Diet "Zigzag" for weight loss: review, menu, features, results and reviews

Excessive body weight makes women and men constantly look for the right methods to restore harmony to the body. They have to try a lot of diets and choose the one that turns out to be really effective. Zigzag diet is a special diet that has helped many people solve the problem of excess weight. Get to know her better.

Features of the Zigzag diet

It was developed by the German scientist Karl Noorden. Over time, nutritionists have improved it for better effectiveness.

The essence of the diet is the alternation of the intake of proteins and carbohydrates throughout its duration. First, there is a sharp decrease in carbohydrates in the diet, then their increase, and in the end everything will be balanced, so that the body is optimally short of these substances. The amount of protein during the diet changes: initially its consumption increases, then decreases, and by the end it is balanced.

Zigzag diet

Body weight is reduced because the body does not have time to get used to carbohydrates, and then there is a saturation with proteins, and then everything goes in the same order. Accumulated fats are burned, which is additionally helped by low-calorie foods.

The diet is suitable for people who are actively involved in sports. Otherwise, if you do not consume carbohydrates, this can lead not to decrease, but, on the contrary, to weight gain.

What happens to the body with a diet?

This diet can be followed for 1-2 months. The entire period is divided into 7-day cycles. The menu “Zigzag” is developed for a week, and in some cases for only 4 days.

The first day is the most difficult. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 gram per kilogram of weight. At the same time, the amount of protein for women is 3 g, for men - 4. For the weight loss process to be more effective, you need to do swimming, exercise and walking.

The next three days are a carbohydrate minimum. If for the first time the body cannot withstand such a severe restriction, then it is allowed to proceed to the next stage of the diet on the third day.

But if it turns out to withstand such a diet, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to delay the carbohydrate-free stage. This is perceived by the body as stress, and it will begin to store fats, and it will use the muscles to cover energy costs.

It must also be remembered that in large quantities, proteins and fats can create stress on the liver and kidneys. Gradually, the body, being on a carbohydrate starvation, begins to burn stored fat.

On the fifth day, carbohydrates are loaded: per 1 kg of weight - 5-6 g. At the same time, the consumption of proteins and fats is reduced. These days, the Zigzag diet, according to reviews, calories remain the same, but thanks to cereals and fruits, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet increases.

Zigzag diet menu

These days, the body rests from an excess of proteins and actively burns fat, until it switches to receiving energy from carbohydrate foods. Now is the time to strengthen physical activity.

It is the 6th and 7th day of the diet. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is as follows: 1.3-2 g; 0.8 g; 4 g. This proportion is recommended by nutritionists as the most balanced for a person who is actively involved in sports.

The first stage of the diet is completed, if you wish, you can return to its first days.

Menu views

The Zigzag diet, whose menu can be divided into 4 or 7 days, is quite simple to use. The program itself is designed for 1-2 months with cycles lasting 4 days:

  • In the first two days, a low-calorie diet is recommended, when the amount of carbohydrates decreases, and protein increases. During this period, fat begins to be actively consumed. By the second day, glycogen is absent in the body, which leads to increased use of fat accumulations.
  • On the third day, the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet increases, and the amount of protein decreases. In an organism that is not used to such ratios, the active breakdown of fats continues. At this time, glycogen accumulates in the liver and muscles.
  • On the fourth day, the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates is equalized, which corresponds to a balanced diet.

Zigzag diet reviews and results

After passing the first cycle, in order to improve the result, you can be on this diet for 1-2 months. Many people take such a diet into service and use it throughout their lives.

Zigzag diet menu for the week: reviews

During the first two days, it is necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the body, so that the expenditure of fats begins. The main part of the diet will be fish, lean meat and dairy products. Porridge, fruit and flour will be present in the diet in a minimal amount.

The diet can include 1-2 apples, 0.4 kg of vegetables that do not contain starch, as well as a piece of bread with bran.

Zigzag diet menu for the week

On day 5, it is necessary to add oatmeal porridge, rice or buckwheat, chicken breast, vegetable salad and pasta of hard varieties to the diet.

Sample Zigzag Diet Menu for a week includes days that differ in their calorie content. During the low-carb phase, the diet should include:

  • for breakfast - 2 eggs, cottage cheese and vegetable salad;
  • for the second breakfast - an apple;
  • for lunch - stewed vegetables with meat (boiled chicken or beef);
  • for a midday snack - a pear;
  • for dinner - baked (boiled) fish, vegetable salad.

During the period of high-carb days, you can make the following diet:

  • breakfast - oatmeal porridge, some bread;
  • second breakfast - any fruit;
  • lunch - boiled rice, vegetable salad and chicken meat;
  • afternoon tea - fruits;
  • dinner - pasta with sauce.

Diet zigzag calories reviews

In the menu of balanced days, you can include:

  • for breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese and oatmeal;
  • for the second breakfast - an apple (pear);
  • for lunch - buckwheat, vegetable salad and chicken meat;
  • for an afternoon snack - an apple;
  • for dinner - fish and vegetables, some bread.

Diet benefits

The Zigzag diet has undeniable advantages:

  • Due to the inclusion in the menu of a variety of products that contain proteins and carbohydrates, the feeling of fullness lasts a long time.
  • Carbohydrates enter the body in quantities that are necessary so as not to use muscle as an energy source. There is an acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • A varied diet does not allow the body to get used to monoproducts.
  • Diet does not require any increased costs, neither time nor finance. It is easy to start and end without harming your health.
  • During the diet, you must actively engage in sports.
  • For a short time, you can lose a few extra pounds.
  • During the diet, a person does not experience psychological stress when you have to give up a large number of different products.

Diet zigzag menu reviews

Thanks to a balanced diet, such a diet is suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight without harm to health.


Any changes in nutrition can affect a person both positively and negatively. The diet menu "Zigzag", according to reviews, also has some contraindications:

  • it is not recommended to use it for people with metabolic disorders;
  • you can not use the diet for diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as other chronic diseases;
  • do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Zigzag diet: reviews and results

Thanks to the menu for the week, weight is lost as follows: in the first days, losing weight can lose 1-2 kg, on the third day this process also continues. By the end of the sixth day, the weight returns, because the carbohydrates that were eaten at this time, retained water in the body. By the end of the seventh day, weight is reduced again. On average, weight loss per week will be 1.5-2 kg.

After 2 months, you can lose 7-15 kilograms. The result will depend on the initial weight. The larger it is, the easier the gained kilograms go.

Positive reviews about the Zigzag diet of many stars and ordinary people indicate its effectiveness and good tolerance by the body. The food includes many products from the usual diet, with the exception of harmful foods and drinks.

The opinion of doctors about diet

Nutritionists have a positive attitude to this diet, because within 2 months you can lose an average of 10 kilograms of excess weight. The menu is selected in such a way that no damage is done to the body. This is achieved due to the slow process of losing weight and an optimal diet. The menu can be changed depending on whether the person wants to lose weight or gain it.

Final stage

It is not recommended to leave the diet, but it should be used throughout life, only adapting to your body. If you leave this diet for a long time, you can return to it after a long break. Zigzag diet menu will allow many people throughout life stay slim and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Zigzag diet menu for the week reviews

Moreover, the achievement of beauty and a slender figure will not be accompanied by a deterioration in physical or emotional health.

Among the various eating patterns, according to reviews, the Zigzag diet and the menu that it offers, differ in balance and simplicity. By observing them, people achieve results that they could only dream of.

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