Russia is a multinational state. This leads to a large number of faiths that are officially registered in the Russian Federation. Due to ignorance of basic things about other religions and scriptures, often conflict situations arise . You can resolve this situation. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the answer to the question: "The Qur'an - what is it?"
What is the essence of the Qur'an?
The word "Koran" is of Arab origin. Translated into Russian, it means "recitative", "reading aloud." The Qur'an is the main book of Muslims, which, according to legend, is a copy of the Holy Scriptures - the first book, which is stored in heaven.
Before answering the question about the Qur'an - what is it, a few words should be said about the origin of Scripture. The text of the main book of Muslims was sent to Muhammad through an intermediary - Jebrail - by Allah himself. In the mundane period, only individual notes were recorded by Muhammad. After his death, the question arose of creating scripture.
The followers of Muhammad recited the sermons by heart, which were later formed into a single book - the Quran. What is the Qur'an? First of all, an official document of Muslims written in Arabic. It is believed that the Quran is an uncreated book that will exist forever, like Allah.
Who recorded the Qur'an?
According to historical data, Muhammad could not read and write. That is why he remembered the Revelations received from Allah, after which he pronounced them aloud to his follower. They, in turn, memorized the messages by heart. For a more accurate transmission of the Holy Texts, the followers used improvised means for fixing revelations: some resorted to parchment, others to wooden planks or pieces of leather.
However, the most proven way to preserve the meaning of Scripture was to retell to specially trained readers who could remember the long Sunnah - verses. The Hafiz further unmistakably conveyed the Revelations he had taught, despite the stylistic complexity of the fragments of the Qur'an.
The sources recorded about 40 people who were writing Revelations. However, during the life of Muhammad, the suras were few known and practically not in demand. This is because there was no need for a single scripture. The first created copy of the Qur'an after the death of the Prophet was kept by his wife and daughter.
Quran structure
The holy book of Muslims consists of 114 chapters, fragments, which are called "sura". Al-Fatiha - the first sura - opens the Qur'an. It is a prayer of 7 verses that all believers read. The content of the prayer is a summary of the essence of the Qur'an. That is why believers each time say it, performing a fivefold prayer daily.
The remaining 113 chapters of the Qur'an are arranged in descending order in Scripture, from greater to lesser. Initially, suras have large volumes, they are real treatises. At the end of the book, the fragments consist of several verses-verses.
Thus, the question can be answered: Quran - what is it? This is a clearly structured religious book that has two periods: the Meccan and the Medina, each of which symbolizes a certain stage in the life of Muhammad.
What language is the holy book of Muslims written in?
As noted above, the recognized language of the Qur'an is Arabic. However, to understand the essence of Scripture, a book can be translated into other languages. But in this case, we should talk about the subjective transmission of the meaning of Scripture by the translator, who was able to convey his own interpretation to the readers. In other words, the Qur'an in Russian is just a semblance of scripture. The only true option is considered only the Koran, written in Arabic, which appeared on earth by the will of Allah.
The Koran in Russian takes place, however, any righteous believer must come to a reading of the scripture in the source language.
The style in which the Quran is written
It is believed that the style in which the Qur'an is set forth is unique, unlike either the Old or New Testaments. Reading the Qur'an reveals abrupt transitions from narrative from first person to third person and vice versa. In addition, in surahs, believers can meet various rhythmic patterns, which complicates the study of the message, but makes it unique, leads to a change of subject, and also gives a slight hint of discovering secrets in the future.
Passages of suras that have a complete thought are mostly rhymed, but do not constitute poetry. It is impossible to attribute fragments of the Koran to prose. When reading the Holy Scripture in Arabic or Russian, a large number of images and situations arise that are reflected using the intonation and meaning of the phrases.
The Qur'an is not just a book. This is the Holy Scripture for all Muslims living on Earth, which has incorporated the basic rules of life for righteous believers.