From time immemorial , various amulets for health, home safety, good luck in business have been distributed among the Slavs. Every self-respecting person considered it his duty to hang themselves, their relatives and their home with bags of various grass or protective ornaments. And what is really surprising - these amulets helped. Scientists have not found an explanation for this phenomenon, but all the healers say that nature itself protects its children. If we talk about what are the most powerful Slavic amulets, the Cres should be called one of the first. Why? What is his strength? This is what will be discussed in the article.
Preserved amulet: the meaning of the Slavic sign
All healers talk about the tremendous power of this amulet. What kind does he have? Slavic cres - a symbol that is presented in the form of an eight-pointed cross. Each of the rays has a specific meaning. What else is different from the Slavic crest? The correct image of the archer - this is what helps to distinguish a real amulet from a fake. It is always placed exactly in the center, in a square frame.
The amulet has always been considered a protector against various negative emotions directed towards its carrier. Thanks to him, man becomes visible to the gods, and they consider it their duty to protect him from evil and adversity.
If you translate the word "Cres" from the ancient Greek language, it means "fire." To everything else, this is not just fire, but a real divine flame. Slavic amulet of kres - a fire chain that protects its owner from the effects of enemies. This is a very strong sign, if you learn to use it correctly.
Slavic cres, the significance of which we are considering, is represented in the form of eight rays that connect the eight main energies of life. And if any of them has darkened, then it is necessary to understand in which area of ​​the person the danger awaits, and if possible to prevent trouble.
Features of proper charging Slavic cross
As you know, without the proper recharging, any amulet, including the Slavic crem, will work only a quarter of the force. Therefore, it is very important to properly and timely feed it. How to charge the Slavic cress? For this, the time of the waning moon or the new moon is quite suitable, but it is preferable to do this during the period of the growing moon.
To recharge, you must turn to all the elements and the ether. Ether is the finest fifth element, a transparent and radiant layer of air that the gods breathe.
How to charge a chair (amulet)? Slavic culture gives many tips for this procedure. It is recommended to do this in places not touched by human hands, or in places of true strength. Greatly loved in childhood glades or sites that are somehow related to the genus of the person performing the ritual are wonderful. It would be nice if the chosen place was near a river or lake, then it would be possible to build a fire. It is advisable to conduct the ceremony barefoot, but if it is winter, then the use of shoes is allowed.
The recharging of the Slavic cross begins with the singing of hymns, and after that a handful of native land pours out onto the amulet. Then it must be washed in running water and dried thoroughly over a previously bred bonfire.
If the owner of the amulet does not have the opportunity to charge it in nature, then there is a variant of the ceremony at home. To do this, you need to choose the brightest and warmest room in the whole house or apartment. This room needs to be decorated with various colors and other decorative elements.
Most healers say that you can’t charge the amulet several times in the same room. But this is not so. A repeated ceremony is permissible if at least a day has passed from the moment of the previous session.
Before the start of the action, you need to take a bath and change into light and clean clothes, and in order to give a talisman more power, you can conduct a ritual naked. In order to enlist the support of such an element as fire, it is necessary to light several candles, it is desirable that they be made of natural wax. To enhance the energy coming from you, it is recommended to turn on light and unobtrusive music.
It is worth noting that if the person conducting the ritual does not believe in a positive outcome of the event, then charging the amulet will not be successful.
Cres made from gold
Gold is a metal that will always be popular among people, whether it be the ancient Slavs or our contemporaries.
To date, it is used mainly to create various jewelry, and among the ancient Slavs it was also metal, driving away evil spirits.
But the Slavic armor of gold is a very rare phenomenon. Everything is explained in a simple way: not every person of that time could afford such a pleasure, so most poor families preferred the tree. But, unlike wooden, copper or even silver, a gold amulet required not so frequent recharging, it was difficult to spoil it, and, of course, it was more beautiful.
Today, many such products are sold throughout Russia. But the fastest way to get Slavic crest is to buy in Rostov. There are a lot of souvenirs, talismans, amulets and other gizmos of this kind. Quite a few modern healers come here to purchase dozens of them for themselves. Not only that, in Rostov really high-quality gold amulets are made, but also their cost is much less than in other cities of the country.
Slavic charms: armchairs. Use for clairvoyance
The use of the Slavic cross for clairvoyance is possible only in the evening, before bedtime. It is necessary to warm the product over any incense or warm it with the help of a special herbal candle “Peacemaker”. After that, you need to say out loud the question you are interested in several times. After performing the previous actions, the armchairs must be turned with a pattern and they will touch the middle of the forehead. The obligatory moment is that when you touch you should feel warm, but not burning. Next, you need to wrap the creams with a scarf or scarf to your head and go to bed. In the morning, a person is guaranteed to wake up with an answer to the question, and sometimes with a further plan for solving an exciting problem.
The meaning of the rays of the Slavic cross, which symbolize the Sort and Lada
These rays symbolize the Creators themselves. The creators of all mankind are Rod and Lada. They gave us everything that we now have, heavenly expanses, earth, plants and the rest.
On the ray "Rod" depicts a man and a woman who perform one action, support the axis of the Universe. They are on a par, no one is weaker or stronger. On their heads are crowns. Women's has more smooth corners and is decorated with a lot of flowers. Men's, in turn, has sharper corners, and there are no decorations. This situation is explained by the fact that a woman is supposed to be softer, more tender, smooth out acute situations, but at the same time she should think more often and more actively. A man can think much less, but in difficult situations he must respond instantly. Also on this ray behind the backs of people is one rune. The rune behind the woman’s back is translated as “Double Coast”. Accordingly, a woman should protect her family from internal hostility and misunderstanding, fight fiercely for comfort in her home, while she must give birth to children and always be desired for her spouse. The rune behind the man’s back symbolizes the sun and the sown field. Accordingly, he must provide for his wife and sow the female bosom, while the spouse must have fun.
On the ray "Lada" there is an image of the guardians of the present. Near their feet is a symbol of the circulation of time, the change of pore of the year. The guardians also protect the tree, but it is devoid of a trunk, and instead has three moons. This tree symbolizes the fact that a person has the right to live, save money, and then rest at the expense of the accumulated. In addition, it shows that a person is free in his choice, he has the right to move forward, the main thing is that this movement is directed upward.
Veles is an example of our life. At the top of the beam is a bee. The fact that her wings are in motion symbolizes a hardworking person who will eventually achieve his goal. The rest of the beam is presented in the form of a florid pattern, which previously had the name "coil". This symbol is a sign that for development a person does not need other people or praise, he is able to draw energy from himself for further development. At the very top of this pattern is a small rune called Bera-Bereginya. It shows a person's constant desire for the best. But in order to develop and achieve your goal, you need to work.
This ray is a symbol of love and happiness. It depicts the angels that hold the tree. These angels have no right to interfere in human life, but they are always on guard of his well-being.
Lely's ray shows that in order for a person to become a "temple", he must feel three things in his life - love, happiness, and mature wisdom.
Angels have their own tasks. One of them is responsible for the bad deeds of a person, and if these are present, then he turns the soul of the “ward” into a cocoon. And the other angel monitors good deeds, and if they are met, then he turns the soul into a beautiful flower.
On this beam there is an image of a candle, on top of which is a rooster. The rooster is a symbol of dawn, thanks to which we clearly see various things. If a person soberly considers various situations, then he attracts bright and kind people, but if he looks at the situation through a veil, the rooster will peck him in the head until he begins to correct his mistakes.
This ray has several runes. On the left side is a sign of the wise protection of the gods. The inverted ax is depicted in the lower part - it symbolizes the security forces. On the right side are two runes that, intertwined, resemble a cup filled with light. The light on the ray is presented in the form of lightning - this means that you must always remember that the thought that arose in your head was sent by the gods.
At the very top of the beam, slightly lowered wings are depicted. They mean that only calmly and purposefully can one reach the top.
The value of the ray "Perun"
The king’s rod is represented on this ray. He is not only an instrument of government, but an instrument of wisdom. A little higher than the handle of the rod is the image of the ram’s head with horns. This head is a symbol of great obstinacy, unwillingness to reckon with other people. Above it is a heart. It symbolizes the fact that it is necessary to go through life, focusing on the desires of the heart, to do what it tells you. The moons emerge from the depicted heart to the right and left, and in the middle between them is the symbol of the Yari.
This sign has several interpretations, namely love and rage. The Slavs believed that this sign symbolizes bright love, frantic passion and crazy rage if someone is trying to destroy this feeling.
At the top of the beam is an image of two wings folded in flight, and between them is a loose tail. It means that sometimes you need to be cruel and ambitious, because if you yourself do not take care of yourself, then no one will.
The value of the ray "Makosh"
On this beam two guardians are depicted, which are based on a pedestal. One of the legs of each keeper is on the ground, and the second foot they pedal time. These custodians fully control the affairs of mortals and, depending on their behavior, render their due.
There are many different signs on the Makosh ray, but all of them lead to the fact that a person must use all his strength and energy, go through all possible obstacles in order to gain a foothold in this world.
The value of the ray "Mara"
Mara is the goddess of wisdom. On the beam is an image of the testis, as a symbol of the fact that any seed always sprouts, be it the seed of good or evil. This seed is bright, as an indicator that you need to carefully monitor all your emotions and actions, so that it stays that color. Also, the plant symbolizes the need for the accumulation of wisdom. Throughout life, it is necessary to learn the mind, and besides this, it is important to remember that a wise person will never say that he knows everything.
There are also wings on this ray, but they are completely spread - this means that you can not “hang” for a long time in one place, you need to move forward.
The oblique rays of the cross resemble shields in shape. In the old days, precious stones were inserted in them - they caught the grace of strength and brought happiness and good luck to the owner of the amulet.
How to charge water with safe air ions using a Slavic cross?
It is necessary to fill some capacity, then the Slavic armchair descends into the water with spiral movements, while the Prophetic Word conspiracy is read. When the spiral movements reach the middle of the tank, it is necessary to raise and lower the amulet thirty-three times. During these actions, you need to fully concentrate on the desire for this water to further bring health and well-being to you and your family.
This rite ends. And it is recommended that all family members drink at least a liter of water a day with safe air ions, and it is best to start in the morning, before eating.
A positive point will be the external use of water, namely, morning washing with it.
What else is interesting Slavic crest? After analyzing the symbols presented on it, we can conclude that all human aspirations are depicted on this amulet. One seeks to create a happy family, the other wants to earn as much money as possible, and the third generally wants to lie and receive some blessings from heaven.
And how to wear this sign? It all depends on the wishes and preferences of the owner. A ray with the deity that most of all symbolizes your aspirations and goals must necessarily be on top, towards the sky.
Regarding protection, everything here is also very simple. The amulet itself is able to dissipate the bad energy directed at its owner. But there are exceptions, for example, if sincere hatred is directed at the owner, then the armchair itself is not able to dispel all negative. So, if you feel (and most often people feel it) an attack directed in your direction from the outside world, take the Slavic armor in your own hands, rub it a little and hold it to your chest - this will increase the strength of the amulet and help repel the negative.
It is worth noting that the amulet is a wonderful link with the Higher Forces. Always remember that your life is being watched and will never be left in trouble, the main thing is to keep your soul clean.