Are your legs tired? Foot bath to help you.

How often, when you come after an active, busy day, you literally fall from fatigue and feel “without legs”? Most likely, more than I would like. This is especially true for women who, having wound up in high heels a day, at home with great relief “get off” them and put on soft, comfortable slippers. And how often do you allow your legs to relax and truly relax? Probably also infrequently. But in vain, because it is necessary to take care of the legs in the same way as for the hands, and for the face, and for the rest of the body. And it takes very little time for such care, because we are talking about such a procedure as foot baths.

Do not assume that this should be done only for the prevention of colds and to keep warm if severely frozen. Yes, for this, too, but still, the foot baths can not only warm, but also help relieve fatigue from the legs, and relax the whole body. And, of course, no one has canceled the concept of simple hygiene.

The simplest and most accessible foot bath is an ordinary basin with hot water and aromatic oils or sea salt (the dining room is also quite suitable). Pour two tablespoons of salt into the basin, drip a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender, orange or pink, and immerse your feet there for about ten minutes: the fatigue will be removed as if by hand. You can do this procedure at least every day. Especially saline baths are useful if you have excessive sweating of the legs.

If you suffer from joint diseases, a foot bath with turpentine will help you. It reduces inflammation, relieves pain, reduces pressure. It can also be used as a prophylactic for colds. For such a bath, purchase a special cosmetic solution of turpentine and pour it into the water in the required proportion. Hold your feet in it for 10 minutes. The course of turpentine baths is usually from 10 to 20 days.

If possible, get yourself a water foot massager. There are a lot of varieties, and they are very good in that they combine the possibility of simple water procedures with various types of foot massage. This can be the effect of a jacuzzi, acupressure of the soles of the feet, reflexology, vibration massage, etc. In other words, with such a device you can independently carry out the most real SPA procedures for your legs, relieving them of fatigue and swelling, improving blood circulation, and increasing tone.

The foot bath is very effective in its properties: an ion field is formed inside it, a magnetic field that positively affects not only your legs, but also has a healing effect on the body as a whole. Such a massager perfectly removes toxins, as a result of which the general tone rises, chronic diseases cease to bother, insomnia disappears.

Just remember that the foot bath is not recommended for those who suffer from allergies, eczema, various ulcers. Very, very cautious with such trays should be those who have a disease such as polyneuropathy. This disease is characterized by excessively low temperature and pain sensitivity, so it is extremely likely to get a burn, pouring more and more hot water into the bath, but not feeling its true temperature. In case of circulatory disorders, foot baths can be taken only after consulting a doctor. Water in this case should not be too hot, and the time of the procedure itself should be too long. If you make contrasting baths, remember that the water in one basin should be a maximum of 38-42 degrees, and in the second - not less than 20. Submerge your legs alternately in one basin, then in the second, two times each. But do not repeat the procedure more than twice a week. And, of course, at the end of any of the procedures, always wipe your feet dry to avoid the formation of fungus and other troubles, and for at least an hour just lie down and rest.

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