Unpleasant sensations in the area of the mammary glands during menstruation are a phenomenon that almost all representatives of the weaker sex face. However, if a woman feels discomfort when the period of menstruation has already ended, this symptom can signal serious disorders in the body. The reasons that may cause this symptom are described in the article.
Normal occurrence
Is it worth worrying about a girl who feels discomfort in the mammary glands? If this feeling is observed shortly before the monthly spotting, it does not pose a danger to the body. Many women are interested in the question of whether to worry about their health in the case when, after menstruation, chest pains?
Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can have a different nature: burning, squeezing, tingling. They often arise as a result of the accumulation of fluid within the tissues. In the case when, after the completion of menstruation, a woman notices such a phenomenon in herself, one can suspect the development of several conditions:
1. Conception.
2. Imbalance of hormones.
3. Tumors of a different nature (including breast cancer).
4. Other changes that occur in the tissues of these organs.
Only a doctor is able to clearly determine which pathology caused a similar symptom. In some cases, the answer to the question of why, after menstruation, the chest started to hurt, is due to the natural processes taking place in the body.
Gamete ripening
It is known that at a certain stage of the cycle the girl’s body prepares for the birth of a new life. In this case, the reproductive cell is derived from the tissues of the ovary. During this period, a representative of the weaker sex may feel some discomfort in the mammary glands. This phenomenon passes quickly and does not cause much concern. However, if a week after menstruation chest pains, it is worth contacting a specialist and undergoing diagnostic procedures.
Sometimes patients complain of discomfort in the area of one gland. This phenomenon is often triggered by tumors of various types, bacterial infection, and the formation of an abscess. Naturally, in such conditions, the girl needs medical help.
Norm or pathological process?
A feeling of discomfort in the chest can be caused by a change in the hormone content that occurs before the start of critical days. This phenomenon is also accompanied by an increase in the volume of the glands. In the case when, within a week after the cessation of bleeding, the pain still persists, they indicate the presence of certain violations. Naturally, a single symptom gives the doctor reason to make an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct an examination of the patient, as well as a number of medical measures.
Additional signs indicating the development of the disease
Many are worried about the question of what causes chest pain after menstruation. Reviews of this phenomenon indicate that discomfort in the mammary glands is often accompanied by a change in their structure, size, shape, as well as cycle disorders. These symptoms may include the following:
1. An unpleasant feeling in the area of these organs, which becomes stronger during palpation.
2. Swelling of the tissues.
3. Irregularity of critical days.
4. The occurrence of nodules, swelling.
5. Change in the skin of the mammary glands (its tone, shade).
The main factors contributing to the appearance of the symptom
There are several general causes that can cause such discomfort, for example:
1. Tumors.
2. Infections transmitted through intimate contact.
3. The extinction of the functions of the reproductive organs (after 45 years).
4. The use of funds that protect against unwanted conception.
5. Irregular sexual intercourse.
6. Factors due to heredity.
7. The use of drugs for depression, sedatives.
8. An infection that develops in the tissues of the glands themselves.
9. Emotional overstrain.
Hormone Imbalance Disorders
Sometimes the answer to the question of why breast pains after menstruation lies in the changes that occur when using funds from an unplanned conception. Similar disturbances can also cause mental overload, menopause.
After 45 years, when the activity of the internal genital organs is gradually weakening, a woman can observe discomfort in the area of the mammary glands. In this situation, this symptom is accompanied by a sensation of heat, a strong separation of sweat, an acceleration of the heart rhythm and constant fatigue. The severity of manifestations depends on the general condition and characteristics of the representative of the weaker sex.
Often, girls of different ages after menstruation have chest pains due to the development of tumors. In such a case, severity and severe edema in the area of this organ can be observed. If this symptom persists for a long period, a woman should contact a medical institution. After all, often neglected pathology leads to the development of cancerous tumors. And on how timely the diagnosis and therapy will be, the future life of the patient largely depends.
Other possible conditions
A woman who turns to the doctor with a question about why breasts begin to hurt after menstruation is recommended to undergo examinations to exclude pathologies of an infectious nature. Such diseases include the following:
1. Inflammatory processes in the field of appendages.
2. The growth of the walls of the uterus.
3. Viral diseases of the cervical canal.
4. Inflammation in the vagina.
In addition, mechanical damage, diseases of the lymphatic glands under the armpits, pathologies of the heart muscle, joints, and bones are capable of provoking a feeling of pain in the mammary glands.
Such discomfort also occurs with disorders in the work of the VVS.
Discomfort resulting from conception
When a new life begins in the girl’s body, her body reacts to this process by changing the production of hormones. Therefore, after sex without contraception, if your chest hurts a week after your period, you should do a pregnancy test.
Particular attention should be paid to your condition with the appearance of additional signs of conception (fatigue, vomiting in the morning, slight discharge of blood from the genital tract, discomfort in the abdomen). This phenomenon can be suspected also in the case when an unpleasant feeling in the area of the mammary glands is accompanied by a delay in menstruation.
Malignant tumors
This condition is considered one of the most formidable pathologies and poses a threat to a woman's life. Cancer is suspected in a patient who has chest pain after menstruation, the doctor may, if there are concomitant signs:
1. Change in the shade of the skin of the mammary glands, the formation of coarsened areas.
2. Swelling of the lymph glands located under the armpits.
3. Flattening the surface of the nipples.
4. The appearance of hard patches inside this organ (they are noticeable when palpating).
5. Discharge from the mammary glands.
This pathology requires timely diagnosis and therapy.
Fortunately, cancerous tumors of these organs are well treated. It is only necessary not to postpone the visit to the specialist.
Diagnostic measures
If a girl is worried about severe discomfort, as well as an increase in temperature and discharge, she needs to urgently go to the clinic. After examination and conversation with the doctor, the patient is sent for examination. Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, a specialist can give an accurate answer to the question of why the chest hurts after menstruation. Medical procedures in this situation include:
1. Research using ultrasound.
2. Laboratory blood tests.
3. Assessment of the nature of tumors in the tissues.
4. The study of the mammary glands using an x-ray machine.
Therapy for this pathology is determined by the cause that provokes it. With tumors, the use of special drugs and surgical intervention is recommended. If the pain has arisen due to an imbalance of certain substances, medications containing hormones are prescribed to the girl. An important role is played by the patient's nutrition. She needs to eat enough vegetables, fresh berries, and fruits. You should refuse drinks containing caffeine, as well as chocolate and spices. Doctors recommend getting rid of addictions. Underwear should be made of natural fabrics, consistent with the size and shape of the glands. The presence of regular sex, the abolition of pills that prevent conception, baths with warm water can reduce discomfort.
To prevent pathological phenomena, any woman should undergo a regular breast examination in a medical institution.