Innovative Education At Universities

Modern higher education in Russia has long required changes in its structure and educational system. New time dictates a new system of knowledge. Many years of teaching experience of all university employees have shown that not only a powerful theoretical base is needed, but also practical exercises that are in keeping with the spirit of the times.

The priority area of โ€‹โ€‹science has become innovative education, which is a complex of methods and modern developments for the training of highly qualified personnel. Innovation in this area presupposes not only the availability of a technical base, but also special attention to the development of the human person, corresponding to his profession and the time in which she lives. A person must be prepared for interaction with complex equipment and new forms of training.

It can be said that reality itself creates innovative education at universities. So some universities partially switch to distance learning using the global Internet. This allows you to get a specialty for students living in remote corners of Russia, for whom training in large regional centers is impossible because of its expensive cost. Thus, innovative technologies in education provide valuable personnel who are ready to work and develop the province.

In addition to using new technologies in the learning process, unique, modern teaching systems in higher education are also being created. They have a number of features:

- an integrated approach to training specialists in technical professions at all stages of the process,

- compliance of the information received at the university with the requirements of future employers for their employees;

- a unified approach to obtaining education in a specialty in all universities in Russia, consistent with international standards;

- in-depth study of foreign languages, regardless of the future specialty of the student;

- continuous monitoring of student knowledge. What matters here is not assessment, but the determination of in which scientific disciplines or practical classes there are knowledge gaps among students in order to adjust the program.

Modern innovative education at universities involves the introduction of disciplines that contribute to the development of students' communication skills for their further successful integration in the workplace. For this, various trainings and role-playing games are created. The traditional system of education in Russian universities prepares specialists who are difficult to restructure in the real world. Today, mobile specialists are valued, open to everything new, able to work with a large amount of information and learn right away. Thus, the innovative development of education also involves the psychological aspects of student learning.

Nevertheless, the material and technical base corresponding to the spirit of the time is an important factor in promoting student learning. Many universities are still equipped with computers that have long been outdated. It is worth noting that innovative education at universities involves conducting classes in equipped classrooms, where you can clearly see all the processes studied. Thus, the student will test theoretical knowledge in practice within the walls of higher education, where there is a chance, under the strict guidance of teachers, to correct all the shortcomings of his work.

The introduction of innovative technologies in universities should be carried out in stages, while the entire teaching staff must attend continuing education courses in order to provide students with relevant information that will be useful in real time, and not read the same abstract for 35 years. The theory should be supported by practice, and a young specialist should be able to quickly respond to all changes in his profession.

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