Chills during pregnancy in the early stages. What medications can pregnant women have?

Chills during pregnancy in the early stages are a common problem that expectant mothers have to face. The cause of this ailment may be several phenomena. Sometimes a woman needs treatment. This article will tell you what medicines can be given to pregnant women in these cases. You will also learn about the causes of this symptom.

early chills during pregnancy

Early chills during pregnancy

Often, representatives of the weaker sex are faced with the fact that they have chills almost immediately after conception. In most cases, this becomes a consequence of physiological processes. At the same time, chills during pregnancy (in the early stages) are the norm. Why is this happening?

The thing is that immediately after ovulation in the body of the representative of the weaker sex, progesterone is produced. The concentration of this substance reaches its peak in about a week after the egg leaves the ovary. If conception has not occurred, then the level of progesterone gradually decreases, and menstruation begins. In the event that fertilization has occurred, the substance begins to be released in an even larger volume. Because of this, a slight increase in temperature occurs. A fetal egg develops when the ambient temperature is at least 37 degrees. That is why a woman feels chills during pregnancy. In the early stages, you should consult a doctor. This will allow you to exclude pathology and make sure that this process is physiological. However, this is not always confirmed. It also happens that a sign becomes a symptom of a pathology.

why chills

Disease at the beginning of pregnancy

Weakness, chills, fever and headache occur during colds during pregnancy. Why does the disease so often affect expectant mothers in short terms? This process has the following explanation.

Immediately after fertilization and implantation, a woman's body resistance decreases. Immune defense falls so that the body does not perceive the fetus as a foreign body. Otherwise, the uterus will simply reject the embryo. As a result, a woman becomes susceptible to various diseases. In most cases, they are viral in nature. With a cold, a woman has chills, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness. Sometimes a runny nose and cough.

Disease treatment

Before you begin the correction of the pathological condition, you need to find out what medicines you can pregnant. Gynecologists do not recommend self-medication. It can lead to completely unexpected consequences. When the first signs of a cold appear, try to go to the therapist for an appointment.

Most drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. Especially carefully you need to take medicine in the early stages. The thing is that it is during this period that the babyโ€™s bone system and organs are formed. Any prohibited drug may affect this process. This leads to the development of congenital pathologies. Consider what to do with chills, and what medicines can be taken in the early stages of bearing a child.

what to do with chills

To increase immunity

Even the well-known safe interferon can not be used at the very beginning of pregnancy. Many doctors say that this drug can provoke a threat of abortion. However, expectant mothers can use the drug Oscillococcinum. This drug is a homeopathic remedy, it is allowed during the bearing of a child at any time.

In addition, doctors can prescribe Arbidol to stimulate the immune response. However, it should be taken not in a therapeutic, but in a preventive dosage. This will ensure the safety of the baby and the recovery of his expectant mother.

what medicines can pregnant

Does it fight temperature?

What to do with chills in the early stages of pregnancy? Is it worth it to bring down the temperature? It all depends on the cause of the sign. If this is a physiological process, and the woman is healthy, then do not take medications. Just keep an eye on the level of the thermometer. When it comes to illness, then the fever must be eliminated. You can bring down the temperature at a thermometer mark of 37.5. Further increase may already be dangerous for the future baby. What antipyretic drugs to take?

Paracetamol-based drugs should be preferred. Choose baby compositions. The safest and most effective medicine in this case will be Cefecon suppositories. If you do not have such a drug, then you can drink one tablet of a drug such as Paracetamol. Remember that โ€œAspirinโ€ is strictly contraindicated. It can cause irreparable harm to your unborn baby.

weakness chills temperature

For sore throat

Often chills are accompanied by pain in the tonsils. How to treat this symptom? Here folk remedies can come to your aid. Among them, raspberry tea, honey, milk and butter, as well as lemon, can be distinguished. These funds will not only help eliminate discomfort, but also slightly reduce body temperature.

If you do not want to use folk remedies, then use the medicine "Lizobakt". These are lozenges that can be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Runny nose and sneezing

Often with a rise in temperature, a runny nose occurs. This is an absolutely normal defensive reaction of the body. In most cases, the virus enters the body of the expectant mother through the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. What medicines to use in this case?

To increase the body's resistance, you can use drops "Derinat" or "Griferon". To cleanse the nose of mucus, flush the passages with saline or other salt formulations. Take Pinosol directly for treatment. With severe nasal congestion, you should consult a doctor. Most vasoconstrictor formulations are contraindicated for use during this period. However, sometimes doctors can prescribe the minimum dosage of such drugs.

chills dizziness


You now know why chills can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy. Remember that antibacterial drugs are strictly prohibited during this period. It is also worth abandoning heating in the bath, sauna or hot tub. All this can trigger bleeding, which often leads to an abortion. Try not to bear a cold on your feet. Your body is already very weak. Take a short vacation and lie back at home. Remember that now the health and well-being of your future baby depends on you. Be responsible!

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