Veterinarian Day in Russia

People treating animals have been appreciated at all times, as livestock meat was the main food in the winter. The day of the veterinarian decided to establish Patriarch Kirill in 2011. And now the holiday of veterinarians is celebrated on August 31. In another way, it is also called Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Flora and Laurus (patrons of livestock).

vet day
From the history

Even in ancient times, Flora and Lavra were revered - solemn celebrations in honor of the saints were held throughout Russia. Novgorod legend says that the death of cattle ceased from the date of discovery of the relics of the saints. So there was the Day of the veterinarian. Since that time, Russian people began to worship the brothers, who were considered the patrons of horses.

Veterinarian Day in Russia
Flor and Laurus lived in Byzantium in the second century. They were stone masons, believed in Christ, and the archangel Michael taught them how to handle horses. When the brothers were engaged in the construction of a pagan temple, the son of a priest approached them, who suddenly got a stone fragment in his eye. They wanted to punish the workers, but the young men promised the son of the priest a cure.

The brothers converted him to Christianity, and he immediately recovered. The boy’s father also turned to Christ. The temple was completed, but the idols were overthrown and put up a holy cross. The pagans did not tolerate this and threw the brothers into an empty well, which was covered with earth. The relics of the saints were discovered and transported to Constantinople several centuries later.

The day of the veterinarian is associated with another legend. According to her, the brothers professionally dug wells. Once the earth collapsed, and the youths remained under the rubble. From under the collapse there flowed a stream, to which a lean mare came to drink. She quickly recovered. Then the inhabitants began to drive horses to this watering hole, and later they dug up a well and saw living brothers there.

That's why the Day of the veterinarian was popularly called the "horse holiday". On the solemn date, the horses rested, they bathed, decorated, fed their fill and sprinkled with holy water. The housewives washed the huts, prepared a festive table and dressed up. There was also a tradition of brewing beer that day. On the icons, Flor and Laurus are depicted as patrons of horses. Above is the archangel Michael blessing the brothers.

Veterinary Day in Russia is currently

Now vets are irreplaceable workers. They are divided into those who treat farm animals, and those who improve the health of pets (cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs and others). Every year, the number of veterinarians who help our smaller brothers is growing.

veterinarian day in 2013
Celebration at the state level consists in congratulating the veterinary medicine workers with the authorities. The churches hold solemn services. Veterinarian's Day in 2013 was no exception. Doctors celebrate the holiday with colleagues or with pets, traveling to nature.

According to Patriarch Kirill, the holiday dates back to the first pages of the Bible. We must take care of animals, especially those that we tamed. Veterinarians are a necessary profession. They treat their favorite pets, so honor and praise!

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