Footboards for bicycles: whether it is worth buying them?

Nowadays, more and more people are buying a bicycle. On the one hand, riding on it brings great benefits to the body, and on the other, it is a convenient means of transportation that is not afraid of traffic jams or traffic jams. The acquisition of accessories for this type of transport, as a rule, is postponed for later, and in vain. If you can still argue about the usefulness of the bike computer, then installing a footrest for a bicycle is what you need to think about first.

footboards for bicycles

Charms and weaknesses

Let's start with a review of the benefits. Running boards for bicycles are very useful when a person uses his iron horse for daily trips around the city. This may be the delivery of mail, moving from home to work and back, making everyday purchases. The purchase of a footrest for bicycles will forever eliminate the need to find a tree or pillar to which to lean them. With its help, you can put the bike anywhere, thereby freeing your hands. However, for security, it is better to fasten it with a chain with a lock to a post or grate, if you need to go to a store or other room for a long time. If there are bicycle parkings near the end points of daily routes, then, in principle, you can do without a footrest for bicycles. It is also not needed if you like to ride through forests, gardens or fields where trees are often found, or go in for professional sports. For the development of high speed, the weight of the bike plays a huge role, and therefore in this case the footboard will be superfluous. In all other cases, this accessory will do a good job, especially if the trunk is often used on your iron horse.

cube footrest cube

How to install a footrest on a bicycle

The installation of this simple object largely depends on its type. Usually this process is described in detail in the instructions that are always attached to this accessory, whether it be a Cube bicycle footrest or some cheap Chinese option. The most important thing in this business is the choice of a model suitable for your transport. And so it’s better to buy a bandwagon, having come for it to the store on your bike. Well, if this is not possible, it is better to agree on a possible return or replacement of the acquisition. All bicycle steps can be divided into three main types:

  1. The usual one-legged, which leans to the side. This is the easiest and most affordable option.
  2. A two-legged footboard similar to those mounted on motorcycles. This type provides greater stability.
  3. A long footboard that ties the frame to the ground. It is best suited for those who often carry heavy loads in the trunk or use bicycle trousers.

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Separate installation is not required for the footboard. Some two-legged models also do not require installation and are installed only if necessary. Therefore, you have to carry them with you in a bag or backpack. On the one hand, this may seem somewhat inconvenient, and on the other hand, the large weight of the load and the stability of the footboard justify this process. Summing up all the above, we note that ultimately the need for this accessory is determined by the way you use the bike. For some, the bandwagon may turn out to be another fashionable feature, while for someone it will make travel easier and create additional comfort. So the final choice is yours!

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