The activity, success and effectiveness of human activity is determined by the energy that is sent to them in the outside world. It is directly related to the daily mood of the individual, his thoughts about surrounding people and current events. Everyone should know how to be in a good mood always.
About the importance of positive
Being in a good mood, we radiate positive energy, it also comes back to us with successful transactions, new useful contacts, fullness of existence.
It is wrong to consider that such a condition is a consequence of positive events or an easy life. As a rule, this is the result of serious work on oneself and one's perception of the surrounding reality.
How often can one hear and read sayings that human happiness should not depend on external factors, and thought is a material substance that programs the present and future of its owner. However, a complete understanding of the essence of this information comes only with experience.
About depression and the dangers of negativity
According to statistics, about 120-150 million people are depressed annually. This is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world.
The essence of the problem is that only a small number of “carriers” of this ailment have good reasons for it, such as heredity, loss of a loved one, illness. For most, the root cause is instability to stress factors, which determines for some period of time a condition known in everyday life as “without mood”.
Systematic dissatisfaction with life destabilizes the personality and its perception of the surrounding reality, attracts negative, leads to the development of depression. In this chain of events, it is important to overestimate the values ​​in time and protect your life fire from extinction.
Ways to keep yourself “in positive”
Some global minds claim that depression survivors are characterized by an increase in overall stress tolerance, cheerfulness, and realism. It is easy to explain: having felt the influence of one's own mental instability on health and the results of activity, a person develops protection mechanisms against changing factors of reality.
The list of ways to be in a good mood always:
- Physical activity.
- Balanced diet.
- The acceptance of one's health as the highest value.
- Regular and proper rest.
- Consent with yourself.
- Great look.
By working on yourself, you can achieve significant success.
Active lifestyle
Scientifically proven that sports and sex have a positive effect on health. Exercising strengthens muscles and joints, increases stamina, improves appearance. At the same time, adrenaline and endorphin are produced during exercise. Adrenaline in the right amount energizes, endorphin - improves mood, causes satisfaction. At the end of any workout, there is a significant increase in the overall tone of the body, a change in worldview, a change in mood in a positive direction.
Sex is also a powerful mechanism for triggering the most important hormones: the same endorphin, oxytocin and dopamine. Endorphin enhances satisfaction and a sense of joy. Oxytocin stimulates pleasure, tranquility, tenderness, devotion, maternal instinct in women. Dopamine enhances mood, complacency, determination.
Regular high-quality sex has a positive effect on the health of the reproductive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, energizes and increases the level of “happiness”.
Balanced diet
Staying in stress, “without mood”, and a decrease in vital activity lead to an increase in the amount of food consumed and a simultaneous decrease in its quality. At the same time, there is a feedback: the systematic uncontrolled use of high-calorie and unhealthy foods develops apathy, laziness, and internal negativity.
Proper, proper and regular nutrition has a different effect: replenishes the energy, vitamin and mineral reserves of the body, improves the condition of organs and systems, stabilizes the production of the necessary amount of hormones, including the hormone of joy - serotonin. This is facilitated by eating marine fish, cheeses, yogurts, nuts, cereals, fruits and dried fruits, and chocolate. It is important to know the measure in everything and enjoy the food.
I am the highest value
We must love ourselves. Only in this way can a person accept his health and his life as the greatest value. Having solved this problem, he is faced with a new one. Its essence is to know how to protect yourself from the endless bombardment of negativity from the outside, how to always be in a good mood. The psychology is quite simple. There are several ways.
- "The protective screen." Here you need to imagine yourself inside a transparent sphere, smiling and happy. All the unfriendly energy fights off its walls and cannot penetrate inside.
- Analysis and closing of the issue. It is necessary to fully understand the negative situation that may unsettle : allocate time at the end of the working day alone with yourself, analyze, answer the questions:
- What was I wrong about?
- What exactly upset me?
- How could you do otherwise?
- What needs to be done so that the situation does not recur?
Upon completion of the introspection, it is important to no longer return to the starting point, leave the problem “overboard” and live on in pleasure further.
Life is given only once, and we have no right to spend it on a bad mood, anger, resentment. Every minute should be lived in pleasure, with the maximum use of all its resources and full awareness of how to be in a good mood always.
Proper rest
Excessive fatigue is a significant stress for the body. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to relax. Rest should not be a waste of free time. It must be carried out with benefit and maximum utilization.
Possible pastimes: a company of close friends or just interesting people, films for a positive mood, music for mood, reading, creativity, fishing, solitude in the lap of nature, beauty treatments or an elementary relaxing bath.
It is good to combine individual options for such exercises with meditation. For example, yoga classes and music for mood.
Also, one must not forget about the beauty of nature. How often in urban turmoil people have no time to raise their heads and appreciate at least the beauty of the sky. Meanwhile, the pleasure of contemplating the natural beauty of the world stimulates the improvement of vitality.
It is important to find time exclusively for yourself, even if its quantity is small. One hour, spent for pleasure, awakens new reserves of energy, opens horizons, clears thoughts, arouses interest in dating, communication, new activities, self-development. And in all of the above, there is a stock of good mood for our loved ones. And this is not egoism at all, but healthy methods of keeping your sensual soul in good shape.
Lying is bad. Even worse, when a person deceives himself. There are many such situations: living with unloved people under one roof, unnecessary work, achieving someone else's goal. If doubt creeps in the soul, it is necessary to analyze yourself and your world.
- Define your own life goal.
- Correlate the functions performed and the type of activity in terms of consistency with it.
- Decide whether people with whom relations are being built are really loved.
Answering the questions posed, you need to be extremely honest. After all, the lack of agreement of the implemented actions with desires is a serious reason for the destabilization of the internal state. You can’t be afraid of changes if they happen for your own good, you need to be afraid of imaginary stability that destroys the personality.
Perfect beauty
They say she saves the world. Of course. Saves from themselves: groomed, untidy, unfashionable.
You need to look good not for members of the opposite sex, not for bosses or competitors. It is always necessary to be beautiful and stylish, regardless of the events taking place in life and the people present in it. When we like ourselves - all the same hormone of joy is produced that affects mood. To do this, you need to follow the figure, exercise, eat right. It is necessary to live days fully and positively. From all follows the close connection of an excellent psychological state with a beautiful appearance. Love yourself!
The human body is a vessel for his soul. What it is filled with is then whipped out through relationships with others and health. In order to be happy and successful, it is important to know how to always be in a good mood, work on yourself and always strive for positive.