How to connect Sberbank's Mobile Bank via telephone?

Today we’ll talk with you about how to connect the Mobile Bank through your phone. In addition, we will consider other ways that will help us start using this service. In fact, there are not so many options. Nevertheless, to understand them is worth it. Let's see what Sberbank offers us.

how to connect a mobile bank via phone

What is required?

If you plan to use the Sberbank Online (Mobile Bank) system, you can activate this service only if certain documents are available and after some preparation. In fact, all this is not so difficult as it seems.

The first thing you need is a plastic card. You won’t succeed without it. In addition, you will also need the details of your "plastic". Usually there is no problem with this.

The second point is the availability of a passport. For some operations, you will have to appear in person at a bank branch, where they will start servicing you if you have an identity document. Also not so problematic.

Sberbank online mobile bank connect

The last moment is a mobile phone. If you are thinking how to activate the Mobile Bank service, then, of course, you will have to take your cell phone with you. Actually, without it, nothing will come of it. The last point is time. Be patient. Now you can get to work. After that, you can easily use Sberbank Online. The Mobile Bank, which we are trying to connect now, will help you with this.

Personal visit

Well, let's consider with you the most interesting, but not the simplest scenario. The thing is that if you are thinking about how to activate the Mobile Bank service, you can always carry out this action with a personal visit.

All that is required of you is to write a statement. After that, you confirm your desire to use this function. Have you taken a card, passport and phone? Then go to the nearest Sberbank branch and take the line leading to the customer service window regarding plastic cards. A few minutes to fill out the application - and all problems are resolved. Honestly, this is easier than thinking how to connect the Mobile Bank through the phone. Nevertheless, there are a number of other possibilities. Now we will get to know them.

Help desk

Well, there is another quite interesting approach to solving the problem. If you are thinking about how to connect the Mobile Bank through a telephone, you can stock up on time and patience, and then call a special help service.

Take the phone and call 8800-555-5550. Wait for an answer and contact the operator. Tell him the reason you turned. After that, you will be asked to give a bank card number, a secret word, your initials, as well as a place of registration according to your passport. When the employee makes sure that you are the real owner of the card, you will be asked what number you need to connect to "Mobile Bank". Call him, and then wait for an answer.

how to activate the mobile bank service

As soon as the operator reports that the application has been completed, you can rejoice. After about a few hours, you will receive an SMS notification on your mobile phone that will inform you of the successful completion of the operation. That's all. Now you know how to connect "Mobile Bank" through the phone. True, this is not the only option. Now we will see with you what else can be done.

ATM + terminal

Well, here's another pretty interesting approach. We have already figured out how to connect the Mobile Bank through the phone, now let's look at another method that will help you in the task.

The thing is that any client of Sberbank can easily use the "Mobile Bank" using a terminal or ATM. That is, these machines will help us connect the service. This is pretty easy to do. You only need your bank card and mobile phone. When you decide, go to any ATM or terminal.

connect a mobile bank via phone

Insert your card into a special receiver. At the request of the system, enter the pin code. As a result, you will get access to the main menu. Find and select the following there: "Mobile Banking Service" - "Connect". After that, a selection menu will appear. There they will ask you what tariff you would like to connect to - Full or Economy. Choose whatever you like, and then click Continue. In cases when you plan to actively use a bank card, it is better to choose the first option. It remains only to enter the mobile number to which "plastic" is attached. That’s all. Now you can wait for the SMS alert, and then actively use all the acquired functions. Let’s now consider a few more rather interesting questions regarding the Mobile Bank. All this will definitely help you.

Upon receipt

It should be noted that if you are thinking about how to connect "Mobile Bank" via SMS, you will have to leave this venture. The fact is that there is no such possibility. Nevertheless, there is another rather interesting approach to obtaining this function.

In modern financial institutions, "Mobile Bank" is connected to the client immediately upon receipt of a bank card. Honestly, this is very convenient. Especially if you do not want to understand connection methods for a long time. In addition, this service facilitates the work with the Sberbank Online website.

connect mobile bank via sms

So if you decide to get a bank card, then take an interest in receiving information about connecting to the service. Although, frankly, you should offer her bank employees. They will cope with the task in just a few minutes. After that, you can pick up the plastic and enjoy the results.

How to find out if Mobile Bank is connected or not

There are several scenarios. Let's start with you to deal with the most simple. If you are thinking about whether your Mobile Bank is connected, then try to make a purchase using a card, and then look at your mobile phone. When you change the balance you will receive special alerts. If they do not work out for you, then we can say that the function is disabled.

In addition, you can always contact the nearest bank branch for help. You will be asked for a passport, card number , as well as the mobile phone number to which "plastic" is attached. Employees will let you know if the service is connected or not. Nothing too difficult. Now, let’s see with you what else might be relevant to our topic today. For example, let's try disabling the Mobile Bank, as well as link it to another number. Indeed, it is with these questions that modern customers very often ask.


Well, we have already examined with you how to connect the Mobile Bank via a telephone. Now let's try to refuse this service. There are several ways to do this. Nevertheless, many customers note the fact that it is best to use an ATM or payment terminal.

If you decide to "distinguish yourself", then you can use your own mobile phone or even visit a bank branch. In the first case, send an SMS with the text: "denial of service" (together) to the number 900, and then wait for the results. After a while, you will receive a notification that says about your refusal. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Sberbank connect mobile banking service

The second option implies nothing more than a denial of services through the preparation of an application. Take your card, passport with you and go to the bank. Fill out the application there. Now you can wait for the results. Nothing complicated.

When working with an ATM, insert "plastic" into a special receiver, then dial the PIN code and visit the "Mobile Bank" section. Select the "Disable" function there, and then "Continue." That's all. Ultimately, you will be disconnected from the "Mobile Bank". Now let's see how you can attach a new number to the card.

All over again

So, if you suddenly needed to re-link the phone to the card, you will have to resort to using the "Mobile Bank". Honestly, here you should turn to everything that was written earlier. First of all, refuse the services on one phone, and then simply choose any suitable method to associate a new number.

how to find out connected mobile bank

Honestly, an ATM is best for this. If you suddenly get confused, you can always ask for help from a bank employee. As you can see, the Sberbank Mobile Bank service is very useful. Connecting and disconnecting it is quite simple if you know where to start. Now you know all the approaches that relate to this issue.

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