The best recipes for delicious birthday salads

Birthday is a special holiday, it happens once a year. Therefore, when we convene guests, we want to surprise them not only with delicious dishes, but also with the original presentation. Salads are put on the table right away. Therefore, they should be his decoration. When planning a holiday, you need to remember that the guests will gather different. It is in a narrow family circle that we know that dad does not digest bell pepper, his son loves mushrooms, and his daughter practices vegetarianism. For a large company, you need to think of such salads that will appeal to if not all, then the vast majority of guests. For those who love meat, and for vegetarians (or those who fast), prepare different dishes. With special care, you need to select salad recipes for the child's birthday. After all, they should not only be tasty, but also useful, and even like the children. It is also worth considering the design of dishes. Bright, beautiful or spectacular and original appetizers just want to try. For a buffet table, individual salads should be provided. They can be placed in tartlets, avocado boats or strung on skewers in the form of vegetable skewers. Below you will find an interesting selection of recipes for delicious salads. On their birthday they will come in very handy. We arranged them into groups. Photos that accompany recipes will help you with the design of dishes.

Fish salads. New coat

Sprats, sardines, smoked mackerel - a fertile basis for endless culinary fantasies. For example, fish fillets are mentioned in the list of products in many recipes for delicious salads. For their birthday, you can cook even more original. If we include salmon, salmon or chum salmon in the list of ingredients, plus we decorate the creation with black or red caviar, then guests will mark such a dish first. For fans of the "classics" you can cook a fur coat. But original - we are setting the table for a special holiday! We fillet herring. Soak its flesh in milk. Cut into slices. We rub into large containers coarsely: boiled potatoes (two tubers), beets, a fresh apple, and cut the onion into small pieces. We divide all the ingredients by eye into two equal parts, so that the salad has more layers. Layers are laid in this order: herring, potatoes, apples, beets, onions. At this stage, you need to well coat this layer with mayonnaise. Then we spread in the same order the remaining half of the ingredients.

Delicious Birthday Salad Recipe

"Caesar" for every taste and color

This salad, born in the middle of the twentieth century, has become so popular that it is now included in the menu of most restaurants in Western Europe and the USA. Moreover, there he became the same attribute of a festive feast as our olivier. We offer you some wonderful recipes for an original delicious salad. For your birthday, Caesar can be made in various variations, you just have to choose the right one. An authentic dish consists only of lettuce, garlic, olive oil, specially boiled eggs, lemon juice, parmesan and wheat crackers. But later, culinary experts added various saturating products to the composition of the ingredients: red fish, shrimp, boiled chicken breast and even bacon. Caesar can be served in portioned bowls, having prepared several types of salad at once. Now let's recipe.

Lettuce with a chopped wedge of garlic, grease with olive oil. Tear hands lettuce leaves. Drizzle with lemon juice. Let's beat the eggs. But first we cook them in a special way. To do this, boil water. Turn off the fire and immediately put the eggs in a saucepan. Count out exactly 60 seconds. Take the eggs out of boiling water and let them lie down at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. The yolk as a result of such manipulations will remain moist, and the protein will slightly twitch the fleur. Sprinkle the salad with grated Parmesan and (before serving, so as not to get wet) with crackers. Well, you can also add to this dish sliced ​​oblong slices of chicken boiled breast, salted salmon, smoked salmon or shrimp to choose from.

Interesting and delicious birthday salads

Purely vegetable salads

Surely one of your guests is on a diet and methodically counts the calories absorbed. There are also those who refuse products of animal origin for religious or ethical reasons. Therefore, prepare delicious vegetable salads for your birthday. In winter, they can be made from homemade blanks. And in other seasons, guests will enjoy fresh vegetables with pleasure. Here's a salad recipe called Fun Adventure.

Boil 200-250 grams of cauliflower in salted water. While it is cooking, wash and chop fresh vegetables: two pieces of tomatoes, cucumbers and apples (from the last you need to remove the seed boxes). Divide the cooled cabbage into small inflorescences. Add to vegetables. Drain the canned green peas, measure half a glass. Also add one hundred grams of grapes (raisins or other seedless grapes) to the dish. We do salad dressing like this: in a small jar we mix three tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice. We twist the lid and shake it vigorously with a container. Salt the dish and pour it with dressing before serving.

"Greek" and other vegetable salads

Red tomatoes, green salad and cucumbers, orange or yellow bell pepper, purple onions, black shiny olives, snow-white feta - this mixture looks very festive and elegant. And if you are still thinking about how to put delicious salads on the table for your birthday, include "Elliniki" in your list. He is preparing very quickly. The main distinguishing feature of this salad is coarsely chopped vegetables. Cubes of cottage cheese should have a facet of at least a centimeter. No way to buy a real feta? Then you can get by with cheese, but in this case you need to salt less salad. And for vegetarians, you can make a dish using soy cheese tofu. Greek salad seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

Greek birthday salad

There are other interesting vegetable snacks. Here, for example, the Italian "Caprese". It will take you five minutes to make this salad. Cut tomatoes and mozzarella into slices, arrange them in alternating red and white slices, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and decorate with basil sprigs.

Salad “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” is a real find if a large company gathers at the table. Each will find its own "petal." The dish is a circle divided by chopped dill into sectors. Salad ingredients do not mix. We spread cucumbers, Korean carrots, boiled eggs, hard cheese, bell pepper, crab sticks and canned corn in different petal sectors. The middle of the flower is potato chips.

Delicious Birthday Puff Salads

These snacks look festive and mysterious. Everyone is interested in knowing what is inside the salad. In addition to the classic fur coat, there are many snacks in which the ingredients are layered. And how can one not recall the “Garnet” and “Malachite bracelets”! For both salads, we put in the center of a flat dish a plastic circle of small diameter. Layers of snacks are laid around it. After cooking, we take the circle, and we get a ring.

"Garnet bracelet" is prepared like this. Boil separately 300 g of chicken, three potatoes, large beets. The chicken breast is then still cut into pieces and fried in butter with chopped onions. Ignite 50 g of walnuts, mix them with grated beets. All layers of salad are coated with mayonnaise. The layers are stacked in this order: grated potatoes, chicken, beets with nuts. Decorate the top layer of mayonnaise with pomegranate seeds.

Delicious salads on the birthday table

The Malachite Bracelet is likewise made. This is another delicious chicken salad. At the birthday party, he will be welcome, for he looks amazing. The layers in it alternate in the following sequence: chicken fillet, cut into small pieces of kiwi, eggs, grated carrots, apples, hard cheese. We also coat all layers with mayonnaise. Decorate with kiwi slices.

Baby Birthday Salads

Children, when they come to visit their birthday friend, count on:

  • Interesting games;
  • delicious cake.

Salads are not in the range of interests of kids. Therefore, snacks should be prepared that would, with their appearance, arouse interest among children. For example, "Sunflower". There are many recipes for this puff salad. Some make it with cod liver, eggs, pickles and potatoes, others prefer to cook it from boiled chicken breast, hard cheese and olives. The main highlight is the decoration of the salad. We take a round dish and in its center we lay a puff appetizer in a slide. The rest of the space is filled with potato chips that depict the petals of a sunflower. We cover the salad with pieces of black olives, which are very similar to seeds.

Baby birthday salads

There are many more such recipes for interesting and delicious salads. At the birthday party, children will like them, and they are also beneficial for the body. Girls will not mind tasting the Tulips appetizer. To do this, grate cheese, boiled eggs and crab sticks, season with mayonnaise. Cream tomatoes are cut crosswise. With a knife, select the middle of the tomatoes. We fill the hollow tomatoes with the prepared salad. We lay tulip buds on a plate and stalks - feathers of green onions.

Kids will be delighted with the Watermelon Slice salad. Cut the boiled chicken breast into small pieces and place on a dish in the shape of a crescent. Lubricate with mayonnaise and put on top a layer of mushrooms fried with onions. After spreading with mayonnaise, spread the grated cheese, yolks and proteins. Each layer is made smaller so that the crescent gradually turns into a wedge with a thin center and a thick skin. Once again, pour the sauce. Along the outer edge of the wedges we put grated fresh and pressed cucumbers. And the watermelon pulp will be tomatoes. Pieces of black olives will imitate seeds.

watermelon slice

Meat salads

The first meal change is intended to spur the guests' appetite. But in the Slavic tradition, snacks satisfy the feeling of hunger. After all, while all the guests gather, a lot of time passes. If you are planning to make a delicious meat salad for your birthday, then choose the recipe, focusing on the main dish. For example, if a baked chicken is waiting in the oven, then a chicken breast at the very beginning of the feast will be inappropriate. Planning to serve pork chops? Then exclude bacon from the composition of salads. Meat snacks can also be served warm. To do this, chicken, pieces of beef or pork are laid out to vegetables directly from the pan. Here are some recipes for meat salads.

“Male Tears” is a layered construction made of boiled chicken breast, vinegar rings marinated in vinegar, canned mushrooms, grated eggs, Korean carrots and hard cheese. Each layer, except the top, should be coated with mayonnaise.

male tears

A very simple salad recipe "Beautiful Life". The dish is a mixture of boiled beef, kiwi and onions, seasoned with mayonnaise.

If the birthday falls on the post

Even if you are not too religious and do not live according to the church calendar, think: what will happen if your guest cannot taste a single dish on your holiday table? Meanwhile, there are many recipes for lean tasty salads. For birthday, they can also be served. Here is one of them - "Triumph." The very name of the salad indicates that it is intended for special occasions. Boil one hundred grams of shrimp for three minutes in salted boiling water. We cleanse seafood and roll them in sesame seeds. We clean two oranges not only from the peel, but also from the films that tighten the slices. Cut the pulp coarsely into shrimp. Water the salad of two ingredients with special dressing. You need to mix the juice from the halves of lemon and orange, two teaspoons of soy sauce and add a little honey. Squeeze a clove of garlic into the dressing and beat.

For vegans, make a delicious mushroom salad for your birthday. You can use both fresh and pickled products. In the first case, the mushrooms are peeled and fried with onions until cooked. In many salads, these forest products are cut into small pieces. But here “Mushroom Glade” suggests using small whole mushrooms, with which to decorate the dish. And what's inside the puff salad? It is laid upside down on a cling film. First go champignons with their hats down. Then green onions, boiled potatoes and carrots. These layers are smeared with lean mayonnaise (no eggs). After several hours in the refrigerator, turn the salad over so that the mushrooms seem to grow out of the green onion.

mushroom glade

Cheap, but not “angry” at all

Who said that delicious dishes are prepared only from expensive ingredients? Here are recipes for salads, for the manufacture of which you will not need to open a bank loan. They do not include delicacies at all, but products that can be found in any stall. Nevertheless, the highlight of your table can be cheap and tasty salads. For your birthday, for example, roll with smoked cheese and garlic. In addition to these two main ingredients, you will need two beets, 4 potatoes, 4 pickles, 2 eggs, onions, mayonnaise and fresh herbs. First, three shavings smoked sausage cheese (350 grams). Mix it with mayonnaise and 3-4 cloves of finely chopped garlic. We lay out the mass on a plastic wrap. We roll up the sausage and send it to the refrigerator. Boil potatoes and beets in “uniforms”. Cool, peel and three on a new layer of cling film - first beets, then potatoes. Finely chop the onion, stack on top. Finally, cover everything with small cubes of pickles. We take the cheese sausage out of the refrigerator and, having removed the film, place it on the edge of the puff salad. We roll the roll out of it. We put in the refrigerator for two hours. Before serving, remove the film and sprinkle the top of the product with grated hard-boiled eggs.

Recipes for other budget salads

Juicy crab sticks and a fresh spring smelling of cucumber - what could be better? There are many salads from the combination of these two ingredients. There are rice and radish, and with cottage cheese. Here is a recipe for a delicious birthday salad that will not breach your family budget - with corn. It should be said that the success of the dish is 90 percent dependent on the quality of the crab sticks. When choosing this product, make sure that it is made from white fish meat surimi, and not from starch. For a salad, we need a 200 gram pack. We clean the sticks of cellophane and finely chop. Fold in a salad bowl. Add the crushed three hard-boiled eggs in the same way. Now cut into small cubes three fresh cucumbers. The recipe recommends that you first peel them. Next, we strain out the liquid from a can of canned sweet corn, measure out 125 grams of grains. Four feathers of my green onion, cut into ringlets. Salt, dress the salad with mayonnaise.

with crab sticks

If we already touched on the topic of dishes with crab sticks, then here's another recipe for you. A delicious birthday salad is made from rice. Boil steamed grains. Mix 50 g of porridge, 200 g of crab sticks, a jar of corn, two fresh cucumbers and three eggs. We season the dish not only with mayonnaise, but also with lemon juice.

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