Can menstruation start with breastfeeding? When should your period after childbirth begin

Even during pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to take special care of their own body, as well as carefully monitor what is happening to it. After the birth of a child, in addition to issues that are related to caring for a baby, women are worried when the body can fully recover. The first signal of normalization of the processes for the fair sex will not be her body shape, psychological state, but the moment when menstruation begins.

Menstruation that begins with breastfeeding is a clear manifestation of the restoration of the menstrual cycle. This suggests that the female reproductive system, as well as the whole body as a whole, functions well. We learn in more detail about whether menstruation can begin with breastfeeding. Also in this article you can find information about when menstruation should begin after a natural birth, as well as after a cesarean section.

Menstrual cycle

Can menstruation start with breastfeeding?

Some women who breast-feed and do not use infant formula are very frightened when they have menstruation at a time when they have not finished breastfeeding. However, do not be anxious in this case. Speaking about whether menstruation can begin with breastfeeding, it should be noted that the answer will be positive.

During HB, the mother releases a hormone called prolactin. It contributes to the accumulation of milk in the mammary gland, and also inhibits the function of the ovaries, thereby preventing the formation of new eggs. And, as you know, if there are no eggs, then menstruation does not occur.

So, we continue to find out whether menstruation can begin with breastfeeding. If your period began before you finished breastfeeding, this does not mean that the baby should stop feeding naturally. Menstruation will in no way affect the quality of a woman's milk. If the baby has become very restless, then you just need to take a shower more often. Such dissatisfaction is often associated with a change in smell, because a large number of sweat glands are located near the chest.

Monthly breastfeeding

When should your period after childbirth begin?

With lactation, the restoration of the cycle will occur in different ways in women, a lot will depend on the type of feeding. For example:

  1. If you feed your baby on demand, the menstrual cycle should recover in about one year.
  2. If, in addition to breastfeeding, you give your baby plain water, complementary foods or milk formula, then the cycle should return to normal after about 3-4 months.
  3. If you are feeding a baby according to the regimen, then you will need to wait for several months to restore the menstrual cycle.

If the baby is breast-fed, then, as a rule, the cycle is restored within 1-2 months after the birth of the baby.

Monthly after cesarean for breastfeeding

Type of woman

Normally, menstruation during breastfeeding will also depend on the type of woman. Doctors say that for blondes with blue eyes, even in the case of adding water to the diet of their child or introducing complementary foods, menstruation begins only after one year. As for brunettes with brown eyes, then they recover the cycle during the first six months after the birth of the baby. However, in most mothers, menstruation normalizes after lactation has ended.

Monthly after cesarean

And when should menstruation normally begin after cesarean during breastfeeding? Many representatives of the fair sex mistakenly think that after the birth of a child by the Caesarean method, menstruation begins earlier. However, this is absolutely not the case. The restoration of the cycle will in no way be associated with childbirth. It will depend only on the state of the body and the reproductive system of the mother, as well as the hormonal background. Only the hormone prolactin can accelerate or inhibit the recovery of the cycle.

Monthly at gv

As a rule, after childbirth, menstruation with HB may be less or, conversely, more abundant. However, in almost all mothers, pain disappears if they were present before childbirth. This can be explained by the bending of the uterus, which straightens during childbirth, thus leading to a decrease in pain during menstruation.

Irregular menstruation in women with breastfeeding

And for what reason are irregular periods observed during breastfeeding? Menstruation during breastfeeding will not be any different from normal. The female body is still under the influence of prolactin, which inhibits the appearance of eggs, which is why for several months the menstrual cycle may be a little unstable. Do not worry about this. As a rule, at the end of lactation, the cycle returns to normal, it is getting better.

If you are breast-feeding your baby, and your periods are too short, or there is a minimal amount of discharge, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor who should check the hormone count.

Delayed menstruation during breastfeeding

Heavy menstruation during breastfeeding

During the first 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby, the uterus is restored. As a rule, at this time it decreases, as a result of which the size assumes prenatal value over time. During this process, representatives of the fair sex observe blood secretions, which experts call lochia. As a rule, such discharge has nothing to do with menstruation. Menstruation will go much later. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that lochia can be quite plentiful, but do not be afraid of this symptom. Over time, they brighten, while taking a yellowish tint, and after a while they disappear completely.

If after 2 months the abundant discharge has not stopped, and also have the same reddish tint, then you need to contact a female doctor. Excessive bloody discharge, which have nothing to do with menstruation, and also does not stop for 8 weeks, will indicate hormonal failure or other disorders that occur in the female body. Do not self-medicate in this case. Only a qualified specialist is able to identify the root cause, and then prescribe a course of therapy.


Lactation during feeding

Some mothers experience a delay in menstruation during breastfeeding. If you are breast-feeding your baby, the reproductive cycle can still be different from the one you are used to. As a rule, delays periodically occur, or menstruation, on the contrary, starts earlier. This will be normal. However, here it is necessary to be very careful: with unprotected intercourse, a woman may experience another unwanted pregnancy.

Breastfeeding - a method of contraception?

Before the introduction of complementary foods, the fair sex breast-fed their babies up to 3 years. In those years, it was considered as the most effective method of contraception. However, when there are complementary foods, which are usually introduced at the age of six months, then breastfeeding does not protect mothers from the onset of an unwanted pregnancy.

When should menstruation go with gv

If the cycle has not yet fully recovered, then there is a risk of becoming pregnant. That is why you can not replace contraceptives with breastfeeding. It is able to protect the fair sex from pregnancy only during the first 4-6 months after the birth of the baby. If the baby is breastfed, then pregnancy can occur earlier.

Little conclusion

The birth of a baby is considered one of the most significant periods in the life of any woman. But, concentrating their attention on the child, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should not forget about their own health. The restoration of the monthly cycle is very important. If you will be confused by the irregularity of monthly discharge, profuse or insufficient, severe pain, delay, it is better to seek the help of a qualified specialist.

Do not be afraid that your period may negatively affect the health of your baby. When they appear during breastfeeding, as a rule, milk does not change either in taste or in smell. However, the baby can feel your emotional state. That is why for the period of critical days it is necessary to relax more, often carry the baby in her arms.

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