Is x-ray dangerous during pregnancy?

Women carefully prepare their body for conception - they quit smoking, eat right, do the necessary tests and studies. But for many expectant mothers, the question arises - can an x-ray during pregnancy harm a baby? And what effect will it have on the course of the entire pregnancy?

How an x-ray during pregnancy can harm a baby depends to a large extent on the size of the dose and the organ the picture is taken. Currently, doctors in their arsenal have modern equipment that allows X-ray studies using low doses of radiation, so it is safe and will not have a negative effect on the fetus, but does not exclude its potential risk. First of all, damage to the central nervous system of the fetus is possible, there is a risk of miscarriage and a further complication of pregnancy. Rays can damage cells or DNA of living matter. Especially dangerous is x-ray in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus consists of a small body. The effect of x-rays on the body is very fast. Therefore, if there is a need to take an x-ray, it is better to do it in the first phase of the cycle or within two weeks from the onset of menstruation β€” that is, when the woman is probably not pregnant. In the second stage, after ovulation, it is better not to do an x-ray.

The mechanism of changes in irradiated tissues is very complex and depends, in particular, on the size of the dose received, the type and conditions of irradiation, as well as the type of body cells. Indeed, various tissues of the human body differ in their sensitivity to x-ray radiation. The most sensitive to it are the genitals, bone marrow, lungs, stomach, colon, lens of the eye.

If an x-ray is taken on the upper part of the woman β€” chest, mouth, neck or arms, the rays are not directed directly at the fetus. However, if necessary, take an x-ray during pregnancy of the abdomen, back, pelvis or kidneys, the radiation has direct contact with the fetus.

A modern X-ray machine generates excellent diagnostic radiation with a low dose of radiation. This is enough to complete most of the necessary tests (for example, dental or chest x-rays), even in early pregnancy. True, for studies that require large doses of radiation (lumbar spine, pelvic x-ray or thigh), the risk of birth defects is higher. It is in such situations that you can use more advanced imaging methods (ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging). Indeed, despite the fact that MRI is one of the radiological diagnostic methods, this study does not use x-rays.

If a woman wonders if she can take an x-ray during a tooth’s pregnancy, she should take into account the possible risks. Of course, exposure in dental radiology is minimal, but it cannot be said that it is equal to zero. The risk of fetal malformations due to x-ray of the tooth is small. When irradiating the facial skull, the patient wears a special protective apron with a thin layer of lead. In addition, this protection applies to the thyroid gland.

It is better to take an x-ray during pregnancy only in necessary cases when all other studies and tests cannot be delayed until the baby is born. X-ray examination of pregnant women should be done in such a way as to ensure maximum protection of the fetus from exposure to radiation. Every expectant mother should discuss with the doctor the need to take an x-ray during pregnancy - change the date of the procedure, generally refuse or change the study to less invasive and safer methods for pregnant women.

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