A priori - chocolate for connoisseurs of the present

Confectionery factory “Fidelity to quality” has created a new brand “Apriori”. Chocolate of this brand belongs to the premium class and has been produced since 2012.

“Apriori” - chocolate, the photo of which is presented in our article, has a wide range of products. Separately, it must be said about the unconventional approach to options:

  • traditional tiles;
  • small tiles wrapped in individual packaging;
  • Assorted mixes.

The price categories of chocolate correspond to the premium class.

a priori chocolate

Milestones of creation and creativity

Since 2001, the production of “Fidelity to quality” is located in the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region. The initial specialization of the factory is souvenir chocolate and corporate-branded products. Since 2005, its own brand has appeared - “Fidelity to quality”.

In 2012, this brand was rebranded - now it is Apriori. Premium chocolate, bitter, with unusual toppings - that’s how you can briefly identify today's brand. The originality and brightness of the name, dating back to the philosophical interpretation of the term, emphasize the pretentiousness of the manufacturer, his desire for success. At the same time, this also makes it possible to develop sales (without translating the name and unambiguity of its pronunciation) not only in the Russian market.

a priori chocolate

The company has installed modern production lines in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland. Their capacity is more than 20 tons per day. To date, the factory owner is the Paradigm Investments Fund. From this moment, some changes take place in the marketing policy of the enterprise. The company seeks to occupy a market share of premium chocolate, crowding out brands of foreign manufacturers. The Swiss company Lindt has always excelled in this segment of the Russian market - up to 50%.

Loyalty to Quality already owns a quarter of this segment today. The ambitious plans of the enterprise include increasing the market share with the gradual crowding out of imports using the Apriori brand.

aapriori chocolate photo

Chocolate: Composition of Products

The dark chocolate market is rich in fakes. These include, first of all, the under-supply of cocoa butter or even its replacement. It is rather difficult to notice an underinvestment with a partial replacement, it is rather difficult to rely on the opinion of inspection organizations. During the production of dark chocolate, the production of the Loyalty to Quality factory has been repeatedly tested by various authorities. And there have never been comments on either the composition or compliance with the technical conditions of production. It is difficult to maintain such indicators: we need both specialists and the desire of the management (more owners) to “keep the brand”.

a priori chocolate composition

The cocoa content in Apriori TM (classic bitter chocolate) is 65, 75, 85 and 99%. The smaller the cocoa in the composition, the sweeter the chocolate. 99% of cocoa is a unique chocolate, its taste can not be guessed right away, but once you try it once or twice, it is already impossible to break the habit. The aroma opens gradually after opening the package, acquires a rich astringency in the mouth, leaving a long lasting aftertaste. It is difficult to confuse dark chocolate of other brands with TM Apriori.

Fancy Fillers

During research by pastry experts on the preferences of connoisseurs of a premium product, some features of the Russian market were revealed. Based on the surveys, the following excipients were accepted for production: candied lemons and oranges, almond petals, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper. Combinations - ginger and candied lemon, almond petals and candied orange, apricot kernel, cayenne pepper and natural mint - are not entirely traditional. But this is what makes the Apriori brand unique.

a priori chocolate reviews

Chocolate: customer reviews and nutritionists

An unusual combination of lemon and ginger in one chocolate, and in another orange and almond, was appreciated by lovers of original flavors, while noting unusual freshness. The combination of peppermint and cayenne pepper was noted as giving a very long finish. The tartness and persistence of the aroma of chocolate with apricot kernel were appreciated by sophisticated sweets lovers. Real gourmets noted the bitter 99% chocolate, its delicious saltiness at the beginning and an irresistible desire to try the second and third piece. Nutritionists advise eating a piece of bitter 99% Apriori chocolate instead of breakfast.

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