In the famous Tibetan monasteries there is a special place where there is a large vessel in which the hawthorn extract is stored . Every visitor to the monastery is sure to drink this infusion. The same order in the house of every Tibetan. As a result, Tibetans have virtually no diseases such as strokes and heart attacks. Thus, the hawthorn, whose useful properties have been proven by the centuries-old experience of these wise Asians, will be useful to our compatriots.
The content of nutrients in hawthorn
For the treatment of hawthorn, the fruits, leaves, flowers of this plant are suitable. For example, the content of beneficial organic acids, such as citric, malic, ascorbic, categus, tartar, promotes heart nutrition. Also present in the composition are tannins and sugars, phytosterols, carotene. These substances are endowed with the fruits of hawthorn, the useful properties of which are very extensive, but still slightly inferior in the concentration of medicinal qualities to the flowers of the plant.
At the same time, flowers of hawthorn are notable for the content of flavonoids, saponins, essential oils, hyperoside, acids (coffee, chlorogenic, categus) in them.
Hawthorn - useful properties
Now a little about what is useful hawthorn for various ailments.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, namely with hypertension, to improve the functioning of the heart will help infusions of flowers or fruits of hawthorn. They can also eliminate tachycardia, arrhythmia and heart failure, lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle. After all, the substances that make up hawthorn contribute to increased blood flow and improved heart rate. So, folk remedies based on hawthorn can be used for a long time.
- Various neuroses, stressful conditions. In this case, the use of preparations based on hawthorn will calm the nervous system. Hawthorn, whose beneficial properties are due to its rich composition, can be independently harvested, dried or made from freshly picked flowers and fruits. In case of neurosis, it is recommended to use infusions from an approximate calculation: the contents of an ordinary glass, divided by three times a day.
- Elevated cholesterol can also be normalized with drugs, hawthorn infusions.
Hawthorn tincture
The special value of hawthorn is that it can be taken for a long period without consulting a doctor. This means that drugs based on it are safe. The main thing is to pay attention to the general condition and your own well-being. It is possible that your body will not accept it as favorably as, for example, the body of a neighbor. It is also important to be able to make infusions, teas from it. Therefore, below are a few recipes.
Recipe. Infusion of hawthorn fruit
1 tablespoon of dried fruit (pre-chopped) pour 200 ml. boiling water and, wrapping it, we insist 60-65 minutes in a warm place, closing the lid. Subsequently, you need to strain the liquid and take half a cup 2 times a day, before lunch and dinner. At the same time, you can take a break of 5 days, and then resume taking.
Recipe. Infusion of hawthorn flowers
Rub the dried flowers of hawthorn and 2 tables. spoons pour 300 ml. boiling water. Drink should be 100 ml. in three doses throughout the day.
You can collect the fruits and flowers of hawthorn on your own, then dry in a ventilated place and pack in plastic bags. Moreover, some people add it to food, for example, leaves can be added to salads, and berries to tea. The range of applications in cooking is quite extensive: in Siberia, jam is made from hawthorn, it is added to compotes. Moreover, hawthorn extract is used in cosmetology.
Thus, hawthorn, whose beneficial properties have been proven by the experience of many thousands of Tibetan monks, druids, as well as scientific research, will benefit everyone.