Nowadays, the problem of clean air arises everywhere. In rooms where a person spends a lot of time, there are always substances harmful to his health. These are chemical elements that are released after cleaning the premises, after repair, from household and computer equipment, furniture. The materials of decor items in modern homes saturate the air with harmful substances. The most dangerous of them are benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde. In addition, often in the air of the room there are harmful gases, allergens. Even opening the window, it is hardly possible to refresh the room, because the street is full of exhaust fumes from vehicles. Indoor plants can be used as natural filters for cleaning airspace. Therefore, it is very important for each grower to know which indoor plants purify the air and can be useful in creating a favorable indoor climate.
Many call this plant geraniums. It copes well with the purification, ionization and disinfection of air. Geranium destroys streptococci and staphylococci, other pathogenic bacteria. This plant contains essential oils, which, provided there are no contraindications, have beneficial effects on human health, soothe the nervous system and normalize sleep.
Geranium is unpretentious in leaving. It requires good lighting and plentiful watering, and in winter - low temperature.
This is one of the most popular indoor plants that cleanse the air. It destroys benzene in the air, as well as trichlorethylene, which enters from windows with exhaust gases. The height of the dracaena can reach three meters. This is a miniature palm tree that feels good in any light. He likes moist soil, but water must not be allowed in the sump.
This plant with unusual flowers is known as "Feminine happiness." In the photo of a houseplant that cleans the air, you can see that a useful flower can be very beautiful. It has wide, dense foliage, thanks to which it copes with air purification, taking away mold spores and toxins, including ammonia. Spathiphyllum increases the humidity in the room.
He likes abundant watering in care, so the soil should always be slightly moist. It is shade tolerant, so it can be placed in the back of the room.
Epiprenum Golden
This liana is one of the best indoor plants that purifies indoor air. It can grow up to two or more meters in length. It does not require special lighting, but is afraid of direct sunlight. Watering is necessary only when the soil begins to dry out. If the plant becomes very long, the mustache must be removed.
It is considered the most unpretentious indoor plant, purifying the air in the apartment. This plant is especially useful for residents of megacities. It is capable of absorbing exhaust gases, as well as gas combustion products. It is advisable to place it near the gas stove. This plant very effectively copes with the destruction of toxins in the air, including formaldehyde. Surprisingly, the dirtier the air in your room, the better chlorophytum grows.
Its white-green leaves are narrow and long. Chlorophytum has a drooping mustache, at the ends of which there are processes. This plant is unpretentious. Feels comfortable both in the shade and in the light. But with good lighting, the color of the leaves becomes brighter. It does not require frequent watering, as this plant can absorb water from the roots. If watering is plentiful, the plant grows faster.
Chlorophytum, despite its unpretentious appearance, can look very impressive in a cache-pot or suspended on some support.
Ficus Benjamin
Each grower needs to know which indoor plants purify the air in the apartment most effectively. It is worth paying attention to the ficus of Benjamin. It is one of the leaders in air purification. It is capable of destroying harmful substances that are released from furniture and plastic items, including formaldehyde, ammonia and benzene. It also cleans dust from the air well.
The ficus has large, wide leaves, which must be periodically wiped from dust. He is unpretentious in leaving. It grows well in partial shade. Watering infrequently, up to three times a week in the summer and once a week in the winter.
This plant is best known as "Mother-in-law's tongue." Among indoor plants that cleanse the air, it is the leader in oxygen evolution. In addition, sansevieria is very effective in fighting streptococci, which cause inflammatory processes in the human body, resulting in tonsillitis, scarlet fever, pneumonia and other serious diseases. The leaves of this plant absorb all toxic impurities in the air, except for ammonia.
Sansevieria is very hardy and durable. She has hard long leaves. Their color is dark green with light stripes. She is unpretentious in leaving. He feels comfortable in bright light and moderate watering.
The plant cleans the air of formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene, which enter the room air from the street, after cleaning using household chemicals. If the room has parquet flooring, Dieffenbachia is simply necessary, since it fights the harmful substances released by the parquet.
It does not require special lighting. Watering is moderate.
This is a houseplant that cleanses the air and is useful, as its juice has healing properties. Aloe is widely used in folk medicine, effective in the treatment and prevention of colds. As a natural filter, aloe does a good job of purifying air from formaldehyde. Its leaves secrete many phytoncides, under the influence of which the human immunity is strengthened, the work of the brain is stimulated, and fatigue is relieved.
Aloe is unpretentious in leaving. He likes to sit on the windowsills, but in this case, direct sunlight should be avoided. Watering rare once a week.
Lemon and Orange Trees
These trees are considered excellent air purifiers, since they destroy microbes and bacteria in it. In addition, the essential oils of these plants have a beneficial effect on human health. They calm the nervous system. Trees saturate the air with freshness.
Bamboo palm (chamedorea)
This is a spectacular houseplant that purifies the air in the house. Chamedorea destroys formaldehyde. Another useful property of this palm is its humidification.
At home, it grows to a height of two meters. There are several types of this palm. The most common - elegant chamedorea and high chamedorea.
This is a very useful plant in homes where there are animals - cats, dogs, rodents. Ivy is able to remove formaldehyde from the air, and also effectively destroys fecal particles.
Common ivy is photophilous. It is better to place it on the sunny side, but you should not allow direct sunlight to fall on the leaves. The soil must be kept moist and dry.
This is a beautiful indoor plant that cleans the air. Gerbera absorbs benzene from the air. Another useful property of this plant is the ability to positively affect a person, improve sleep.
Gerberas are distinguished by a huge number of species. This flower loves lighted places, but direct sunlight should be avoided. Watering should be moderate, waterlogging and overdrying of the soil is not allowed.
Laurel noble
This plant is more common in European homes. Laurel has a large number of useful and medicinal properties. The main one is the purification of air from germs and dust.
Laurel is quite hardy and unpretentious. He loves light, plentiful watering in the summer and moderate watering in the winter. It is steady against temperature difference.
It refers to indoor plants that cleanse the air. This plant is capable of destroying dust and negative ions in the air, which arise as a result of radiation from electrical appliances. In return, he gives up positive ions, discharging air. The cypress tree makes the air in the house fresh, clean and breathable.
This plant copes well with harmful fumes that result from chemical compounds. Therefore, in rooms where household chemicals are often used, begonia is simply irreplaceable. It cleans the air of dust, fungi and germs, while moisturizing it. Begonia is also effective against radiation from electrical appliances.
The plant does not require special care. But for the effectiveness of air purification, begonia leaves need to be periodically sprayed from the spray gun.
This plant is simply necessary in rooms where there are smokers. Scheffler is able to neutralize tobacco smoke and nicotine. It cleans the air of benzene, toluene and formaldehyde.
This plant is suitable for any lighting and moderate watering once a week.
All gardeners should remember that only healthy flowers have beneficial properties for air purification. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions favorable for the growth of your green pets. Then they will not only decorate the house, but also clean the air in the room from harmful bacteria and chemical compounds.