Indoor flowers are a real decoration of any home. However, this statement is true only if you can provide the plants with proper care. The cultivation of potted plants is very different from cultivation in the open field. For indoor flowers to please juicy greens, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for their cultivation.
Interior decoration
How to care for flowers? Consider the general principles. To keep them decorative and to please you with flowering all year round, it is very important to follow certain rules.
- Temperature condition. In winter it is +20 degrees, and in summer +23 degrees. Most gardeners believe that the hotter the room, the better indoor plants will feel. But this is not true. Tropical species also love moderate temperatures. If this variable cannot be adjusted, then humidity must be increased.
- Watering. When purchasing a new plant, be sure to ask where it comes from and what conditions are optimal for it. It is especially important to reproduce the natural conditions of tropical plants. It is imperative to observe the rainy and drought season, that is, alternate active watering and its temporary cessation.
- Change of seasons. How to care for flowers, nature itself suggests. Provide natural conditions and receive excellent growth and plentiful blossoming.
- Periods of rest. All colors need them, no matter what part of the world they come from. To do this, reduce watering and stop fertilizing. Typically, this period falls in the winter months.
- Ventilation. It is designed to perform several important functions. This is a decrease in temperature in the room and enrichment of air with oxygen. Of course, cold drafts will not benefit your plants.
These are the main points that will help you understand how to care for flowers. But let's try to deal with them in more detail.
Features of accommodation
Indoor plants are in an artificial environment and are not able to get a few drops of morning dew. The use of heaters and batteries greatly dries the air, so you need to plan not only the placement of plants, but also options for humidification. You can use the following techniques:
- Place the pot on the expanded clay tray. Just make sure that the layer of water under the pebbles does not reach the bottom.
- The space between the pots and the walls of the pot is recommended to be filled with wet peat. Maintain its optimal condition by spraying.
- Near the batteries you need to place a vessel with water. But the plants should stand at some distance from it.
- Be sure to place a small fountain in the room that will saturate the air with the necessary moisture.
- Spray plants regularly.
This is just a small part of the tips on how to care for flowers. But their observance will already have a huge impact on the growth and development of your plants. Optimization of temperature and humidity allows you to achieve excellent results and lush flowering.
Soil and pot
This is the base and basis for indoor floriculture. Only in soil suitable for all requirements can you grow a beautiful and healthy plant. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a substrate that is ideal for your flower. So, for cacti, soil is required that passes water well. And if you plant a fern, then you need, on the contrary, clay soil with peat.
Speaking about how to care for home flowers, it should be noted that the issue of soil selection requires serious attention. The standard substrate includes peat, humus, sand. In some cases, you can add garden soil. Do not forget about the drainage layer, which provides normal access of oxygen to the roots.
Perform it best in early spring. Usually we ourselves set the change of seasons for plants. When it is winter outside, we clean them in a cooler room, reduce the frequency of watering. And with the onset of spring, it is time to awaken them from hibernation. Therefore, in continuation of the topic of how to care for flowers at home, a few words say about the transplant.
You can not change the substrate if the plant is going to bloom. This will cause it to drop buds.
A transplant is a good reason to consider the roots. If they strayed into a tight lump, then the plant was clearly crowded. Pick up a larger pot. The presence of rot indicates that, most likely, the irrigation regime was violated. It needs to be removed, and the places of the cut sprinkled with crushed coal. After this, land in new soil.
A week before transplanting, minimize watering.
An earthen lump needs to be moved from the old pot to the new one and fill the empty space with soil.
The main signs that a transplant is required are poor absorption of water, as well as a significant slowdown or cessation of growth.
At first glance, everything is very simple. In fact, it is better not to experiment, but to strictly follow the instructions. How to care for flowers, you can learn based on the materials of the article. There are two main points here. Overfilling is detrimental to the plant, as it leads to rotting of the roots. Overdrying also does no good. Ideally, you need to adhere to the golden mean.
Between April and September, watering is carried out twice a week.
At temperatures above 24 degrees, it is required to increase the frequency of water application to the soil up to 3-4 times a week. Focus on the condition of the soil. From October to March, you can switch to watering once a week.
If the room temperature does not exceed +15 degrees, then water once every 14 days.
Do not forget that tap water is too hard. It needs to be defended. And for the most delicate plants, it is softened with lemon juice.
Studying how to properly care for flowers, we must draw the reader's attention to the need for fertilizing. The amount of soil in the pot is limited, so you need to add nutrients from spring to autumn. Today on the market there is a huge selection of complex fertilizers:
- Liquid complexes. They need to be applied to the soil every two weeks.
- Special fertilizing candles are simply stuck into the substrate, and they gradually dissolve.
- Granular fertilizers. They are scattered over the entire surface. Over the course of a year, they gradually dissolve and nourish the roots.
- Fertilizers for spraying.
When making, the recommendations on the packaging must be taken into account.
Daily care
For flowers with soft and small leaves, regular spraying is required. This will allow them to clean from dust. And plants with large wax leaves need regular cleansing with a soft cloth, sponge or brush. If the leaves dry, they need to be trimmed. The appearance of brown tips on the leaves suggests that the air is very dry.
In summer, indoor crops can be taken out into the garden or set in warm rain. This will facilitate your care task. Outside, the air is not dry, as in a room. Therefore, plants will intensively grow and develop throughout the warm season. Do not forget that plants need to be brought into the room before night frosts.
Instead of a conclusion
Today we looked at the main points on how to care for indoor flowers. Focusing on them, you can grow the most delicate and moody varieties. The beauty of the home garden depends entirely on how the owner follows the rules described. They are quite simple, and their implementation does not require much time.