The Holy Book of Buddhism - A Display of the Religion of India

Buddhism is the first world and leading religion of most of the regions of India, but today it also extends to the territories of many other states. The origin of Buddhism is associated with the name of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha.

Gautama was the son of a raja, who hoped that his son would continue his activities and also become a famous ruler of India. Buddha at a very young age already had his own family, but remained dissatisfied with his life. As many scriptures testify, the father tried to protect Gautama from the outside world, but soon the Buddha himself learned about the many sufferings of the common people. From that moment, the young man leaves his relatives and goes in search of a solution to the problem of all suffering people.

For many years, he sought the truth in Judaism, studying all the disciplines of yoga. For some time the Buddha lived in a depth of asceticism, which brought himself to physical exhaustion and barely survived. Soon he came to the truth, which stated that the cause of all human suffering is the irresistible desire that guides man. According to Buddha, all people have certain goals in life, to which they aspire and do not neglect anything, just to achieve what they want.

Having learned this truth, Gautama went to the people with the goal of helping many people to get rid of suffering by passing on their knowledge. After the death of Buddha, Buddhism in a short time spread to all regions of India.

There is a sacred book of Buddhism - Tipitaka, which is fraught with all the truths. The scripture of Buddhism consists of three parts. The first part contains rules that are intended only for Buddhists of the highest rank, the second is a kind of Buddha’s narrative about the destructiveness of human desires and his guidance on the true path, the third part is canonical Buddhist teachings. According to historians, the main book of Buddhism was not written down by the Buddha himself, but by his students immediately after his death.

The holy book of Buddhism was originally written in Pali, which was considered a transition between Sanskrit and modern Indian languages. Scripture arose on ordinary palm leaves on which Buddha wrote down his truths. These leaves were placed in a basket, where the disciples of Gautama found them. Therefore, the holy book of Buddhism is also known as the "three baskets of wisdom."

In 1871, a cathedral was organized in Myanmar, in which many state monks took part and created the holy book of Tipitaku Buddhists. It took a long time to write the text. After completing such crucial work to create the scriptures, the text was cut out on 729 marble slabs. Each plate, lurking in itself the religion of the Buddhists, was placed in a separate temple. Thus, a miniature amazing town appeared, consisting of scriptures.

The holy book of Buddhism exists in parallel with the Pali law, which includes 550 stories - jatki describing all the deeds of Buddha. The Buddhist cult does not contain complex rituals and is sent only by monks who read canonical Buddhist texts. Lay people in India are not eligible to attend the service. Currently, the holy book of Buddhism Tipitaka translated into many European languages, so it is actively studied by many scholars.

The main book of Buddhists includes a wide variety of texts, which are stories about the life and work of the Buddha, the rules of conduct of Buddhist monks, religious and philosophical treatises, and poetry. Buddhists for their religion use a variety of religious signs, which is characteristic of all other religious movements.

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