and trustworthy. The description of dreams from these sources is considered the most accurate and correct.

The interpretation of dreams

There are a lot of books in the world that reveal the essence of a dream and can explain to a person its meaning, but there are very few books that use the wisdom of Allah and his knowledge. There are even fewer people in the world who can distinguish between these books and extract the wisdom laid down for centuries. The most correct interpretation of Islamic dream dreams can be done only with the help of the Koran and the Sunna.

Fish in a dream

She is often met in dreams, but not everyone knows the subtleties of the interpretation of her appearance. According to the Qur'an, the Islamic dream book explains the appearance of fish in a dream in different ways, and the main interpretations will be presented below:

  1. If you see fried fish in front of your eyes, then a long way to gaining knowledge lies ahead. And if a person himself fries fish in a dream, then all his money will be wasted or he will invest a lot of money in a losing business. If you had to eat fried fish during sleep, it means that your family will start disagreements and quarrels.
  2. If the fish is fresh or even alive, it means that a young virgin will soon meet on the way, and if there are a lot of fish, but you can count quickly, then this is a sign that many women surround the person, but if you can’t count them, it’s to wealth.
  3. The Islamic dream book also defines fish in a dream as the possibility that a person desires the impossible. This is easy to understand, as it is very difficult to catch fish with your bare hands, and it constantly slips away.
  4. Another option suggests that eating salted fish is a harbinger of a joyful event that occurs just at the moment when a person is sleeping. If the faithful simply sees salted fish, then he will be saddened by news from loved ones.

What is a cat dreaming about

Cat in a dream

The list of interpretations was not without such a familiar animal as a cat. If a cat or cat appeared to a believer in a dream, then this may mean:

  1. Next year will be calm and bring a lot of joy.
  2. In another version, the Islamic dream book considers a cat in a dream a symbol of betrayal by his wife. It can be both domestic betrayal, disagreement, and betrayal.
  3. One of the options suggests that in a dream a cat warns about the presence of a thief among relatives.
  4. If a cat scratches and bites in a dream, it means that the acquaintance will deceive the person or an illness will soon come.


The source of life, without which not a single person can survive for more than three days, is all water. According to Surah the Djinn, 16.17 she means test. The test may be a meeting with an old enemy, or promotion.

Water value

In the Islamic dream book, water does not have a single interpretation, therefore, having seen it in a dream, one should be prepared for the scenarios described below:

  1. Drinking hot or boiling water - to trouble and disease. And if the water was also salty, then poverty will overtake a person.
  2. If the water was yellow, it means that the disease is already on the verge and will soon capture the faithful.
  3. Crossing a pond on a boat with the stream, according to the Qur'an, a person can easily earn money, but if the boat sinks, then it is worth thinking about waste in the future.
  4. Water turned into blood according to the Islamic dream book means large-scale changes in life, possibly even the death of loved ones.
  5. If the drinking water was clean and tasty, then the next dreams will soon be fulfilled. And if a person washed himself in such water, it means that he will soon find peace.
  6. If the water was bitter, death may occur in the immediate vicinity and it will have to be mourned for many days. Sometimes bitter water is a harbinger of a severe illness.


The snake, according to the Bible, was the creature that persuaded Eve to give Adam fruit from the tree of knowledge.

Snake in a dream

But even in earthly life this cold-blooded is quite dangerous, and according to the Islamic dream book, a snake in a dream can mean the following:

  1. A person who sees a snake in a dream may soon receive a raise or a large amount of money.
  2. If the snake has bitten, it means that they will expect losses and distress ahead. To avoid this, you do not need to tell everyone about your innermost secrets.
  3. Another interpretation says that in this way the Almighty protects a person, passing protection to him with the help of a snake. Under the auspices of Allah, there is no need to fear for the safety of the family.
  4. One of the options suggests that a dream in which a snake crawls freely in the house is an occasion to closely monitor guests, as one of them may turn out to be a traitor.


Muslim house

A house is a place where a person is well, especially a believer. But according to the Islamic dream book, a house can mean the following:

  1. This is the image of a wife who protects and gives rest to her husband.
  2. If in a dream a man left a small house, it means that he left all the troubles behind, and if the house was large, there will be more acquired.
  3. The construction of a house in a dream speaks about the future good deeds of this person, and the destruction of the home - to injustice.
  4. Close the door to the house tightly by going into it - that means that a person controls himself well and refrains from sinful acts and thoughts.
  5. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar dwelling means that the disease will soon recede, if there is one, and this house will also symbolize the afterlife of a person.
  6. Seeing a house that has already been destroyed is a big financial loss and a deterioration in relations.
  7. If the house is unfamiliar in a dream, then well-being will be as great as the house was from a dream.
  8. The Golden House means that big troubles are expected soon.
  9. Inspection of a new home means a person is building far-reaching plans. It can also mean significant changes.
  10. If a person is sick, and he dreams of a house, then death will await him soon.
  11. Build a barn - the family will soon expand.


Dream wedding

A very joyful event for both the newlyweds and their parents is the wedding, a reflection of this event was found in the dream book. The Islamic dream book defines a wedding as follows:

  1. This is the acquisition of some means of livelihood and the reduction of anxiety.
  2. Getting goodies at a wedding means meeting friends soon or acquiring new ones.
  3. If a train appeared with the bride and groom in a dream, it means that soon this person will meet with someone who will become his life partner.
  4. To be in a mixed crowd of men and women at a wedding is a complicated relationship in life.
  5. To see your wedding is to strengthen relations, and dancing at a wedding according to the Islamic dream book means that you need to be careful with the opposite sex.
  6. If a person is not married or not married, then the wedding will be a sign foreshadowing an imminent union, and if there is already a relationship, then this is to replenish the family.
  7. A wedding with her husband in a dream is an early death.
  8. Seeing someone else's wedding from the side - death will soon happen in the family.
  9. Wedding is a harbinger of funeral. To get married is an early death.


If a woman was seen in a dream, then there are several interpretations of this dream.

Islamic woman

Islamic dream book defines a woman as follows:

  1. Aging any woman in a dream means getting benefits and improving living conditions. Perhaps moving to a new place of residence.
  2. If there are a lot of women around, this indicates the presence of a great temptation to receive all the blessings in life. And if these women approached the man, then he will have a good fate.
  3. In some cases, women promise life's adversities and trials.
  4. Also, a woman in a dream is interpreted as the appearance of a love relationship. Another definition is the appearance of a thing or person who needs to be protected in the name of the Almighty. Since they participate in Jihad, they will subsequently go to Hajj.
  5. If a woman stands with her back, then she is trying to force the cunning to execute evil intent.
  6. An ugly, old and disgusting woman with a scary face is all sorts of disasters and diseases, possibly the death of loved ones. On the contrary, a beautiful, stately and well-groomed woman - to joy and well-being.
  7. A dreaming old woman shows what earthly life looks like for a man.
  8. If a woman dreams of any other girl, then she will have enemies soon.
  9. According to the Sunna, the Islamic dream book defines a woman with dark skin in a dream as carrying joy and fun in the near future.


In this regard, the Islamic dream book has several definitions. Some of them are contradictory, but have a rational grain. The Islamic dream book defines a pregnant woman in a dream as follows:

  1. If a woman is old and saw her pregnancy, then she needs to wait for the disease.
  2. If a woman has not yet been married or is virgin and will see her pregnancy, then she will soon have to get married.
  3. Anyone who witnesses their pregnancy will eventually receive an increase in their wealth and an increase in material wealth.
  4. If the husband sees his wife pregnant, you should expect good news soon.
  5. If one of the friends has become pregnant, then they will soon have a replenishment.
  6. If a pet has become pregnant, soon there will be a lot of joy and peace in the house.
  7. If a daughter has become pregnant, then she will soon get married.
  8. If a pregnant woman sees herself with a beard, she will give birth to a son.
  9. If there are many pregnant women around, then family well-being will burst into the house.

Baby in a dream

Baby in a dream

The Islamic dream interpretation interprets such dreams as follows:

  1. If you have to teach a child to the Koran and Ayat, then through this dream Allah helps to get rid of mortal sins and repent.
  2. If a child is born in a dream, difficulties will increase in ordinary life.
  3. Holding a child in her arms means that soon a large amount of money or property will be received. Sometimes this means fulfilling old plans.
  4. If the child is sick, difficulties in life will soon come.
  5. The child is healthy and laughs - great joy will come to the house.
  6. If the baby is still nursing, it means that soon the family will face difficulties and worries. Perhaps friends will turn out to be traitors. If the child is an adult, then this means that he will bring joy and happiness.
  7. A child playing with a cat - big changes are coming soon, according to the Islamic dream book. Interpreting dreams with a child is often difficult because it is difficult to determine the age of the child in a dream. But if the child has become almost a man and dreams, then there will soon be big changes in his activity.

Animals and birds in dreams

A dog who dreamed of a believer means an enemy who only makes noise and harms this without going over to active actions.

Leo means that soon there will be a meeting with a very authoritative and powerful person who can change his life. It also means that a person is brave and strong. Another option means that a person is peaceful, but is ready to stand up for his family and friends.

animals in a dream

A dreaming fox means that among friends there is a sly one who hides something.

Hazel grouse in a dream - fast wealth. There is also the option that a woman will soon meet with whom there will be a long relationship.

Stork means that soon many people will come together for the event. If the stork flies, then there will soon be a wedding.

The lamb is an obedient son. If a holiday occurs and they eat lamb meat, then everyone who eats it will receive a small reward.

The goat in a dream of a faithful Muslim says that there is a meeting with a short-sighted person who takes up valuable time without giving anything in return.

The crow is a harbinger of imminent death and burial. It also means that there is a difficult journey ahead to an unfamiliar place.

A Muslim duck in a dream means a quick replenishment in the house, the acquisition of a strong faith in Allah. But also this means that a person can get into difficult life circumstances. And if there was an intimate conversation with the duck during sleep, it means that relations with his wife will improve and you can get good news from her.

The bear is a symbol of the presence in the circle of friends of a stupid deceiver or thief.

Lizard - in a close environment there is a person capable of deception and theft.

A rhinoceros in a Muslim dream means that a meeting is coming with a dignitary. Also, this meeting can bring many benefits. If a person himself was on a rhino, then he is an authority in his circles.

Cancer in a dream means that to get the money you have to commit a crime or a deal with conscience. And if the meat of the cancer is eaten, then you need to expect good news.

Fruits and vegetables in dreams

Apricots in a dream are a symbol of an imminent illness, or a big loss.

Watermelon is a harbinger of pregnancy.

Olives in dreams are a harbinger of prosperity and wealth.

Grapes in a dream indicate that in ordinary life a person has many friends and you can rely on them. If the grapes dreamed in the winter, then the disease will come soon. Squeezing grape juice means losing your status. Eating ripe fruits - to wealth and prosperity.

Radish in a dream is a symbol of the fact that soon a person will get a new job, which will not bring him much pleasure.

Apple in a dream

An Apple. Means a hobby, an important activity for a person. A person in a high position who sees that he is eating an apple in a dream may consider himself to be nourished by his power. If the seller sees such a dream, then the properties of the apple will reflect its quality of trade. Green and sour apples hint that a person illegally received money. If an apple tree is planted during sleep, it means that a child will be born soon or a child will be brought up for upbringing.

Dates. If in a dream a person eats them, then the Almighty is very close to him, and if the dates themselves fall into his mouth, great wealth will soon come under the protection of Allah. This also means that diseases and ailments will soon recede, since dates are food permitted by the Qur'an.

Turnip in a dream suggests that a lot of trouble awaits a person. And if the turnip is in the ground and has already grown, it means that soon a child will be born in the family.

Figs A dreaming sweet fruit marks a great harvest and real wealth. Sometimes this means that soon you need to get rid of the old property, but in its place a new one will come.

Vegetable stew symbolizes that the person eating it will soon lose all respect and lose its social status.

The Islamic dream book will reveal the secrets of your dreams if you learn to interpret them correctly.

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