What is a wireless mouse?

So the time has come when wireless technology has become quite familiar. For the operation of mobile communications, satellite systems, modems, radio waves are used. They, being specially encoded, carry useful information.

wireless mouse
The only difference from wired solutions is that invisible fields are used as the medium.

Recently, a wireless mouse for a computer has gained particular popularity . Its main advantage, in comparison with classical models, is ease of use. You can now forget that a massive wire pulls the mouse off the table with its weight. And owners of laptops may not worry about how to twist this cord more compactly. But the expression “wireless mouse” is a little incorrect. After all, the device got its name for its resemblance to a famous rodent, and the absence of a ponytail is hardly conducive to recognition. Probably soon another name will appear, and the classic computer mouse can only be seen in museums.

On the Internet, the question "how to choose a wireless mouse." People just don’t know what to look for when choosing.

how to choose a wireless mouse
And the information in many articles on this topic is very blurred.

A wireless mouse, as we have already indicated, uses radio waves to transmit data. Depending on the frequency used, there are three modifications - 28 MHz, Bluetooth and 2.5 GHz. The production of models at 28 MHz is almost discontinued, since this relatively low frequency is easily shielded, and also does not provide sufficient speed. Often such a wireless mouse (its cursor) “lags” - it transmits data packets with delays. The advantage of this solution is low cost. If the computer is used to work in office applications and the Internet, then the use of such mice is permissible. A Bluetooth connection is convenient because many laptops have a built-in unit, so you do not need to occupy the USB port with an additional transceiver module. However, such models are not too common.

gaming wireless mouse
But the gaming wireless mouse always works at 2.5 GHz. High frequency provides a significant distance between the computer and the manipulator, which maintains operability. In addition, the performance is quite sufficient even for the most demanding users.

One of the characteristics of a wireless device is the duration of the power supply. The bigger it is, the better. Some mice use conventional batteries, which allows you to replace them with new ones at any time. It is also permissible to connect batteries of the appropriate size. In the latter case, it is necessary to take care of the charger in advance and, possibly, a backup set of power supplies. There are modifications of mice in which the battery is initially built-in - they are charged from a special docking station.

It should be noted that with an increase in the number of batteries, the weight of the device increases, which is not always good, especially for mobile use.

The choice of resolution and type of sensor, dimensions, as well as additional features is carried out in the same way as in the case of wired modifications.

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